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Issue #1716      January 27, 2016

Communists gear up for federal election

It’s been a few years since Communists stood as candidates at a federal election. Running in an election is a big commitment of time and money but those aren’t the only obstacles to be overcome. The bureaucratic requirements of the electoral authorities have made the task that much harder. The major parties of capital – the Liberals, Nationals and Labor – have combined in federal and state jurisdictions to make it harder for smaller parties to take their place on the ballot paper.

They say that raising the number of members required to belong to a party for registration with the Australian Electoral Commission and the fees to be paid are to prevent “frivolous” parties from crowding out the already large ballot paper for the Senate and other, purely administrative, reasons. But as Turnbull government power-broker Christopher Pyne said recently, the major parties want people to limit their options to the Coalition or Labor to keep the business of running capitalism in Australia simple. The interests of the people of Australia, however, are not served by strengthening that cosy relationship.

People ask why Communists would want to run in Australian elections. The game appears to be sewn up for the major parties, especially given the role of the all-pervasive corporate media. But standing candidates with proper recognition on the ballot paper and on the public record presents the opportunity to get socialist ideas before a bigger audience. People are more attuned to political messages than at other times.

The Communist Party of Australia doesn’t believe that profound social change in Australia will flow exclusively or even primarily from the attainment of a parliamentary majority of left and progressive representatives in Canberra. It will be led and then defended within communities, in the workplace and in the streets. But even at this stage, the chance to present pro-people alternatives to the current corporate agenda at election time can’t be passed up.

For that reason we’re asking for your assistance to register our electoral organisation, the Communists, with the Australian Electoral Commission. If you’re on the electoral roll and would be prepared to help out, please contact us at or ring Bob Briton on 0418 894 366.

Or simply fill out this secure form to join the Communists!

Next article – Charges dropped against 28 CFMEU members

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