Ginger milk curd, also known as ginger-juice milk curd, ginger milk pudding or simply ginger milk, is a Chinese hot dessert originated in Shawan town of Panyu District, Guangzhou in the Guangdong Province in southern China. The main ingredients are ginger, milk, and sugar. Water buffalo milk is used in the original recipe.
First, squeeze the juice from a piece of ginger, then filter the juice finely and put into a bowl. Next, dissolve sugar in milk, then heat until it simmers. Take off heat immediately and allow it to cool a little. Finally, pour the mixture quickly into the bowl of ginger juice and wait for two to three minutes. The milk will then solidify, and may be eaten with a spoon.
Ginger contains protease. When milk is added to ginger juice, protease catalyses denaturation of the protein in the milk, changing it from a water-soluble form to a water-insoluble form, and leads to the formation of milk curd.