Current Events Blogs


blog about news , events and your comments

Owner: sanaldev

Listed in: Entertainment

Other Tags: poll, news, cricket, sports,science


My blog is a real blend of many topics.Touched slightly on income opportunities.Attempted website.. review.A few tips on nutritional facts.Brought out amazing facts.New gadgets have been discussed

Owner: aniyanshanthy

Listed in: Personal

Other Tags: incomeopportunities, amazing facts, unique products, health nutrition


News aggregation website featuring over 300 selected news and opinion pieces, plus dozens of.. updating feeds from top-rated political news sites and bloggers — Much better than Drudge... Relevant Information for the Curious — Finds Its Way Here ®

Owner: NewsboyPost

Listed in: Politics

Other Tags: Conservative, Republican, Obama, Commentary


Musings on the relevant topics of today. Politics, People, Music, Film, Media, Sports, Weather,.. Geography, Food, Entertainment.

Owner: donechute

Listed in: Personal

Other Tags: Humor, Politics, Media, Entertainment


An emerging writer blogs about pop culture, current events and art - with a twist of 80s nostalgia.

Owner: postmadonnadotcom

Listed in: Celebrities

Other Tags: pop culture, celebrity, Madonna, entertainment


Informative...Provocative...and laced with ADD, the FairView uses headlines, links and commentary to.. piece together an integrated view of the world in which we live.

Owner: theFairView

Listed in: Politics

Other Tags: Commentary, Economics, Finance, Politics


Enjoy All About News y Events, Current Events, Media y Journalism

Owner: negocios

Listed in: Internet

Other Tags: news, events, media, journalism

Follow Man of Culture - Man of Leisure - Man of Madness. Ant's blog about painting,.. ranting, drawing, cooking, eating, atlanta, and current events.

Owner: iamant

Listed in: Arts

Other Tags: Art, Painting, Drawing, Curent Events, Food


The Thoughtologist is a collection of the author's random musings about his personal life,.. travel, entertainment, fashion and current events

Owner: Joseph_Giancarlo_Cruz_Agdamag

Listed in: Personal

Other Tags: fashion, Manila, law school, lifestyle

10. Gizeroon


Daily humor on various topics. Fake celebrity interviews. "Dear Letters" to anyone.

Owner: Gizeroon_Demonino

Listed in: Humor

Other Tags: humor, satire, celebrity, news

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