'Hikaru' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
The Gamers: Hands of Fate (2013)
Thomas Gofton (actor),
Thomas Gofton (producer),
Trin Miller (actress),
Scott C. Brown (actor),
Elizabeth Heile (producer),
Scott C. Brown (actor),
Matt Vancil (producer),
Elizabeth Heile (actress),
Matt Vancil (actor),
Matt Vancil (writer),
Matt Vancil (director),
David Falcon Ayala (miscellaneous crew),
Darlene Sellers (actress),
Kevin Inouye (actor),
Jennifer Page (actress),
Leo: Start out strong. Set yourself up for victory. There's a reason you're carrying three of these.::Cass: Biggest Turnip?::Leo: Quick 2 Renown.::Cass: [incredulous] Biggest Turnip?::Leo: Not every quest gets to be epic.::Cass: Maybe I'm missing something... What exactly is the big heroic deed here? Growing a giant freak vegetable?::Leo: More or less...::Cass: And said mutant tuber has the potential to win you the game?::Leo: I don't think turnips are tubers.::Cass: So... your empire's at war, and regardless of the tactical or economic realities on the ground, you could theoretically win a military conflict by growing a turgid bit of purple stew-bait.::Leo: [smiling] Hey. I have an idea how to end this flashback.::Cass: Oh?::[Leo slaps him]
Osric: How are you a cleric?::Luster: The lord works in mysterious ways.
Weaver: A common theme one finds in classical mythology is the belief that all events are predetermined, that all outcomes have already been decided - by gods, weaving together the strands of fate. On a related note, you may call me Weaver.::Cass: No.::Weaver: I'm sorry?::Cass: No, I'm gonna call you... Louis. You look like a Louis to me.
Leo: The Meach has won four Gen Cons. He is arguably the best player in the game today.::Cass: Great,so how am I supposed to beat him at Gen Con?::Leo: With any luck, the Legacy will knock him out of the tournament.::Cass: Okay... how am I supposed to beat the Legacy?::Leo: With any luck, the Meach will knock them out of the tournament.::Cass: You're not helping!
Natalie: So full disclosure - my tazer's not actually legal in the states. I had to send away for it to Singapore.::Cass: I'm detecting a hint of negativity.
Husky (2012)
Art Roberts (actor),
Will Leon (actor),
Jane Shayne (actress),
Michael Gonzales (actor),
Mark E. Ridley (actor),
Gary Casey (actor),
Norith Soth (writer),
Norith Soth (producer),
Charlotte Kyle (actress),
Taka Arai (producer),
Karol Ballard (miscellaneous crew),
Karol Ballard (producer),
Khayyam Kain (actor),
Khayyam Kain (producer),
Mikal Britt (writer),
Plot: Is Hunter Husky losing his mind? Or is it possible that his newly-found stray dog really looks like and is behaving like his recently deceased fiance? Is it possible that her soul is inside this dog? Follow Hunter's surreal journey of mourning via canine assistance, as he struggles to come to terms with his loss.
Night (2007)
Denis Akiyama (actor),
Mark Montefiore (producer),
Eric Gamache (miscellaneous crew),
Aren Hansen (editor),
Dylan Akio Smith (director),
Mike Realba (actor),
Jennifer Mesich (producer),
Albert Chung (actor),
Rebecca Applebaum (actress),
Ian Somers (composer),
Dave Jacombs Jr. (miscellaneous crew),
Shannon Hanmer (miscellaneous crew),
Katherine Collins (writer),
Donald Young (miscellaneous crew),
Miho Yamamoto (actress),
Gôgô sentai Bôkenger tai Sûpâ Sentai (2007)
Tôru Furuya (actor),
Nao Nagasawa (actress),
Nao Nagasawa (actress),
Hideyuki Hori (actor),
Yasuhiro Takato (actor),
Hiroya Matsumoto (actor),
Hiroya Matsumoto (actor),
Hiroo Ôtaka (actor),
Masayuki Deai (actor),
Yasuka Saito (actor),
Yasuka Saito (actor),
Masayuki Deai (actor),
Haruka Suenaga (actress),
Haruka Suenaga (actress),
Masashi Mikami (actor),
[last line]::Aka Red: [floating in outer space] Young warriors...I trust this world to you. I'll enter into sleep. But your elder will always protect you all...
Aka Red: Let's go, everyone. Then, till Bouken Red returns, I will fill Red's role.::Eiji Takaoka: Damn, you got the good part.
Aka Red: Wait, Bouken Silver! If you go now, the same will happen to you.::Eiji Takaoka: And who...are you?::Aka Red: Super Sentai. Aka Red!::Eiji Takaoka: Aka Red?::Aka Red: You should know then too, the 30 Super Sentai that continue to defend the world. I, as the other Sentai leaders, am a Red Warrior, born from a wish of peace.::Eiji Takaoka: Born from a wish of peace?
