Topic / charlatans

Texas taxpayers billed for lawmaker’s quack ‘Jesus shot’

Back in 2014, the Friendly Atheist reported on the activities of a certain Dr John Michael Lonergan, a convicted felon, who, after leaving prison in Ohio where he was serving a sentence involving tax evasion, mail fraud, and healthcare fraud, moved to Oklahoma to start marketing a “miracle” injection – at $300 a prick. His […]

Church fined for noisy 3 am services to drive out demons

This YouTube video claims that ‘Bishop’ Climate Irungu (aka ‘Dr’ Climate Wiseman) ‘sees the invisible, he hears the inaudible’ – but the services ‘The Prophet’ conducted in London at ungodly hours were so audible that his church was fined for noise pollution. According to this report, the Camberwell branch of the Kingdom Church was fined […]

New warning sounded in US over a ‘miracle cure’ church

Back in 2010, The Guardian introduced its readers to ‘bishop’ Jim Humble, above, a man who, on a visit to South America in 1996, allegedly discovered a ‘cure’ for virtually all known diseases and ailments: MMS, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or Miracle Mineral Supplement. MMS is basically an industrial bleach – and anyone […]

Israel’s celebrity Rabbi Pinto is headed for jail for bribing a cop

Mighty ‘mystic’ Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto, above, allegedly has extraordinary supernatural powers, ranging from the ability to read minds to creating successful business empires. But, despite these powers, his desperate attempts to avoid a prison sentence for bribery have failed, and he’s is about to be jailed. On September 17, 2014, Pinto was indicted on […]

Ex-volunteer calls for an end to the Missionaries of Charity

Hemley Gonzalez, a former volunteer for the Missionaries of Charity, an organisation founded by soon-to-be-sainted Mother Teresa, is now actively campaigning for the charity to be shut down. According to this Salon report by George Gillett, Gonzalez runs an online campaign called Stop the Missionaries of Charity (“Holding Mother Teresa’s charity accountable for its monumental […]

Quack Jewish ‘gay cure’ outfit is forced to cease operating

Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH), a New Jersey-based organisation set up in 1999 with the aim of ‘curing’ homosexuality, has been forced to wind down its operations as a result of losing a landmark court battle. Established by a couple of Berks – Theodore and Elaine Berk, to be precise, aided and abetted […]

South African church probe is branded ‘anti-Christian’

A government investigation into the practices of churches operating in South Africa has been slammed by evangelist Mervin Reddy, above, and other religious leaders who fear that the authorities intend to exert ‘heavy-handed control’ over the way they operate. Their misgivings relate to a study by the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the […]

Vatican is to make ‘sacred cow’ Mother Teresa a saint

While millions of Catholics will undoubtedly be ecstatic over the news that ‘sacred cow’ Mother Teresa is to be declared a saint next year, one man who will be rolling his eyes in disbelief will be Prabir Ghosh, the 71-year-old President of the Science and Rationalists’ Association of India. Ghosh, pictured above, is the scourge […]

‘Dangerous’ exorcism airs on US television

Police and paramedics have been enlisted to help anyone affected by ‘evil entities’ who may not like being targeted today by Catholic exorcist Bishop James Long, above, and a bunch psychic ‘experts’ for a TV reality show entitled Exorcism: Live! Destination America, according to this report, is streaming the live exorcism from the fabled The Exorcist […]

Muslim faith healer murdered in London

The dead man is Zakariyya Islam, 46, above, a co-founder of the Ruqya centre in Whitechapel which specialises is curing people of ‘demonic possession’ and related ‘spiritual’ afflications. According to this Evening Standard report, last year the father of three hosted a conference – “The World of Jinns” – at the East London Mosque which […]