Independent Diplomat : Security Council must stand up to Morocco’s bullying to end Western Sahara conflict

Photo credit: UN Photo.Evan Schneider

Photo credit: UN Photo.Evan Schneider

Nick Scott, External Relations Officer at Independent Diplomat
Huffington Post,
31 March 2016

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s first ever trip to Western Sahara has sparked a furious reaction from the Moroccan government.

Nick Scott’s hard-hitting article explores why the Security Council has failed to seriously grapple with the conflict over the past quarter century and points out that the Moroccan reaction to challenges over Western Sahara is always aggressive, both publicly and behind the scenes. Morocco often gets its way simply because it’s willing to raise the stakes when others are inclined to back down in order to reduce tensions…(cont.)

Read Nick Scott’s article >>

FPIF: Ban’s Misstep in Western Sahara

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

Foreign Policy In Focus, March 28, 2016

Anna Theofilopoulou writes
“The peace process has just suffered the latest of many setbacks. This time, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon undertook an ill-advised visit to North Africa, which did not include Morocco, the key player in the conflict. Instead of energizing the stalled talks over Western Sahara as he intended, the secretary-general’s visit likely put them in a deep freeze until his successor takes office….(cont.

FPIF article >>

UN official: Western Sahara mission threatened with closure

Edith Lederer, US Federal News Radio,  March 23, 2016 7:57 pm

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — A U.N. official warned Wednesday that the U.N. peacekeeping mission in the disputed Western Sahara will have to shut down unless Morocco reverses its unprecedented expulsion order.
The official, who is familiar with the latest controversy over Western Sahara, said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wants the Security Council to take action to protect the U.N. peacekeeping mission known as MINURSO….(cont.)


UN Press Briefing: Western Sahara

Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, 23 March 2016

“Western Sahara:  First off:  an update on Western Sahara.

We have sent a note verbale to Morocco’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, in reply to the note verbale sent by the Government of Morocco on 16 March.
The note makes clear that we are deeply concerned that the recent actions taken by the Government of Morocco are contrary to Morocco’s legal obligations as agreed under the Status of Mission Agreement for the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).  That agreement includes a legal obligation for Morocco to ensure ….(cont.) ”


Security Council response needed in Western Sahara crisis: U.N. official

By Louis Charbonneau, Reuters, Canada

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The United Nations Security Council must act to ensure Morocco’s decision to expel personnel from a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the disputed territory of Western Sahara does not set a bad precedent for other missions, a U.N. official said on Wednesday.
The controversy over U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s use of the word “occupation” ….(cont.)


UN calls bodies to boycott Crans Montana Forum in occupied Dakhla

7c8bcd9c2431012f9c48a2157a16ebf7_XLAlgeria Press Service, 14 February 2016

NEW YORK-The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Saturday called on all officials and UN bodies not to participate in the Crans Montana Forum, scheduled for March in the occupied city of Dakhla, Western Sahara.
The Saharawi President and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, recently sent a letter to Ban Ki-moon, deplored the decision of the board of the Crans Montana Forum to hold its next edition in the occupied city of Dakhla. (cont.)


Louise Gronkjaer reports on a bizarre conference staged by the king of Morocco as a PR exercise

 Welcome to Dakhla – the pearl of the southern region of Morocco Philippe Maton/Flickr

Welcome to Dakhla – the pearl of the southern region of Morocco
Philippe Maton/Flickr

April 2015 – On Business Class to an Occupied City in the Desert

Louise Gronkjaer writes “A brand new conference hall in the middle of the desert. Hundreds of security guards to patrol every sand dune. And absolutely no good reasons to justify that the Moroccan king has spent thousands to fly me in. So why am I in Dakhla? …(cont.)”

Report on Dakhla conference >>

Western Sahara republic declares its exact Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

sadr_eez_610WSRW, Western Sahara Resource Watch, 6 March 2016

Upon the visit of the UN Secretary-General to the Saharawi refugee camps yesterday, the SADR Government deposited with Ban Ki-Moon – as the depositary of the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea – the coordinates and charts of its exact EEZ claims.
“The coordinates and charts showing the EEZ outer limits will now be communicated to all UN member states trough their Permanent Missions in New York”, stated Frente Polisario in a press release.

WSRW report >>