Peter Tatchell and Sally Hitchiner in conversation with Simon Barrow Fossil Free Future Banner on Climate Change March November 29th 2015 Don't Bomb Syria Rally Whitehall November 2015 Ekklesia Associate Savitri Hensman, author of Sexuality, struggle & saintliness:same sex love and the church Ekklesia COO Virginia Moffatt & Associate Vaughan Jones with the Ekklesia Banner Ekklesia Associate Symon Hill, author of The Upside Down Bible speaks at Greenbelt


Apr 20 2016

The latest official government figures, collated by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), reveal that the UK approved £2.8 billion worth of arms sales to Saudi Arabia since the...


Apr 17 2016
This month Ekklesia has chosen to publish Foxes Have Holes: Christian reflections on Britain's housing need as part of its ongoing response to austerity. Austerity is the...


Apr 20 2016

Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples' rights, has launched a campaign to prevent the annihilation of tribal peoples in Brazil to coincide...