- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 48443
EDR may refer to:
If your source water is challenging due to high TSS or high silica, EDR for drinking water provides high water recovery, reducing the strain in water scarce areas. Because of the polarity reversal design, EDR for wastewater reuse is a self-cleaning, durable membrane system ideal for turbid wastewater. EDR technology achieves the high water recovery for water scarce areas. GE's wastewater EDR systems reclaim more than 20 million gpd (75,000 m3/d) of wastewater for other uses. For more information on EDR visit: http://www.gewater.com/products/electrodialysis-reversal-edr.html Request a consult from GE: http://www.gewater.com/contact-us.html
Ever wonder what happens when a few hundred bike riders with an insatiable taste for fire, beer and mayhem ride hand-built choppers across twisty, pitted tarmac from SoCal to Baja and back? The El Diablo Run gives freedom-lovers a chance to go places and do things that are simply not possible at home in the USA. Follow this eclectic band of Diablo runners as they comb the beaches, brothels and back alleys of San Felipe and Ensenada on a quest for cheap tacos, loose women and good times. The El Diablo Run: A Mexican Motorcycle Adventure DVD is now available! Complete with free soundtrack CD and 24-page photo book for only $24.99! More info available at www.eldiablorun.com and www.lowbrowcustoms.com.
"[뉴스A] 급발진 사고가 일어날 때마다 자동차 회사는 사고당시 상황을 정확하게 기록한 장치,바로 EDR의 공개를 거부하고 있습니다. 채널A가 사고 당시 상황이 담긴 EDR을 처음으로 입수했는데요. 급발진 의심 차량의 엔진 rpm이 2초만에 무려 4000까지 올라가는 장면이 고스란히 기록되어 있습니다. http://news.ichannela.com/tv/newsa/3/all/20120826/48886482/2"
El Diablo Run - Download the full EDR movie at http://www.choppertown.com/el-diablo-run-full-movie-download/ After purchase you will be emailed a link to stream instantly or download the file onto your device for offline viewing. El Diablo Run: A Mexican Motorcycle Adventure Movie Ever wonder what happens when a few hundred bike riders with an insatiable taste for fire, beer and mayhem ride hand-built choppers across twisty, pitted tarmac from SoCal to Baja and back? The El Diablo Run gives freedom-lovers a chance to go places and do things that are simply not possible at home in the USA. Follow this eclectic band of Diablo runners as they comb the beaches, brothels and back alleys of San Felipe and Ensenada on a quest for cheap tacos, loose women and good times. Produced by Lowbrow Cus...
20150830 가속 폐달을 밟지 않았다고 하는데도 원격조정을 받는 것처럼, 굉음을 내며 튀어나가거나 가속도가 붙는 급발진사고, 참 무섭습니다. 하지만 운전자 부주의라는 게 현 법정 판단이고, 12월이면 이런 분쟁을 해소하자는 취지로 EDR기록, 공개 의무도 시행 되는데요. 하지만 EDR기록은 사고 전 5초 상황을 정밀 분석해 볼 수 있는 장치일 뿐 “급발진 분석장치”라고 확정할 수 없다는 논리가 법무법인 바른이 개최한 세미나에서 제기됐습니다. 그래서 오늘은 현장 취재한 김 경배 교통전문위원께 자세한 내용 들어 보는 시간 준비했습니다. 더보기
DIV Official HP http://www.div-official.com DIV Mini Album「EDR TOKYO」2016.3.16 On Sale!! 【初回生産限定盤】CD+エムカード <CD> 01.東京、熱帯夜につき 02.夜想GALAXXXY 03.甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅 04.Relic Snow 05.神様がもしいるなら <エムカード> 01.東京、熱帯夜につき MV ※絵柄全4種内1枚ランダム封入、コンテンツ共通 ▼エムカードとは PC、スマホから音楽コンテンツや画像、カラオケ、映像を楽しめるカードです。 ¥3,000+税 DCCSG-005 【通常盤】CDのみ <CD> 01.東京、熱帯夜につき 02.夜想GALAXXXY 03.サクラユメ 04.甘美な嘘と退屈な薄紅 05.Relic Snow 06.神様がもしいるなら ¥2,500+税 DCCSG-006 インストアイベント決定 4/01(金) タワーレコード新宿店 4/02(土) ライカエジソン東京 4/02(土) タワーレコード池袋 4/03(日) 渋谷ZEAL LINK 4/09(土) タワーレコード渋谷 4/10(日) ブランドエックス 4/15(金) 新星堂ララスクエア宇都宮店 4/17(日) リトルハーツ仙台店 4/21(木) スカルローズ 4/24(日) 自主盤倶楽部 4/24(日) リトルハーツ新宿 5/19(木) 大阪ZEAL LINK 5/21(土) ライカエジソン名古屋店 ■LIVE情報 DIV 2nd Mini Album "EDR TOKYO" Release Oneman Tour 「今夜は熱帯夜」 4/14(木) HEAVEN'S ROCK宇都宮VJ-2 4/16(土) 仙台 darwin 4/20(水)...
You had anger pulsed rage
Unexplored pathways; limitless boundaries
A voice above the dim screaming so loud
And now you are the masses
You used to run so fast
Where were you going? (NO WHERE!)
I've seen the path you took; it leads in circles (COUNTER PRODUCTIVE!)
Exhausted by your slavery, you are broken (NOTHING NEW!)
Preach words you no longer believe in, your time is gone
Words are empty as your heart
Your lies breed hatred and contempt
In your grasping, we won't help as you're consumed into nothing
Your lies defeat your purpose