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Communication antennas sabotaged in solidarity with prisoners (Basque Country)

from Irakunditxs via Contra Madriz

translated by Earth First! Journal

Every tool in the toolbox! Capitalist society is held up by two fundamental pillars: repression and social control. This time we have wanted to hit a part of the system of social control via communication antennas. Between Saturday night and Sunday morning (April 2-3), led by the stars, we approached two antennas in the road between Iruña and Irurtzun (Nafarroa) and with the help of pliers we opened a breach inside wire mesh that surrounds the antennas. With wooden-handled mallets we destroyed the electricity meters inside both antennae and we broke the two AC units inside each, as well. With axes we cut the cables to the antennas’ electrical device as well as wires to the distribution substation that power the antennas.

This time we demand and make this action public in part to launch an irrintzi solidarity campaign with our imprisoned compañeros who are on hunger strike in the murderous and torturous state jails: José Adrián Poblete Darre, Xavier Corporales Barruecos, and Antonio Chavero Mejías. We do this for you.

In solidarity with the compañerxs Monica and Francisco who have recently been charged in the first degree to 12 years (a sentence is but an opinion). Strength and courage.

[This was done] in protest of the violations which are penetrating the Earth and nature, such as the TAV and the other infrastructures which serve only for the interests of the same people as always. Ama lurra defenda dezagun! [Euskara language.]

PS. It’s a shame that the fire we had hoped to gift in the end did not happen…. Do not fret, as we will take care of that next time. estatuari gerra, gerra beti!
[Euskara language.]

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This entry was posted on Monday, April 18th, 2016 at 8:15 pm and is filed under Direct Action.