Aka Red: Mankind's worst enemy, the Demon of Time, Chronos, has started moving. He's planning to recover a powerful Precious and conquer the world.::Eiji Takaoka: Conquer the world?::Aka Red: It's the world's greatest danger. If you want to save your friends and the world, ask the help of the older heroes you'll find here.::[hands address book to Eiji]::Eiji Takaoka: Super Sentai Address Book. A phonebook?!
Eiji Takaoka: The Earth is in peril!::Tsubasa Ozu: [in the middle of boxing] I'm also in peril!
Tetsu Aira: My name is Tetsu. Member of the Gokuryuu space family. I'm their frontman, Tetsu! Keep talking and I'll bury you!::Eiji Takaoka: What are you talking about? I just...::Tetsu Aira: Nonsense! Disappear!::[throws Eiji out the window]::Tetsu Aira: There, the hindrance is gone. Let's get back to business.::Eiji Takaoka: [gets up from the ground] Would you normally throw someone?
Tsuetsue: Who are you, old man?::Daijinkan Gajya: Don't call me an old man! Come with me so we can conquer the world!::Tsuetsue: Oh! You say some nice things, old man.
Daijinkan Gajya: What is it? What happened?::Time Demon God Chronos: The last priestess disappeared after reviving.::Tsuetsue: Why's it matter? We're plenty for taking over the world, right?::Time Demon God Chronos: What a joke? Without her, my goal cannot be achieved! Find her! Even if you have to pull plants by its roots!
Aka Red: You twelve must combine your powers and defeat them. Bouken Red, you did well to return. From now on, you are the Chief of our Super Sentai.::Bouken Red: I don't completely understand, but roger that.
Memmi: Come at me, baby!::Deka Break: Don't underestimate us!::Magi Shine: Or you'll suffer!
Mahou sentai Magirenjâ vs Dekaranger (2006)
Takeshi Kusao (actor),
Tetsu Inada (actor),
Tetsu Inada (actor),
Mako Ishino (actress),
Tsutomu Isobe (actor),
Misa Watanabe (actress),
Mika Kikuchi (actress),
Yasuhiro Takato (actor),
Mika Kikuchi (actress),
Takashi Nagasako (actor),
Hiroya Matsumoto (actor),
Hiroya Matsumoto (actor),
Ayumi Kinoshita (actress),
Ayumi Kinoshita (actress),
Eiji Takemoto (actor),
[after crashing into a pile of garbage, Kai sees Ban in his battlized armor]::Kai Ozu: Who is this idiot? You're in the way. Move!
[after Jasmine tries to save Urara and both are taken through a magial seal]::Kai Ozu: You dumbass!::[he punches Ban]::Banban Akaza: Why did you suddenly attack me?::Kai Ozu: Why are you asking why? You butt in! And did something stupid!
Smoky: Why are strangers in here?::Mandora: Wh-what and who are you people?::Senichi Enari: [picks up Mandora] The cat... and the grass is talking.::Tetsudou Aira: Nonsense.::Houji Tomasu: Unbelieveable.
Reimon Marika: [to Memmi and Agent X] Your conspiracy ends here!
Senichi Enari: In my family, I have seven siblings. All we do is fight.::Makito Ozu: No. We always fight too. It's strange for us to work as a union now. It might be because Mother's gone.::Senichi Enari: Makito-san.::Makito Ozu: For Mother's sake, we fight to defeat the Infershia. It's because we all have the same goal. I think that's important for a family.
Wolzard: You're pretty good.::Deka Master: You as well.::Wolzard: But the operation has already begun.
