Node.js Tutorials: From Zero to Hero with Nodejs
Node JS Tutorial:
From Zero to Hero with Nodejs / Node Js Tutorials for
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Amazon clone: Nodejs + MongoDB +
Stripe Payment ☞
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NEW] Node js Tutorial with
Visual Studio Code
Learn Nodejs by building 10 projects:
Understanding the
Weird Parts
I'm a
Geek Programmer:
Node.js in
Action 2015
MEAN Stack 2015
Developers, have you ever wanted to play with Node.js? Are you curious about how to incorporate two-way communication into applications?
Watch popular experts
Stacey Mulcahy and
Rami Sayar, and see how to do just that with Node.js, one of the easiest and fastest ways to develop real-time apps on the web today, along with
Visual Studio,
Azure, and free open source technology. To introduce you to these topics, Stacey and Rami walk you through the creation of a chatroom application.
In this course, the fourth in our Web Wednesdays series, see step-by-step demos and get practical tips and detailed explanations. By the end of the day, you know how to set up Node.js on your
Windows machine, develop a web front end with
Express, deploy an Express app to Azure, use
Socket.IO to add a real-time layer, and bring it all together.
Introduction to Node.js
Explore what Node.js is, its benefits, who is using it, and how to get started.
Check out a demo on writing your first Node.js app and one of a basic
HTTP server.
Begin building a basic chat application using Node.js
2. Introduction to Express
Express is one of the most popular web frameworks used with Node.js. Get the basics, and watch how to create a basic
REST API using Node.js with Express.
Building a
Back End
Start to build out the back end for our chat application using MongoDB as the database. Learn about the basics of real-time communication with Socket.IO and saving data with MongoDB.
4. Creating the UI
Work with
Jade templates, alongside Bootstrap, to create a basic user
interface for the chat application.
5.Connecting the UI to the Back End
Start to bring everything together, as you watch how to connect the user interface to the back end services
Debug and Deploy Node.js on Azure
Find out how to debug a node application on Azure from Visual Studio, and look into deploying.
Compiled from source:
JavaScript with ReactJS and Nodejs
JavaScript and Node.js Fundamentals
Zero to Hero with jQuery
Zero to Hero with AngularJS at 2015
ES6 and ES7 the future of Javascript
Zero to Hero with
SQL Server 2014