

Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.



Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

The Psychopath in Our Every Word

Lara S. Williams on the psychological traits shared by psychopaths and writers.

City of the Future: Getroit

Rafael S. W. imagines a future where cities are bailed out by global corporations. Hmm, it seems like you’re using an older version of your city. Would you like...

The Latest from The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge:

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole

Wit-Bix Psychological Analysis

Excerpt from The Bedroom Philosopher Diaries — the new book from Justin Heazlewood. It’s a casual, slightly dead-shit Wednesday in Melbourne. I’m onstage, doing my bit about ‘Australia the...

'Warren' by Trisha Cull

Once a month we're swapping articles and interviews with Canadian magazine PRISM International to share our writers with a wider audience.

Why Do You Write Poetry? - alicia sometimes

Once a month, on behalf of The Blue Corner, I sidle up to a poet, much like The Salesman sidles up to Ernie, and whisper the question, “Why do...

Locked in Limbo: What Paid Parental Leave Means for Freelancers

In February this year, I had my second child. Having a baby is a wonderful time in a writer’s life – if you’re like me, you swear black and...