Mahou sentai Magirenjâ the Movie: Inferushia no hanayome (2005)
Hiroya Matsumoto (actor),
Hiroya Matsumoto (actor),
Machiko Soga (actress),
Jun Hashimoto (actor),
Jun Hashimoto (actor),
Kaoru Hirata (actress),
Yuki Ito (actor),
Yuki Ito (actor),
Asami Kai (actress),
Asami Kai (actress),
Ayumi Beppu (actress),
Yosuke Ichikawa (actor),
Yosuke Ichikawa (actor),
Ayumi Beppu (actress),
Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ tai Sûpâ Sentai (2001)
Hiroshi Miyauchi (actor),
Jôji Nakata (actor),
Hiroshi Miyauchi (actor),
Kei Horie (actor),
Hiroshi Miyauchi (actor),
Yukari Ôshima (actress),
Hiroshi Miyauchi (actor),
Hiroshi Miyauchi (actor),
Kei Horie (actor),
Shôzô Iizuka (actor),
Naoya Makoto (actor),
Naoya Makoto (actor),
Hideaki Kusaka (actor),
Hideaki Kusaka (actor),
Hideaki Kusaka (actor),
Kyûkyû sentai Go Go Five vs Gingaman (2000)
Hikaru Midorikawa (actor),
Ryûzaburô Ôtomo (actor),
Taiki Matsuno (actor),
Teruaki Ogawa (actor),
Teruaki Ogawa (actor),
Miho Yamada (actress),
Kayoko Shibata (actress),
Kayoko Shibata (actress),
Atsushi Harada (actor),
Atsushi Harada (actor),
Shouei (actor),
Kazuki Maehara (actor),
Kazuki Maehara (actor),
Ryûichirô Nishioka (actor),
Ryûichirô Nishioka (actor),
Hikaru No Go - Kì thủ cờ vây tap 1(full)
Câu chuyện bắt đầu khi cậu bé
Shindou Hikaru tình cờ đến nhà ông nội và bắt gặp 1 chiếc bàn cờ vây cổ, không ai nhìn thấy vết máu trên bàn cờ ngoài cậu. Sau đó, cậu đã gặp
Fujiwara no Sai, 1 kỳ thủ cờ vây đến từ thời đại Heian, vốn là 1 người dạy cờ vây cho nhà vua, nhưng bị 1 người dạy cờ khác ganh ghét hãm hại, nên bị đuổi khỏi thành. Uất ức, Sai trầm mình xuống sông tự vẫn, nhưng do vẫn còn nặng lòng với cờ vây, Sai đã nhập
mời bạn ghé
http://myclipvnn.blogspot.com Va htvn.tk để xem các bộ khác Thân
Utada Hikaru First Love Utada United 2006
【Hikaru】His Theme Cover - Undertale -
Asriel's character touched my heart more than I could have ever possibly imagined.
S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://soundcloud.com/hikarustation/
M P 3 D o w n l o a d ➝ https://www.dropbox.com/s/coz1tdqs10lr4k2/His%20Theme%20-%20Hikaru%20%28Tuning%20-%20Fuyuneru%29
I believe the strongest people are the ones that manage to keep a smile on their face even when they're the ones hurting the most.
Undertale reminded me of so many lessons we hear everyday, but don't necessarily follow- The virtue of selflessness, the importance of knowing there are people that love you, and the courage to choose a path that promises only suffering. The dark is a scary place because we don't know what's in it. But when you're feel...
【Hikaru】Kokoronashi Cover 心做し
Stop, quit it, you're being too kind to me.
"My chest is starting to hurt again, don't say anymore."
No matter how much you smile and say the same words over and over again, I still can't seem to hear you over my own thoughts.
"No matter how much
I scream and struggle, or my eyelids swell."
I push people away when the only thing I want is to be loved by them.
"You just hold me without letting go."
And this song represents the part of me that I can't seem to separate from.
"You can stop now."
M P 3 ➝ https://goo.gl/OeUzl9
▼ A c a p e l l a ➝ https://goo.gl/vE6FdQ
▼ S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://goo.gl/QQsbnc
V o c a l s ➝ M o v i e ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
M i x ➝
Dari @
My Favorite Hikaru and Kaoru Moments
I love
Hikaru and
Kaoru so I put a video of all my favorite moments of them.
Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
2016 U.S. Championship: Hikaru Nakamura After Round 10
An interview with
Hikaru Nakamura right after he won against the talented GM
Jeffery Xiong. Nakamura speaks about the game but also about possibly playing
Garry Kasparov in the blitz event that will take place after the tournament.
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Nightcore - Hikaru Nara「Goose house」
Thanks for watching !!
Anime :
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Song :
Hikaru Nara
♫Artlist From :
Goose house
Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!XNQFVKJC!Sp041wjBNk_p8p2tGPpjHeAMweZha5uC-qTaF_BLLoU
Facebook Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Strike-Katana/511707668945544
✓Download All
Music : https://mega.co.nz/#F!yZQnkKpS!ZSgwqdZ7g02aw_YFF43H0w
Image :
宇多田ヒカル - Passion ~single version~
2005年12月14日発売 15th
Single ( ゲームソフト『KINGDOM HEARTS II』テーマソング)。PVは北京で撮影された。宇多田ヒカル自身の振り付けはダンサーの振りを見て、自ら考案。アニメパートはUtadaでもコラボした森本晃司氏が担当。
Utada Hikaru -
Passion ~single version~
Hikki's 15th single, released on Dec. 14,
2005 (also the theme song for the "
Kingdom Hearts II" video game).
Shot in
Beijing. Hikki observed the way her backup dancers moved to choreograph her own movements. The anime part was done by
Koji Morimoto, who had collaborated with Hikki in the past.
