
Redback spider found in Woolies broccoli

A Runaway Bay woman received a nasty surprise when she found a redback spider in broccoli from her local supermarket.

A redback spider was reportedly found in a Woolworths customer's produce
A redback spider was reportedly found in a Woolworths customer's produce Photo: Facebook/Dee Nott

Dee Nott posted a picture of her recently bought Broccoli with a redback spider sitting in the head of the vegetable.

She posted the pictures of the poisonous spider on the Woolworths Facebook page urging the supermarket to contact her.

A redback spider was reportedly found in a Woolworths customer's produce
A redback spider was reportedly found in a Woolworths customer's produce Photo: Facebook/Dee Nott

"Hi team Woolworths. I just had a nasty surprise - a live redback spider in my broccoli purchased today at your Runaway Bay store," Nott said.

"I am lucky it did not bite me as I washed it. I plan to take in the critter (now frozen) and my receipt tomorrow. I thought I should mention it in case there is an infestation."

Woolworths replied to the concerned customer asking her to contact them.

"We're very concerned about this, Dee, and take incidents like this very seriously," A Woolworths spokesperson wrote.

"Please let us know your phone number, and state, in a Private Message at (their message page) so that we can follow this up with you ASAP. Thanks."

Nott said the head of Woolworths corporate affairs had since contacted her and told her they were conducting an investigation.

"We understand there will be bugs in the vegetables, but a venomous spider is a bit much," She said.

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