- published: 25 Nov 2011
- views: 930202
Konala (Finnish), Kånala (Swedish) is a subdistrict of Helsinki, Finland. Konala has about 4500 inhabitants and about 3000 jobs. Konala is situated in Luoteis-Helsinki, north of Kehä I and Pitäjänmäki, west of Malminkartano and Kannelmäki. It is bordered from south by Kehä I, east by greenzone which separates at the industrial area along Vihdintie and at the west at Espoo's border.
The houses are mainly small apartment houses and town houses. The area also contains industrial and commercial enterprises . Vihdintie has several automotive companies. Konala-seura estimated that Konala is considered a safe place to live<source?>.
Konalantie splits Konala into two divergent parts. On the east side of Konalantie there are regional blocks of industry, business and apartment blocks. On the west side of the road there are more quieter terraced houses. A good example of this is Äestäjäntien houses. Konala’s northern part, between Uusmaki (which belongs to Vihdintie and Espoo) there is a new, wooden fledged Lehtovuori residential area.
Konala Cartelli - Jep Jep Joo ( feat. Solonen )
Konala Cartelli - Sydän
Konala Cartelli - Hyvä Fiilis
Konala Cartelli - Jäähyväiset Konalalle (ft. Liisa Leppänen) (with lyrics)
Konala Cartelli - Kuuminta hottii
Interview de Konala : Chef de produit Dofus
Découvre Konala en 8 minutes. (Bonus)
Konala Cartelli - Näinkö meillä aina täällä käy
Ratnubai Konala Pavali Full Video Song : Singer - Prakash Tandel || Marathi Devotional Song
Aai Majhi Konala Pavali
Konala Cartelli - KC part 2,5
Konda Konala Naduma
Konala Cartelli - Mahottomat Jutut