Hikaru Nakamura Beats 22 Chess Players in 7 Minutes
Hikaru Nakamura takes on the entire
Chess.com company in a time-odds marathon in
Can he defeat the entire staff of Chess.com?
Watch to find out.
Sign up for
FREE online play:
Follow us on
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chess
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Hikaru Nara - Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso OP [piano]
The long awaited piano cover is finally here!
Hikaru Nara by
Goose House!
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (your lie in April) is definitely one of the best anime series of this fall anime season 2014, and of course, I am not missing out the awesome OP song as well!
Initially I wanted to make a very sophisticated and virtuosic "piano fantasy about a theme of a classical music anime" - transcription, because it fits quite well with the classical music topic of the anime.
I attempted to integrate the Schumann piano concerto in A-major with Hikaru Nara (and changing the time signature from
4/4 to
3/4), but I gave up the idea halfway, since it didn't sound very good.
That's why I started from the scratch again and made a slower, "ballad-version" instead. I took the main motif from the chorus and c
(ヒカルの碁 03) Hikaru no Go - Episódio 03 (Akira mostra as suas garras) (legendado PT-BR)
O que é o Go?
Onde posso aprender Go online?
Tente esse site que ensina interativamente e passo a passo:
Problemas para treinar:
Existe alguma associação de Go no
Onde posso adquirir o mangá do
Hikaru no Go?
Já existe uma versão traduzida pela
Editora JBC:
Hikaru no Go - best parts, 1
Sai vs
Akira, Sai vs Meijin,
Hikaru's fast Go
Hikaru no Go - best parts, 2
Akira's Simultaneous,
Hikaru vs Hong Su-Yeong, Hikaru vs Ochi, Sai vs Kouyou
4:48 -
Chosun Ninja!
Hikaru No Go Movie - Road to Hokuto Cup Subtitle Indonesia
Hikaru No Go Movie -
Road to Hokuto Cup
Subtitle Indonesia
Hikaru mendapat panggilan telepon yang memintanya untuk ikut serta dalam kompetisi turnamen junior Jepang, Cina dan
Korea tapi dia tahu dia harus ikut dalam turnament awal untuk menjadi salah satu dari tiga kontestan Jepang.
Setelah mendiskusikan hal ini dengan
Akira, Ia mengetahui bahwa Akira telah dipilih untuk turnamen dan tidak ikut serta dalam penyisihan awal. Hikaru kemudian memutuskan untuk tidak mengikuti Rental Go Akira sampai ia mendapat tempatnya di Jepang dengan Akira dan dia mungkin memiliki penantang baru, dalam pemain yang menjajikan dari
Institute Go
Fansub :
It Not a
Copyright Infringement.
It's Only
Fair Use.
Copyright can go to their
Real Respective Owners!
【Hikaru】Stronger Than You Response - Undertale -
You were never in control.
Note ▼
No one touch me.
Genocide route ruined my life.
I fell in love with Ateotu's lyrics because they resonate so well with this route and I get chills every time I listen to his cover.
Please check it out! ➝ https://goo.gl/igT9nH
Special thanks to Keii for helping me figure out how to animate this pv, you're an angel!
▼ S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://goo.gl/O3MUYE
M P 3 D o w n l o a d ➝ https://goo.gl/svgwuv
▼ A c a p e l l a ➝ https://goo.gl/V3EgF9
Credits ▼
V o c a l s ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
L y r i c s ➝ Ateotu @ https://goo.gl/PvxE5w
A r t ➝
Pendulum @
M i x i n g ➝ Kanimey @ https://goo.gl/j7mID6
A n i m a t i o n ➝ Hikaru @ Right her
Hikaru No Go 01 VF
01 : un éternel rival
宇多田ヒカル - First Love
1999年4月28日発売 サードシングル(
TBS 系ドラマ「魔女の条件」主題歌)。大ヒットアルバム「
First Love」からのシングルカット。ハイスピードカメラを用いたシーンが印象的なビデオ。
Utada Hikaru - First Love
Hikki's 3rd single, released on Apr. 28,
1999. (also the theme song for the drama "
Majo no Joken" (TBS
Network)). The impressive imagery of this video was shot with a high speed camera.
光るなら/Goose house
期間限定版 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00NLLNGKG
Twitter @GoosehouseJP
Facebook Goosehouse.jp
official site http://goosehouse.jp
official store http://goosehouse.shop-pro.jp
10月のUSTREAM LIVEでお届けした楽曲を
次回のUSTREAM LIVEは11/15日20時頃から。
i do not own any of the audio but i do own this video so please do not steal or copy!
