Drug Treatment

The Basics
Nearly 40% of people who wanted drug or alcohol treatment reported that they were unable to obtain it because they had no health coverage and could not afford it.
Drug law enforcement efforts receive ample funding each year while drug treatment options remain shamefully underfunded. Many people who seek help for their problematic drug use are unable to access treatment, encountering insurance barriers, months-long wait lists, or programs that don't meet their needs. Far too many people are only able to access drug treatment as a result of an arrest or criminal conviction.
DPA advocates expanding drug treatment access to meet need, as well as broadening the definition of drug treatment to include models of care that incorporate harm reduction principles and prioritize health, safety, and improving quality of life over strict abstinence.
We are changing the national dialogue around treatment by raising awareness about proven drug treatment models, like heroin assisted treatment, that have been researched and employed successfully abroad but are still not available in the United States. Through these efforts, we are laying the foundation for more diverse and effective drug treatment options.
