Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Charmed Life: David Cameron, the fast-tracked Teflon Tory (Parts One and Two)

My two-parter on David Cameron, the fast-tracked Teflon Tory, for RT.com

The #PanamaPapers leaks have exposed David Cameron as a hypocrite and consequently done great harm to his reputation.
If the political fall-out from the leaks does eventually bring the British Prime Minister down then he can't really complain as he's had a dream ride up to now.
He didn’t deserve to become Conservative Party leader in 2005 as his main rivals for the job were better qualified and more experienced and he most certainly, given his track record in office, didn't deserve to get another term as Prime Minister in 2015.

You can read the rest of Part One here.  Part Two can be read here.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Putin's Q&A;: Around the world in 80 questions

My take on Putin's marathon Q & A session, for RT.com

There are more questions than answers’ the American reggae artist Johnny Nash sang in 1972. The same was certainly true of Thursday’s marathon Q & A with Vladimir Putin, when over 3 million questions were sent in by the general public for consideration.
Today’s session, compared to others we've had in the past, was a relatively ‘quickie’ - it ‘only’ lasted three hours thirty-nine minutes - one hour and eight minutes short of Putin’s record, set in 2013.
And the Russian President ‘only’ answered eighty questions. What a slacker!
Even though no records were broken, it was still a pretty impressive watch - particularly for Westerners unused to the rather revolutionary idea of leaders answering a flurry of questions directly put to them by members of the public for hours on end.

You can read the whole piece here.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The #PanamaPapers: If it was a US/Soros-backed plot it backfired badly

My piece on the Panama Papers for RT.com

If ‘Get Putin’ really was the agenda behind the data leaks as some believe, then the plan seems to have backfired as it is US ally David Cameron who is currently feeling the most heat from the revelations....

You can read the whole piece here.
Meanwhile here are extracts from a RT interview with me on why the main charge against David Cameron is one of hypocrisy.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Red Rum: The horse who saved the Grand National


 My piece on Grand National history from today's Daily Express.

IT’S watched and bet on by millions but the world’s most famous steeplechase was once in danger of disappearing – until a certain Red Rum came along..

It is estimated that 79 per cent of the adult population of Britain will have some form of financial interest in the outcome of tomorrow’s Grand National, with well over £150million being wagered.
A maximum crowd of 72,500 will be in attendance at Aintree, while millions more will be watching the world’s most famous steeplechase on television. It is no exaggeration to say that the Grand National is the one sporting event in Britain that stops the country.
So popular is the race today it is hard to believe that about 45 years ago its very future was in doubt. In the late 1960s and early 1970s people were talking mournfully about how the “Last National” could not be far off.

You can read the whole article here.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Radovan Karadzic deserves punishment - but what about the Neocons?

My latest piece for RT.com OpEdge

The conviction of Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic shows that no one is above the law, says the UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al-Hussein.
Karadzic was just sentenced to forty years in jail for genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
"No matter how powerful they are, no matter how untouchable they imagine themselves to be, no matter what continent they inhabit, the perpetrators of such crimes must know that they will not escape justice," Al-Hussein said.
But is that really true?

You can read the whole piece here:

Monday, March 21, 2016

Google this! Hillary Clinton and the Syrian regime-change conspiracy

My new piece for RT.com on the HRC emails.

If you’d have said a year ago that the US State Department, Google, and Al Jazeera had been collaborating in pursuance of regime change in Syria, chances are you’d have been casually dismissed as a ‘crank’ and a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
Syria was a people’s uprising against a wicked genocidal Russian-backed dictator and the West had nothing to do with the bloodshed which engulfed the country. If you thought otherwise then you were considered an 'Assad apologist'.
However, thanks to Wikileaks, the Freedom of Information Act, and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s use of a private, non-secure email server, we can see what was really going on behind the curtain.

You can read the whole article here.

Monday, March 14, 2016

RT Sputnik interview with George Galloway on Internet Trolling/Stalking

I was on board the Sputnik with George Galloway and Gayatri on Saturday, talking about my experiences of being stalked and trolled- and agenda driven wikipedia editing. The interview starts at around 12 minutes. Before that there is a good discussion on Turkey.