Hikaru No Go - Episodes 1-4 (Japanese Dubbed With English Subtitles)
Hikaru Shindou Is Just A
Normal Twelve Year
Old Japanese Boy. But,
One Day, As He's
Going Through His Grandfather's
Old Things To See What He Can Sell, He Comes Across An Old Go
Board. A
Ghost Type Figure Comes Out Of The Board And Tells
Hikaru His Sad
Story. His
Name Is
Fujiwara No Sai (Or Sai Of
The Fujiwara), A Man Who Was
The Go Instructor,
A Thousand Years Ago, To
The Emperor Of
Japan. However, Sai Was Falsely
Accused Of
Cheating, And Was
Exiled From
The City. With
No Reason To Live, Sai
Committed Suicide By
Drowning Himself. Now, He
Haunts A Go Board And Wants To Achieve The
Perfect Go
Game, A
Move Called
The "Hand Of God." He Hopes
Do This Through Hikaru. Thus This Story Of
Learning, And Excitement Begins
Kingdom Hearts-Sanctuary (Utada Hikaru English Version)
Video di kingdom hearts con la canzone di
Utada Hikaru-Sanctuary. Immagini con i trii e le coppie + belle di kingdom hearts. Buona visione spero che vi piaccia =)
Song: UtadaHikaru -
[L☆] Hikaru no Go 51
Hikaru no Go
Chapter LI
Entitled: "Kurata 6-Dan"
Uploaded by: Lexi☆
Star /
Alex the
Hikaru No Go - Kì thủ cờ vây tap 1(full)
Câu chuyện bắt đầu khi cậu bé
Shindou Hikaru tình cờ đến nhà ông nội và bắt gặp 1 chiếc bàn cờ vây cổ, không ai nhìn thấy vết máu trên bàn cờ ngoài cậu. Sau đó,
Câu chuyện bắt đầu khi cậu bé
Shindou Hikaru tình cờ đến nhà ông nội và bắt gặp 1 chiếc bàn cờ vây cổ, không ai nhìn thấy vết máu trên bàn cờ ngoài cậu. Sau đó, cậu đã gặp
Fujiwara no Sai, 1 kỳ thủ cờ vây đến từ thời đại Heian, vốn là 1 người dạy cờ vây cho nhà vua, nhưng bị 1 người dạy cờ khác ganh ghét hãm hại, nên bị đuổi khỏi thành. Uất ức, Sai trầm mình xuống sông tự vẫn, nhưng do vẫn còn nặng lòng với cờ vây, Sai đã nhập
mời bạn ghé
http://myclipvnn.blogspot.com Va htvn.tk để xem các bộ khác Thân
wn.com/Hikaru No Go Kì Thủ Cờ Vây Tap 1(Full)
Câu chuyện bắt đầu khi cậu bé
Shindou Hikaru tình cờ đến nhà ông nội và bắt gặp 1 chiếc bàn cờ vây cổ, không ai nhìn thấy vết máu trên bàn cờ ngoài cậu. Sau đó, cậu đã gặp
Fujiwara no Sai, 1 kỳ thủ cờ vây đến từ thời đại Heian, vốn là 1 người dạy cờ vây cho nhà vua, nhưng bị 1 người dạy cờ khác ganh ghét hãm hại, nên bị đuổi khỏi thành. Uất ức, Sai trầm mình xuống sông tự vẫn, nhưng do vẫn còn nặng lòng với cờ vây, Sai đã nhập
mời bạn ghé
http://myclipvnn.blogspot.com Va htvn.tk để xem các bộ khác Thân
- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 133594
【Hikaru】His Theme Cover - Undertale -
Asriel's character touched my heart more than I could have ever possibly imagined.
S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://soundcloud.com/h
Asriel's character touched my heart more than I could have ever possibly imagined.
S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://soundcloud.com/hikarustation/
M P 3 D o w n l o a d ➝ https://www.dropbox.com/s/coz1tdqs10lr4k2/His%20Theme%20-%20Hikaru%20%28Tuning%20-%20Fuyuneru%29
I believe the strongest people are the ones that manage to keep a smile on their face even when they're the ones hurting the most.
Undertale reminded me of so many lessons we hear everyday, but don't necessarily follow- The virtue of selflessness, the importance of knowing there are people that love you, and the courage to choose a path that promises only suffering. The dark is a scary place because we don't know what's in it. But when you're feeling defeated, even when you feel like there is only one option left- it could be a reason, a memory, a person, or something you didn't even know you had within yourself that refuses to give up. There is a l w a y s a reason to press continue.
"Even if I'm no longer really me.
There's still a part that lives inside my heart that hopes to be by your side until you reach the end."
Thank you Toby Fox for creating such an incredibly well-woven story that left a little something in all of us.
Stay determined.
Special thank you to Lizz for writing such emotional and beautiful lyrics that speak to you, Taioo who gave me permission to use this lovely piano arrangement, Eva for giving me permission to use her adorable Asriel art,
Fuyu for doing an amazing job of tuning, and Parecki for introducing Undertale to me!
