- published: 21 Sep 2012
- views: 100949
Ginkgo biloba, known as ginkgo or as the maidenhair tree, is the only living species in the division Ginkgophyta, all others being extinct. It is found in fossils dating back 270 million years. Native to China, the tree is widely cultivated and was introduced early to human history. It has various uses in traditional medicine and as a source of food. The genus name Ginkgo is regarded as a misspelling of the Japanese gin kyo, "silver apricot".
The species was initially described by Carl Linnaeus in 1771, the specific epithet biloba derived from the Latin bis, "two" and loba, "lobed", referring to the shape of the leaves. Two names for the species recognise the botanist Richard Salisbury, a placement by Nelson as Pterophyllus salisburiensis and the earlier Salisburia adiantifolia proposed by James Edward Smith. The epithet of the latter may have been intended to denote a characteristic resembling Adiantum, the genus of maidenhair ferns.
The relationship of ginkgo to other plant groups remains uncertain. It has been placed loosely in the divisions Spermatophyta and Pinophyta, but no consensus has been reached. Since its seeds are not protected by an ovary wall, it can morphologically be considered a gymnosperm. The apricot-like structures produced by female ginkgo trees are technically not fruits, but are seeds that have a shell consisting of a soft and fleshy section (the sarcotesta), and a hard section (the sclerotesta).
Ginkgo is a genus of highly unusual non-flowering plants. The scientific name is also used as the English name. The order to which it belongs, Ginkgoales, first appeared in the Permian, 270 million years ago, possibly derived from "seed ferns" of the order Peltaspermales. The rate of evolution within the genus has been slow, and almost all its species had become extinct by the end of the Pliocene; the exception is the sole living species, Ginkgo biloba, which is only found in the wild in China, but is cultivated across the world. The relationships between ginkgos and other groups of plants are not fully resolved.
Mountain Rose Herbs is an American herbal distribution retailer based in Eugene, Oregon and founded in 1987. It is the first Fair Trade Certified supplier of medicinal herbs in the United States.
Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar started Mountain Rose Herbs in order to provide herbal materials and supplies to students of the California School of Herbal Studies. The retailer continued as a home-based business in Humboldt County, California until the late 1990s, under several different owners, filling orders by mail from a small catalog. In 1998 the company moved into a larger residential location in North San Juan, California.
Mountain Rose Herbs relocated to a commercial location in Pleasant Hill, Oregon in 2001 to be closer to many of its farms and suppliers. The retailer became a certified organic processor through Oregon Tilth in 2002. In 2010, the company moved again to a larger facility in Eugene, Oregon.
In 2011, Mountain Rose Herbs created and hosted the four-day Rootstalk Festival in Salem, Oregon. Over 700 people attended herbal education workshops and classes taught by herbalists, botanists, and environmental experts. All proceeds went to the nonprofit known as Cascadia Wildlands.
10 Health benefits of Ginkgo | Herbal Medicine THE BENEFITS OF THE USE OF GINKGO BILOBA Ginkgo biloba, is one of the oldest surviving tree species on earth! and the most frequently prescribed herbal medicine worldwide. Ginkgo has many actions, but is most powerful effect is on the circulatory system 1. Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder that involves the loss of memory and cognitive functions Studies have shown that Ginkgo reduces the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s Ginkgo is more effective when used at the early stages of Alzheimer’s and also in helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidant properties Ginkgo improves blood circulation and increases oxygen levels in brain tissues. Ginkgo also increases metabolism and ...
The ginkgo biloba tree and its leaves have been studied extensively in the past several decades as one of the top super herbs for improving cognitive functions, especially in those with aged-related neurodegenerative diseases. Referred to as yín xìng in Chinese medicine, the leaves of the ginkgo tree have long been used by herbalists for their effects as a brain tonic helpful for improving memory and the ability to concentrate. As a blood vessel dilator, it works directly with the circulatory system to increase oxygen supply to the brain. Learn more about specific constituents, like flavonoid glycosides and terpene lactones, and also how to harvest your own fresh ginkgo leaves. Herb Pharm Ginkgo Bacopa, 60 count - http://bit.ly/1c8il7O Herb Pharm's Ginkgo/Ginkgo biloba 1 oz - http://bit...
