United Nations Programme on Space Applications

Space technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. Nevertheless, a number of countries still lack the human, technical and financial resources required to conduct even the most basic space-related activities, such as meteorology, communications and natural-resource management. The need to make the benefits of space technology available to all countries has thus grown more urgent with each passing year.

The Programme on Space Applications (PSA), since its creation in 1971, has made substantial progress in furthering knowledge and experience of space applications around the world. Provision of country capacity-building, education, research and development support and technical advisory services by the Programme have all helped to reduce the gap between the industrialized and developing countries. Much more, however, remains to be accomplished.

The support of Member States and their participation in the Programme on Space Applications are vital. It is only through the commitment of all nations that the Programme can achieve its primary objective of putting space technology to work for sustainable economic and social development, not just in individual countries but on a global basis.

Learn more about the Programme

Map of the regional centres

Six Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education, affiliated to the United Nations, have been established.

Regional Centres

Mission of the Programme

To enhance the understanding and subsequent use of space technology for peaceful purposes in general, and for national development, in particular, in response to expressed needs in different geographic regions of the world.

Mandate of the Programme

History of the Programme

Expert on Space Applications



Schedule of Activities of the Programme

Index of Online Reports of the Activities of the Programme

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