Be sure to check out Lizz's cover of His
Theme too! ➝ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rage9...
V o c a l s + M o v i e + M i x ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
O r i g i n a l L y r i c s ➝ Lizz @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rage9TTBJFE
P i a n o
A r r a n g e m e n t ➝ Taioo @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEcn1uv0BfI
A r t ➝ Eva Chao @
T u n i n g ➝ Fuyuneru @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv_NryZaxM3xVlRy05tKHg
✿【Buy Undertale】✿
wn.com/【Hikaru】His Theme Cover Undertale
Asriel's character touched my heart more than I could have ever possibly imagined.
S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://soundcloud.com/hikarustation/
M P 3 D o w n l o a d ➝ https://www.dropbox.com/s/coz1tdqs10lr4k2/His%20Theme%20-%20Hikaru%20%28Tuning%20-%20Fuyuneru%29
I believe the strongest people are the ones that manage to keep a smile on their face even when they're the ones hurting the most.
Undertale reminded me of so many lessons we hear everyday, but don't necessarily follow- The virtue of selflessness, the importance of knowing there are people that love you, and the courage to choose a path that promises only suffering. The dark is a scary place because we don't know what's in it. But when you're feeling defeated, even when you feel like there is only one option left- it could be a reason, a memory, a person, or something you didn't even know you had within yourself that refuses to give up. There is a l w a y s a reason to press continue.
"Even if I'm no longer really me.
There's still a part that lives inside my heart that hopes to be by your side until you reach the end."
Thank you Toby Fox for creating such an incredibly well-woven story that left a little something in all of us.
Stay determined.
Special thank you to Lizz for writing such emotional and beautiful lyrics that speak to you, Taioo who gave me permission to use this lovely piano arrangement, Eva for giving me permission to use her adorable Asriel art,
Fuyu for doing an amazing job of tuning, and Parecki for introducing Undertale to me!
Be sure to check out Lizz's cover of His
Theme too! ➝ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rage9...
V o c a l s + M o v i e + M i x ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
O r i g i n a l L y r i c s ➝ Lizz @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rage9TTBJFE
P i a n o
A r r a n g e m e n t ➝ Taioo @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEcn1uv0BfI
A r t ➝ Eva Chao @
T u n i n g ➝ Fuyuneru @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmv_NryZaxM3xVlRy05tKHg
✿【Buy Undertale】✿
- published: 24 Jan 2016
- views: 12514
【Hikaru】Kokoronashi Cover 心做し
Stop, quit it, you're being too kind to me.
"My chest is starting to hurt again, don't say anymore."
No matter how much y
Stop, quit it, you're being too kind to me.
"My chest is starting to hurt again, don't say anymore."
No matter how much you smile and say the same words over and over again, I still can't seem to hear you over my own thoughts.
"No matter how much
I scream and struggle, or my eyelids swell."
I push people away when the only thing I want is to be loved by them.
"You just hold me without letting go."
And this song represents the part of me that I can't seem to separate from.
"You can stop now."
M P 3 ➝ https://goo.gl/OeUzl9
▼ A c a p e l l a ➝ https://goo.gl/vE6FdQ
▼ S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://goo.gl/QQsbnc
V o c a l s ➝ M o v i e ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
M i x ➝
Dari @ https://goo.gl/kdmFNP
A r t ➝ Pandikku @ https://goo.gl/ktxzJX
A r r a n g e ➝ skyry13 @ https://goo.gl/C69GC9
T r a n s l a t i o n ➝ VocaloidLyricsWikia ➝ AnimeLyrics
Original Song Credits】
S o n g ➝ Chouchou-P @
wn.com/【Hikaru】Kokoronashi Cover 心做し
Stop, quit it, you're being too kind to me.
"My chest is starting to hurt again, don't say anymore."
No matter how much you smile and say the same words over and over again, I still can't seem to hear you over my own thoughts.
"No matter how much
I scream and struggle, or my eyelids swell."
I push people away when the only thing I want is to be loved by them.
"You just hold me without letting go."
And this song represents the part of me that I can't seem to separate from.
"You can stop now."
M P 3 ➝ https://goo.gl/OeUzl9
▼ A c a p e l l a ➝ https://goo.gl/vE6FdQ
▼ S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://goo.gl/QQsbnc
V o c a l s ➝ M o v i e ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
M i x ➝
Dari @ https://goo.gl/kdmFNP
A r t ➝ Pandikku @ https://goo.gl/ktxzJX
A r r a n g e ➝ skyry13 @ https://goo.gl/C69GC9
T r a n s l a t i o n ➝ VocaloidLyricsWikia ➝ AnimeLyrics
Original Song Credits】
S o n g ➝ Chouchou-P @
- published: 26 Mar 2016
- views: 6020
My Favorite Hikaru and Kaoru Moments
I love
Hikaru and
Kaoru so I put a video of all my favorite moments of them.
Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
I love
Hikaru and
Kaoru so I put a video of all my favorite moments of them.
Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
wn.com/My Favorite Hikaru And Kaoru Moments
I love
Hikaru and
Kaoru so I put a video of all my favorite moments of them.
Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 513311
Nightcore - Hikaru Nara「Goose house」
Thanks for watching !!
Anime :
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Song :
Hikaru Nara
♫Artlist From :
Goose house
Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!XNQFVKJC!Sp041wjBNk_p8p2tGPpjHeAMweZha5uC-qTaF_BLLoU
Facebook Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Strike-Katana/511707668945544
✓Download All
Music : https://mega.co.nz/#F!yZQnkKpS!ZSgwqdZ7g02aw_YFF43H0w
Image :
I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing. I just upload this to share this great music with the world.
Thank you.
Fair Use
Copyright Disclaimer Under
Section 107 of the
Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair
►Subscribe and Like in the
Video and channel
wn.com/Nightcore Hikaru Nara「Goose House」
Thanks for watching !!
Anime :
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Song :
Hikaru Nara
♫Artlist From :
Goose house
Download : https://mega.co.nz/#!XNQFVKJC!Sp041wjBNk_p8p2tGPpjHeAMweZha5uC-qTaF_BLLoU
Facebook Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Strike-Katana/511707668945544
✓Download All
Music : https://mega.co.nz/#F!yZQnkKpS!ZSgwqdZ7g02aw_YFF43H0w
Image :
I don't own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made, and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing. I just upload this to share this great music with the world.
Thank you.
Fair Use
Copyright Disclaimer Under
Section 107 of the
Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair
►Subscribe and Like in the
Video and channel
- published: 25 Nov 2014
- views: 1240758
宇多田ヒカル - Passion ~single version~
2005年12月14日発売 15th
Single ( ゲームソフト『KINGDOM HEARTS II』テーマソング)。PVは北京で撮影された。宇多田ヒカル自身の振り付けはダンサーの振りを見て、自ら考案。アニメパートはUtadaでもコラボした森本晃司氏が担当。
Utada Hikaru -
2005年12月14日発売 15th
Single ( ゲームソフト『KINGDOM HEARTS II』テーマソング)。PVは北京で撮影された。宇多田ヒカル自身の振り付けはダンサーの振りを見て、自ら考案。アニメパートはUtadaでもコラボした森本晃司氏が担当。
Utada Hikaru -
Passion ~single version~
Hikki's 15th single, released on Dec. 14,
2005 (also the theme song for the "
Kingdom Hearts II" video game).
Shot in
Beijing. Hikki observed the way her backup dancers moved to choreograph her own movements. The anime part was done by
Koji Morimoto, who had collaborated with Hikki in the past.
wn.com/宇多田ヒカル Passion ~Single Version~
2005年12月14日発売 15th
Single ( ゲームソフト『KINGDOM HEARTS II』テーマソング)。PVは北京で撮影された。宇多田ヒカル自身の振り付けはダンサーの振りを見て、自ら考案。アニメパートはUtadaでもコラボした森本晃司氏が担当。
Utada Hikaru -
Passion ~single version~
Hikki's 15th single, released on Dec. 14,
2005 (also the theme song for the "
Kingdom Hearts II" video game).
Shot in
Beijing. Hikki observed the way her backup dancers moved to choreograph her own movements. The anime part was done by
Koji Morimoto, who had collaborated with Hikki in the past.
- published: 08 Nov 2010
- views: 7863853
Hikaru Nara - Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso OP [piano]
The long awaited piano cover is finally here!
Hikaru Nara by
Goose House!
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (your lie in April) is definitely one of the best anime series of this fall anime season 2014, and of course, I am not missing out the awesome OP song as well!
Initially I wanted to make a very sophisticated and virtuosic "piano fantasy about a theme of a classical music anime" - transcription, because it fits quite well with the classical music topic of the anime.
I attempted to integrate the Schumann piano concerto in A-major with Hikaru Nara (and changing the time signature from
4/4 to
3/4), but I gave up the idea halfway, since it didn't sound very good.
That's why I started from the scratch again and made a slower, "ballad-version" instead. I took the main motif from the chorus and created many "original passages" - mosty noticeable in the beginning part and the build-up transitions before the chorus.
This piano version of Hikaru Nara is also more melancholic than the original upbeat Hikaru Nara song by Goose House, because of the slow beginning and slow ending.
