Cosima Marriner

Cosima Marriner

Cosima Marriner is a Sun-Herald senior writer

Sexual assault victims find justice online

Cosima Marriner A date rapist is one of the sexual attackers caught after multiple reports to an anonymous sexual assault website.

Why you shouldn't work more than 25 hours a week

woman using computer.

Cosima Marriner Just how well your brain performs depends on how many hours you work.

Embryo donor mum upset by claims of lost pregnancy

Embryo donor Natalie Parker.

Cosima Marriner It was a priceless gift – donating an embryo to a couple in the hope it could become their longed-for baby.

Embryo donor mum upset by claims of lost pregnancy

Embryo donor Natalie Parker.

Cosima Marriner It was a priceless gift – donating an embryo to a couple in the hope it could become their longed-for baby.

Surrogacy: Babysitting or baby trading?

Some couples liken surrogacy to babysitting, while others disagree, saying it is similar to donor conception and adoption in that a biological connection is severed.

Cosima Marriner Is a biological connection severed when surrogate babies are handed over, or are they being united with their 'real' families?

Singles should be banned from surrogacy, survey says

The pregnant woman who has an examination Generic pregnancy

Cosima Marriner Most Australians think a child born via surrogacy needs two parents in a committed relationship, survey shows.

Food brands 'game' government's health star rating scheme

Brand packaging amended: The star rating system aims to make it easier for consumers to choose healthy food options.

Cosima Marriner Is that tin of Milo rated 4.5 stars for nutrition? Or just 1.5 stars?

Health star rating system out of step with canteen 'traffic light' guidelines

An advertising code designed to cut junk food advertising is being slammed as

Cosima Marriner Treats could be back on the menu if the health star food rating system was introduced in school canteens.

The damage pornography did to a six-year-old child


Cosima Marriner One woman reveals the damage porn did to her when she was just six years old.

Children are better at maths if they don't go to preschool: study

A long-term study has found that children who didn't attend any formal early education services were better at maths than their peers enrolled in formal programs.

Cosima Marriner Kids who don't attend any preschool or day care do "significantly" better at maths than the kids who do.

Anti-vaxxers now keeping silent about kids' immunisation status

Difficult choice: Karen Bowness is worried about the effect of a vaccination on her son Taj, 13.

Cosima Marriner Sick of having to justify their controversial decision, anti-vaxxers now have a new approach.

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Teenagers increasingly assaulting, abusing their parents

Parents are increasingly turning to support groups such as Toughlove to help them deal with their out-of-control teens.

Cosima Marriner and Timna Jacks More and more children are lashing out when they don't get their way or are denied something.

'She terrorises us': How entitled children are making their parents' lives hell

Michael Mucci illo for entitled kids yarn Sunnews.
illo for sh extra pages published fairfaxmedia 27/12/15

Cosima Marriner and Rachel Browne The Richardsons are among a growing number of parents under siege from their children.

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Cyber bullies come out to play in the school holidays

School holidays are likely to lead to an upsurge in cyber bullying.

Cosima Marriner As schools break up for the year, police have warned parents to be on guard for cyber bullying, which spikes during the holidays.  

Federal surrogacy inquiry won't halt NSW law reform

Surrogacy laws will be looked at despite a federal inquiry taking place.

Cosima Marriner The NSW government is pushing ahead with its planned reform of state surrogacy laws, rather than wait for the outcome of a new national inquiry into surrogacy arrangements.

Cultural differences fade when Westerners and Chinese fall in love

Lindsay Jones-Evans and wife Shengnan Ren.

Cosima Marriner One in three Australian marriages are now intercultural. Researchers have found out a key ingredient for success.

Tablets reshaping the way preschoolers develop, play and learn

A toddler using an iPad.

Cosima Marriner Toddlers are making online purchases by themselves before they're even out of nappies, as the widespread use of tablets by preschoolers spurs their developmental of digital skills ahead of...

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How witnessing domestic violence damages children

Cosima Marriner Children who witness domestic violence during the breakdown of their parents' relationship do worse than their peers socially and academically, become distrusting of adults, and can develop...

'Ditch dairy' animal welfare campaign called 'irresponsible'

The Ditch Dairy website tells people to cut dairy products from their diet due to the alleged cruelty to cows.

Cosima Marriner An animal welfare campaign urging people to "ditch dairy" contradicts official nutrition guidelines and has been slammed for advocating a fad diet which could be detrimental to children's health.

Childfree by choice

Do women who chose to go childfree regret the decision?

Kate Banister with their Jack Russell dogs Saffy and Ruby.

Cosima Marriner A quarter of women who choose not to have children live to regret their decision, as they face growing old without family, new research suggests.

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