Dry Bones: Racist History Returns With a Vengeance

Written by Chris Floyd 06 April 2016 1366 Hits

When I was 18, I worked for the Tennessee Department of Conservation at the Cedars of Lebanon State Park, a summer job where a few teenagers helped the park’s permanent workers clean up the picnic areas and campgrounds and ball fields. I mostly helped two ageing characters who’d gotten their sinecures through political patronage. Both were near retirement, and were seeing out their working years with some easy work in pleasant surroundings. They had a black boss they didn’t much like — a park ranger — but they kept their racial sideswipes to a minimum, at least for those days.

Read more ...Dry Bones: Racist History Returns With a Vengeance

The Devil Done Got Loose in Mississippi, Pulling Jim Crow From the Grave

Written by Chris Floyd 05 April 2016 977 Hits

The Devil is loose in Mississippi, dressed up like a preacher and hollering God's name. The Guardian reports it here. Growing up in the South, I knew many people who felt that interracial marriage "conflicted with their sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions." Many also sincerely believed that ANY mixing of races -- at lunch counters, water fountains, hotels, churches, schools, toilets, etc. -- also conflicted with their "religious beliefs or moral convictions." That's why we had the Jim Crow laws. This new law in Mississippi makes ALL of that possble again, and more. If you can refuse service to same-sex couples on religious grounds, you can refuse it to interracial couples, mixed-religion couples, unmarried couples, divorcees -- to anyone doing ANYTHING that you believe...

Read more ...The Devil Done Got Loose in Mississippi, Pulling Jim Crow From the Grave

Progressive "Triumph": Neofascist Message Pusher Disappointed in Messenger

Written by Chris Floyd 29 March 2016 1362 Hits

So one of Trump's "top strategists," Stephanie Cegielski, has resigned in protest over his recent tweet on the atrocity in Lahore, and written an open letter to his followers denouncing her boss. This has been seized upon by various "progressives" as a great cudgel with which to beat the Donald about his goodish head. One of his own inner circle, giving him a "brutal" beatdown! Surely that will shake the rabble to their senses!

Read more ...Progressive "Triumph": Neofascist Message Pusher Disappointed in Messenger

Zero-Sum: The Savage Vision Driving a Terror-Ridden World

Written by Chris Floyd 22 March 2016 2434 Hits

The atrocities in Brussels -- and they are horrific, criminal atrocities -- are not occurring in a vacuum. They are not springing from some unfathomable abyss of motiveless malevolence. They are a response, in kind, to the atrocious violence being committed by Western powers on a regular basis in many countries around the world. And just as there is no justification for the acts of carnage in Brussels (and Paris and Turkey and elsewhere), there is likewise no justification for the much larger and more murderous acts of carnage being carried out by the most powerful and prosperous nations on earth, day after day, year after year.

Read more ...Zero-Sum: The Savage Vision Driving a Terror-Ridden World

Let us now praise those who helped make the world a better place in March 2003.

Written by Chris Floyd 20 March 2016 1619 Hits

March 20: 13 years to the day since the invasion of Iraq. Sure, people had their disagreements about it back then, but isn't the world a better, safer place these days? Look at how freedom and democracy are flourishing all over the Middle East! I think we should all take a moment and silently thank George Bush and Hillary Clinton and all the supporters of that glorious endeavor for ignoring the millions upon millions of us who said it was a criminal, immoral act of monstrous folly that would lead to years of ruin, chaos, death and destruction. Thanks, Dub! Thanks, HRC! Well done, guys!!!

Read more ...Let us now praise those who helped make the world a better place in March 2003.

No Bern Notice: The Imperial Myopia of Candidate Sanders

Written by Chris Floyd 10 March 2016 3617 Hits

Does Bernie Sanders know what Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama did to Honduras? Does he care? Last week saw yet another savage murder of a Honduran activist for democracy -- one of hundreds such atrocities since Clinton and Obama blessed a brutal oligarchical coup there in 2009. But Sanders said nothing -- says nothing -- about this damning legacy of his opponent. It's an extraordinary omission by someone presenting himself as an alternative to the failed elitist policies of the past.

Read more ...No Bern Notice: The Imperial Myopia of Candidate Sanders

Spoiled Ballots: Yet More Rotten Choices from Modern Democracy

Written by Chris Floyd 10 March 2016 1696 Hits

(This a slightly expanded version of my latest column in CounterPunch Magazine.) The greatly benighted land of old Blighty is now embarked on yet another of the fundamental turbulations that have marked the latest era of "Conservative" rule. Not content with having nearly destroyed the island's ancient union by driving the Scots to the very brink of independence, the gilded goobers of the British elite have now engineered a referendum on leaving the European Union which, if approved, will necessitate a reordering of national life on nearly every level ... including the distinct possibility of, er, destroying the island's ancient union by driving the Scots into independence.

Read more ...Spoiled Ballots: Yet More Rotten Choices from Modern Democracy

Blood Money: Four More Years of Drug War Horror with HRC

Written by Chris Floyd 03 March 2016 3837 Hits

The Drug War, like the Terror War, is essentially a vast machine for profiteering by the purveyors of weapons and tools of repression. Like the Terror War, the Drug War demonstrably exacerbates the problems it purports to address, and has led to widespread chaos, death and state corruption of almost unfathomable levels. And Hillary Clinton, almost certain to be the next president, is deeply complicit in both of these malevolent enterprises.

Read more ...Blood Money: Four More Years of Drug War Horror with HRC

Keep a Vital Light Burning: Help for Arthur Silber

Written by Chris Floyd 15 February 2016 2067 Hits

Again, apologies for the dearth of blogging. A lot of reasons for this, but I hope to get back to more activity in these precincts soon. (Meanwhile, you can check out quick shots on my Twitter feed.) But today I just want to note that Arthur Silber continues to struggle with catastrophic health problems and financial straits. If you have anything to spare, head over to his place and give him some help. [Link: http://powerofnarrative.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/damn.html.]

Read more ...Keep a Vital Light Burning: Help for Arthur Silber

Grazing in Heaven: A Martyr for the Barons' Rebellion

Written by Chris Floyd 27 January 2016 3332 Hits

RIP, LaVoy Finicum, hero of the Oregon Bund. You died so that one day -- and may it be soon, almighty God! -- all wealthy armed extremists whose sweetheart contracts with the federal government undercut poorer ranchers by skewing the free market for grazing fees will be able run cattle on every wildlife refuge across the width and breadth of this great land, and desecrate Indian relics wherever they find them.

Read more ...Grazing in Heaven: A Martyr for the Barons' Rebellion

Pay as You Go: Refugee Crisis Sparks Return to Traditional European Values

Written by Chris Floyd 15 January 2016 2892 Hits

"Switzerland joins Denmark in seizing assets from refugees to cover costs." (Guardian). This is such a great idea. Confiscate anything that might help refugees support themselves (then demonize them for being "a drain on taxpayers," of course). But why stop at "seizing assets" to make them "pay for their upkeep"? Why not, say take their gold teeth? Their hair? You know, for stuffing pillows or something. How about using them as forced labor? So many possibilities -- and plenty of examples from history on what can be done! Of course, a cheaper alternative to the refugee crisis might be to quit waging wars and supporting wars, extremism, tyranny and corruption in their homelands. But that would make our own poobahs feel less important (and less flush with profiteering cash). And we certai...

Read more ...Pay as You Go: Refugee Crisis Sparks Return to Traditional European Values

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