The video shows you Ginkgo Biloba benefits and side effects. It also tells you about herb Ginkgo Biloba, mainly cultivated in China. Ginkgo Biloba is a medicinal plant. After watching this video you will become aware about different properties of ginkgo biloba as well as ginkgo biloba benefits. ginkgo biloba, ginkgo biloba benefits, ginkgo biloba review, gingko biloba, ginkgo biloba side effects, ginko biloba, ginkgo, kinko biloba, ghinko biloba, benefits of ginkgo biloba, ginnkgo biloba, q es el ginkgo biloba, gingko biloba in wisconsin, ginkgo biloba plant, gingko biloba benifits, phylogeny of ginkgo biloba, gingko side effects, linden tree flower benefits or side effects, how to takecare a ginkgo tree, gingo biloba, Ginkgo Biloba production, ginko biloba plantation, benefits of ginkgo,...
http://utahtexans.com/ Click on the above link for a free guide on how not to get cheated when purchasing supplements. This video talks about why ginkgo biliba is such a helpful herb. It also goes over some of the negatives with using ginkgo that might surprise you.
Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba. Es una de las plantas más antiguas que se han utilizado en la medicina herbal y natural. Sin embargo, esta planta se sabe que crece sólo en partes de Asia, por lo que se utiliza en China en la medicina tradicional y la cocina. Afortunadamente los beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba ahora se están haciendo comunes en todo el mundo y las ventajas que puede aportar el consumo están siendo vistos por el mundo. Sin embargo, un gran número de beneficios del Ginkgo Biloba aún permanecen desconocidos y por descubrir. Éstos son algunos de los beneficios que debes conocer. Para que sirve el ginkgo biloba - Propiedades y beneficios del ginkgo biloba - Tomado por vía oral el Gingko Biloba se sabe que tiene propiedades que pueden...
Der Ginkgo oder Ginko (Ginkgo biloba) ist eine in China heimische, heute weltweit angepflanzte Baumart. Er ist der einzige lebende Vertreter der Ginkgoales, einer ansonsten ausgestorbenen Gruppe von Samenpflanzen, und wird daher auch als „Lebendes Fossil" bezeichnet. Natürliche Populationen sind nur aus den Provinzen Chongqing und Guizhou im Südwesten Chinas bekannt. In Ostasien wird der Baum wegen seiner essbaren Samen oder als Tempelbaum kultiviert. Er wurde von holländischen Seefahrern aus Japan nach Europa gebracht und wird hier seit etwa 1730 als Zierbaum gepflanzt. Zum Jahrtausendwechsel erklärte das deutsche „Kuratorium Baum des Jahres" Ginkgo biloba zum Mahnmal für Umweltschutz und Frieden und zum Baum des Jahrtausends.
[2013 10 12] [[ don't do this unless you really know it's safe for you ]] Living fossil tree, coming from the deepest prehistory and from asia, splendid yellow foliage in autumn, strange leaves, beautiful and delicious seeds", awfully stinking juice from ripe fruits, medicinal properties (?), improbable orthography (also)... It's easy to be fascinated by Ginkgo Biloba. Let's examine and taste some Ginkgo "seed", although it's early in autumn. Materials ------------ - ginkgo fruits harvested in a nearby street, and let to ripen outside for a few days - stone saw : lustrated sandstone (~quartzite) - nutcracker : old dry ginkgo branch harvested in a nearby street (fallen from a bunch of shoots that are growing back from the stump of a ginkgo that had been cut down) - not primitive : oil...
You've heard that Ginkgo biloba supplements can improve memory, and may decrease Alzheimer's risk. So can you believe the hype? http://mental.healthguru.com/
Oh jeez
You got me hollering please
Where does it all come from anyway
Do I really want this to stay
It must have been right
I'm a fool
Are you gonna be here when I die
Does it make a difference
If I lie
And ??? is just something that
You gotta do
Is something that you do and (?)
Is this really gonna stay