- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 278
- author: onderscore
Spellmaster of Intertan Tandy Corporation Radio Shack
The Speak and Spell toy....
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: onderscore
Spellmaster of Intertan Tandy Corporation Radio Shack
The Speak and Spell toy.
- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 278
- author: onderscore
how to intertan your dog for hours
i used a hex bug and turned it on and it feel off the table and my dog started to play wit...
published: 13 Jan 2011
author: deathwish509
how to intertan your dog for hours
i used a hex bug and turned it on and it feel off the table and my dog started to play with it after an hour he tryed to eat the toy i only filmed this for anbout 2 mins
- published: 13 Jan 2011
- views: 29
- author: deathwish509
46X-Inter tan-ker Zrt.
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: MegaSundri
46X-Inter tan-ker Zrt.
- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 13
- author: MegaSundri
46E-Inter tan-ker Zrt.
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: MegaSundri
46E-Inter tan-ker Zrt.
- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 1
- author: MegaSundri
Rajzverseny - DKV Zrt. Inter Tan-Ker Zrt.
A DKV Zrt. és az Inter Tan-Ker Zrt. rajzpályázatot hirdet Debrecen város óvodásai és által...
published: 23 Mar 2010
author: feltoltes8
Rajzverseny - DKV Zrt. Inter Tan-Ker Zrt.
A DKV Zrt. és az Inter Tan-Ker Zrt. rajzpályázatot hirdet Debrecen város óvodásai és általános iskolás tanulói részére, "Milyennek látod a debreceni közösségi közlekedést?" címmel. A megvalósítás tetszőleges, a gyermekek bármilyen technikával (vízfesték, tempera, zsírkréta, színes ceruza, stb.) készíthetik képeiket, maximum A/3-as méretben. Bővebbb információ: www.dkv.hu/rajzpalyazat
- published: 23 Mar 2010
- views: 248
- author: feltoltes8
LoLazo nunca imagine un inter tan napa su madre...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: aaron egiptio
LoLazo nunca imagine un inter tan napa su madre...
- published: 01 Jan 2013
- author: aaron egiptio
Új alapokon Debrecen közösségi közlekedése, ünnepélyes megnyitó.
2009. július elsején hajnalban az első busz útra indul a Cívisbusz Konzorcium (DKV Zrt., I...
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: mkape
Új alapokon Debrecen közösségi közlekedése, ünnepélyes megnyitó.
2009. július elsején hajnalban az első busz útra indul a Cívisbusz Konzorcium (DKV Zrt., Inter Tan-Ker Zrt.) színeiben.
- published: 01 Jul 2011
- views: 685
- author: mkape
Christmas Special: Retro Review Tandy/Radio Shack Science Fair electronic kit
Another 'big kid vid', this time opening and testing an electronic Christmas present. It c...
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: vk3ye
Christmas Special: Retro Review Tandy/Radio Shack Science Fair electronic kit
Another 'big kid vid', this time opening and testing an electronic Christmas present. It came from the tree wrapped in newspaper and had its price label intact ($16.99 from a secondhand charity shop). While the box was battered, it was in good condition, apart from a serving of old ear wax in the crystal earpiece. It's branded 'Science Fair' - the Tandy/Radio Shack name for its educational kits in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. So it almost qualifies as 'old school' - I'd say roughly early '90s during the InterTan era. Also it's made in China whereas a 1980s kit would have probably been Taiwan and a '70s kit maybe Japan. Any ungrateful thoughts as to the parsimony of the giver evaporated when projects were built. Which is what most of the video is about. You'll see demonstrations of radios, light dimmers, electronic birds and sirens. There's several attempts at music. And an electronic snake charmer? That's what is sounded like, though it attracted no unwelcome visitors. This $16.99 pre-owned kit has already given more fun than it cost. May all the presents you give and get do likewise. Music credit: freescores.com www.free-scores.com Copyright © Dewagtere, Bernard
- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 1268
- author: vk3ye
Curtis Gets Taped To a Dolly
A classic Mic Mac Mall moment. I was over at RadioShack at Mic Mac Mall (5651) with fellow...
published: 12 Mar 2009
author: darkman042
Curtis Gets Taped To a Dolly
A classic Mic Mac Mall moment. I was over at RadioShack at Mic Mac Mall (5651) with fellow manager Curtis Pitre helping them out at inventory. Curtis however kept triggering a Shrek alarm clock that made donkey say "AIN'T NO STOPPIN' US NOOOOWWW!!!" ... and well let's just say Ed and his boys weren't gonna take it anymore!
- published: 12 Mar 2009
- views: 330
- author: darkman042
Pavadita - Tango (Trio)
Presentación "Viva el Tango" en la Uam-A 22 de julio 2009 alumnos de Sonia Aguilera y Hora...
published: 26 Jul 2009
author: LuNaZuLsiRg
Pavadita - Tango (Trio)
Presentación "Viva el Tango" en la Uam-A 22 de julio 2009 alumnos de Sonia Aguilera y Horacio Rosso Bailarines.... Anaihd, Griselda y Jonathan. Coreografia de Griselda con arreglos de los profesores (Sonia y Horacio), Jonathan y Anaihd. Con una bonita y fuerte cancion como Pavadita. Apesar del poco tiempo de bailar tango, nos aventamos con esta super cancion. Y aunque nos falta demasiado por aprender lo hicimos con el corazon. Para todos los asistentes ala presentacion y para todos aquellos que no pudieron asistir tambien. Sobre todo para aquellos que siempre nos apoyan y nos dan la buena vibra para seguir adelante bailando, tal vez no al nivel profesional y de concurso, pero si con esa adrenalina, sensualidad, fuerza, ternura, pasión etc.etc. que dá el bailar tango. A todos aquellos que quieran intertan bailar tango, animense.. de verdad que el bailar es un elixir para todos los males.. .. ya que el bailar alivia mas alla del cuerpo y mente, tambien al espiritu le da un respiro..
