
Lighting the path to knowledge

Carolyn Rance 2:15 PM   White Night showed an iconic institution in a new light.

What women really want

Betsy Oyler changed jobs for a bigger challenge - not greater flexibility

Anna Patty   Employers think women want flexibility. But, for women like Betsy Oyler, there are much more important things.

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Meet the boss: hotel director Craig Adamson

Craig Adamson has done everything, including cleaning rooms.

Sue White   When this executive started his career in the hotel industry, it was at the very bottom.

Increasing your influence at work

If you think you're the last person to hear about major company developments, you can easily feel that you don't count.

Michelle Gibbings   Here are 10 tips to boost your skills.

Take ownership of your career to create results

Karen Gately says building a successful career begins with taking ownership.

Kakren Gately   The key steps to building a successful career this year.

When our vocabularies melt down

Sometimes words fail us.

Jonathan Rivett   Working out how meaningless corporate language infects our workplaces isn't rocket science... it's nuclear physics.

Public servant hospitalised after workplace coaching session


Noel Towell   A public servant was taken away in an ambulance after being "encouraged" and "supported" by his Tax Office boss.

Clean up your desk, but not too much

Too much mess can lower your productivity - but so can not enough clutter.

Seth Porges   Too much mess can lower your productivity - but so can not enough clutter.

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Aboriginal public servants on their own on pay, says govt


Noel Towell   No help from federal government for Indigenous public servants offered half the pay rise available to everyone else.

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Why headshots on CVs should be banned

Mia Barnard, who works in the Sydney office of engineering, architecture, environmental consulting and construction ...

Anna Patty   There are many way organisations can guard against bias.

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'They were doing things against Australia law', alleges consulate driver

Former Indian consulate chauffeur Hitender Kumar

Anna Patty   Hitender Kumar had worked for the Indian Consulate in Sydney for five years. Then he questioned the use of an e-TAG for a private vehicle - and lost his job.

ACT bosses get tougher powers than cops

Justice Minister Shane Rattenbury said current safeguards were enough to ensure privacy was not unreasonably breached.

Noel Towell   New laws clear the way for bosses to unleash private eyes on Canberra workers.

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'Disgraceful' pay rise for Indigenous public service agency

Aboriginal Hostels Limited

Noel Towell   Commonwealth's poorest-paid public servants about to get poorer.

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The hidden cost of 'presenteeism'

You can catch more than a cold off your work colleagues.

Anna Patty   Being sick and dragging yourself into work to sit at a desk and stare at the phone and computer is not contributing anything to the economy - quite the opposite - a new report has found.

Too poor to retire: More Australians than ever will work past 70

Childcare worker Kerrie Devir has worked for almost 35 years continuously, but has less than $100,000 in superannuation.

Nick Toscano   More Australians than ever before intend to work beyond 70, as Generation X-ers and Baby Boomers fear they lack the financial security needed to retire any sooner.

Centrelink vows to get rid of reinstated public servant

The Fair Work Commission found the Public Service Act gave departments no general right to discipline their employees ...

Noel Towell   Government to appeal decision to give sacked public servant his job back.

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Sacked reporter and SBS resolve dispute

Scott McIntyre has settled his dispute with SBS management.

Lisa Visentin   Sacked sports reporter Scott McIntyre and SBS have resolved their dispute over a series of controversial Anzac Day tweets.

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US health insurance boss pays workers to get more sleep

Mark Bertolini, chief executive officer of Aetna.

Tim Elliott   A US businessman has begun paying his workers to sleep in.

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Public servants told to pay the office power bills

The ABS is keen to use the work-from-home arrangements to reduce the amount of costly office space it occupies around ...

Noel Towell   Hundreds pf public servants to be sent off to work from home. But there's a catch.

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Young artists on show

Student artist Amy Millhouse's HSC major work has been chosen to feature on promotional posters for ARTEXPRESS at the ...

Kristie Kellahan   Student artworks reveal intricate depths of emotion in this year's ARTEXPRESS show.

Glasses benefit from new look

Jessica Chi’s optometry career is a juggling act she enjoys.

Josh Jennings   Optometrist credits hipsters with new way of seeing glasses.

PhD musicologist goes from crochets to crocheting

Danielle Chiel with one of her artisans in India.

Judy Barouch   Danielle Chiel found success by turning a passion into a career.

Dads flex to success

Reid Johson is perfecting a work-life balance.

Gabe McGrath   Workplace culture not just policies are the key to productivity and satisfaction.

Why form is temporary

Sometimes, almost mystically it seems, we get into this groove and everything flows smoothly.

Jim Bright   Form is evident in all aspects of human endeavour. At work, why is it that some days the meetings and conversations just flow, and on others they are staccato, interrupted, full of miscommunications and misapprehensions?

7-Eleven wage bill may top $100m

Underpayment of staff at 7-Eleven franchises is under Senate scrutiny.

Adele Ferguson and Sarah Danckert   Convenience store giant 7-Eleven could have to repay up to $100 million in compensation to more than 2000 past and present employees,


7-Eleven: Fair Work says admit complicity

In a report released to Fairfax Media, the Fair Work Ombudsman said 7-Eleven "compounded" the problems of wage fraud ...

Adele Ferguson and Sarah Danckert   Convenience store giant 7-Eleven has been called on by the Fair Work Ombudsman to admit its business model contributed to an environment that encouraged wage fraud and illegal work conditions across its franchise network.

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Adele Ferguson

Beef up the Fair Work regulator

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson   Unless the regulator is better resourced, penalties increased and its powers broadened to include criminal conduct and the power to compel witnesses, little will change.

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Harold Mitchell

Forget age, reward experience

Harold Mitchell.

Harold Mitchell   If you're fit and 65 you are far from over the hill – even if you have to stand up in the saddle to maintain momentum.

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Stop the blame game

Janine Garner says it's time to take responsibility for your effort.

Janine Garner   Time to start being honest during review periods at work.

How to find out if your potential new employer is an innovator

Inventium's Dr Amantha Imber says questions can make all the difference.

Amantha Imber   Looking for a workplace that encourages innovation? Five questions to ask in the interview