- published: 26 Jul 2009
- views: 7267
- author: LuNaZuLsiRg
My hallowen trow done
this video is going to intertan my fans and all so spokey shows stay tuend next sunday...
published: 15 Oct 2011
author: hotgirl98ify
My hallowen trow done
this video is going to intertan my fans and all so spokey shows stay tuend next sunday
- published: 15 Oct 2011
- views: 33
- author: hotgirl98ify
Greasy burger part 1
Rob at RadioShack in Bedford (5646) in 2005 introduces us to his new friend......
published: 12 Mar 2009
author: darkman042
Greasy burger part 1
Rob at RadioShack in Bedford (5646) in 2005 introduces us to his new friend...
- published: 12 Mar 2009
- views: 672
- author: darkman042
Buses in Debrecen, Hungary
HU: 2010. augusztus végén jártam Debrecenben, a Cívis Városban, és ha már ott jártam, felv...
published: 20 Sep 2010
author: Oleever07
Buses in Debrecen, Hungary
HU: 2010. augusztus végén jártam Debrecenben, a Cívis Városban, és ha már ott jártam, felvettem az ott közlekedő autóbuszokat. Ezek a buszok Volvo B9L - Alfa Cívis 12 és Volvo B9LA - Alfa Cívis 18 névre hallgatnak, és 2009 nyarától közlekednek Debrecen városában. Ezek az új buszok váltották fel a Hajdú Volán Zrt. öreg, ámde változatos Ikarus flottáját. A videó végén lévő két busz a Solaris Urbino 12, amit a Cora áruház üzemeltet, valamint a Plasma midibusz, amiből pár darabot üzemeltet a DKV Zrt. EN: At the end of August 2010, I walked in the city of Debrecen and I also recorded some buses which run in Debrecen. These buses are called as Volvo B9L - Alfa Cívis 12 and Volvo B9LA - Alfa Cívis 18 buses, and they have been running since the summer of 2009. These new buses changed the bus park of Debrecen included the old, but varied Ikarus buses of Hajdú Volán Ltd. At the end of this video, you can see two other buses called as Solaris Urbino 12 (which is operated by the Cora department store) and Plasma midibus (which is operated by the DKV Ltd.)
- published: 20 Sep 2010
- views: 1260
- author: Oleever07
Destroying the Edifier - Part 1
When head office makes the request, Jimi and Jeff are there to make sure the job is done! ...
published: 27 Feb 2007
author: concreterevolution
Destroying the Edifier - Part 1
When head office makes the request, Jimi and Jeff are there to make sure the job is done! Director's note: My co-worker and I were specifically instructed by our superiors to "discard" the speakers and file them under code D for "Destroy". Taking home store merchandise is regarded as stealing, and rather than simply throw them out, who wouldn't rather smash stuff to pieces? Please lodge any complaints with InterTan Canada.
- published: 27 Feb 2007
- views: 3385
- author: concreterevolution
Youtube results:
Post prom and the hipness man XD (part 1-2)
Prom was fun and there was grate music and it was wonderful to hang out with my ppl now it...
published: 12 May 2012
author: KeybladeKairi2010
Post prom and the hipness man XD (part 1-2)
Prom was fun and there was grate music and it was wonderful to hang out with my ppl now it's the "after party" and there is a guy who come to intertan us but he uses some of us to be humor and humiliate us too so enjoy ;)
- published: 12 May 2012
- views: 16
- author: KeybladeKairi2010
Greasy burger part 2
Ohh.. the humanity of it all....!!!! The poor little greasy burger! ;-)...
published: 12 Mar 2009
author: darkman042
Greasy burger part 2
Ohh.. the humanity of it all....!!!! The poor little greasy burger! ;-)
- published: 12 Mar 2009
- views: 182
- author: darkman042
el timo de medieval time :) aki esta pedasos de mierdas
3 errores 1 nunca le dije devuelve y 2 le dije no 3 beces y no leyo y 3 el clon estubo com...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: Reno Dados
el timo de medieval time :) aki esta pedasos de mierdas
3 errores 1 nunca le dije devuelve y 2 le dije no 3 beces y no leyo y 3 el clon estubo como 10 minutos y ni retrox ni pedro se dieron cuenta que inter tan grandes :) 10 lingos perfectamente se ve cuando los pago y el otro napa se va.
- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 147
- author: Reno Dados
Destroying the Edifier - Part 2
The epic saga concludes as Jeff and Jimi grind the helpless Edifier into pieces beyond rec...
published: 27 Feb 2007
author: concreterevolution
Destroying the Edifier - Part 2
The epic saga concludes as Jeff and Jimi grind the helpless Edifier into pieces beyond recognition...don't miss the exciting conclusion. Director's note: My co-worker and I were specifically instructed by our superiors to "discard" the speakers and file them under code D for "Destroy". Taking home store merchandise is regarded as stealing, and rather than simply throw them out, who wouldn't rather smash stuff to pieces? Please lodge any complaints with InterTan Canada.
- published: 27 Feb 2007
- views: 2028
- author: concreterevolution