I think, you could regard this as a "summary" of my transcription activity of this year. The first piano medley with sheets, (
Nagi no asukara), the first piano cover with "classical ending" (owari no sekai kara), the first live concert in three major asian cities (animenz live!)
.... I had many firsts this year and I gained a lot of valuable experiences.
It was truly a fantastic year for me.
Thank you, everyone, for your support!
I wouldn't have come so far without your valuable feedback!
ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Last but not least, this is also my final transcription for this year.
I will return next year again, as usual, when the new anime season starts.
Well then, I hope you enjoyed the "ballad" version of Hikaru Nara!
See you again!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Download the sheet and the midi file here:
My facebook page:
Follow me on Twitter!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Piano arrangement by Animenz
Original Song: Hikaru Nara
Anime: Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso (Your lie in April)
Published by: gr8! records
Composed by: Goose House
Performed by: Goose House
wn.com/Hikaru Nara Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso Op Piano
The long awaited piano cover is finally here!
Hikaru Nara by
Goose House!
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (your lie in April) is definitely one of the best anime series of this fall anime season 2014, and of course, I am not missing out the awesome OP song as well!
Initially I wanted to make a very sophisticated and virtuosic "piano fantasy about a theme of a classical music anime" - transcription, because it fits quite well with the classical music topic of the anime.
I attempted to integrate the Schumann piano concerto in A-major with Hikaru Nara (and changing the time signature from
4/4 to
3/4), but I gave up the idea halfway, since it didn't sound very good.
That's why I started from the scratch again and made a slower, "ballad-version" instead. I took the main motif from the chorus and created many "original passages" - mosty noticeable in the beginning part and the build-up transitions before the chorus.
This piano version of Hikaru Nara is also more melancholic than the original upbeat Hikaru Nara song by Goose House, because of the slow beginning and slow ending.
I think, you could regard this as a "summary" of my transcription activity of this year. The first piano medley with sheets, (
Nagi no asukara), the first piano cover with "classical ending" (owari no sekai kara), the first live concert in three major asian cities (animenz live!)
.... I had many firsts this year and I gained a lot of valuable experiences.
It was truly a fantastic year for me.
Thank you, everyone, for your support!
I wouldn't have come so far without your valuable feedback!
ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Last but not least, this is also my final transcription for this year.
I will return next year again, as usual, when the new anime season starts.
Well then, I hope you enjoyed the "ballad" version of Hikaru Nara!
See you again!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Download the sheet and the midi file here:
My facebook page:
Follow me on Twitter!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Piano arrangement by Animenz
Original Song: Hikaru Nara
Anime: Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso (Your lie in April)
Published by: gr8! records
Composed by: Goose House
Performed by: Goose House
- published: 13 Dec 2014
- views: 1806084
(ヒカルの碁 03) Hikaru no Go - Episódio 03 (Akira mostra as suas garras) (legendado PT-BR)
O que é o Go?
Onde posso aprender Go online?
Tente esse site que ensina interativamente e passo a passo:
O que é o Go?
Onde posso aprender Go online?
Tente esse site que ensina interativamente e passo a passo:
Problemas para treinar:
Existe alguma associação de Go no
Onde posso adquirir o mangá do
Hikaru no Go?
Já existe uma versão traduzida pela
Editora JBC:
wn.com/(ヒカルの碁 03) Hikaru No Go Episódio 03 (Akira Mostra As Suas Garras) (Legendado Pt Br)
O que é o Go?
Onde posso aprender Go online?
Tente esse site que ensina interativamente e passo a passo:
Problemas para treinar:
Existe alguma associação de Go no
Onde posso adquirir o mangá do
Hikaru no Go?
Já existe uma versão traduzida pela
Editora JBC:
- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 357904
Hikaru No Go Movie - Road to Hokuto Cup Subtitle Indonesia
Hikaru No Go Movie -
Road to Hokuto Cup
Subtitle Indonesia
Hikaru mendapat panggilan telepon yang memintanya untuk ikut serta dalam kompetisi turnamen junior Jepang, Cina dan
Korea tapi dia tahu dia harus ikut dalam turnament awal untuk menjadi salah satu dari tiga kontestan Jepang.
Setelah mendiskusikan hal ini dengan
Akira, Ia mengetahui bahwa Akira telah dipilih untuk turnamen dan tidak ikut serta dalam penyisihan awal. Hikaru kemudian memutuskan untuk tidak mengikuti Rental Go Akira sampai ia mendapat tempatnya di Jepang dengan Akira dan dia mungkin memiliki penantang baru, dalam pemain yang menjajikan dari
Institute Go
Fansub :
It Not a
Copyright Infringement.
It's Only
Fair Use.
Copyright can go to their
Real Respective Owners!
wn.com/Hikaru No Go Movie Road To Hokuto Cup Subtitle Indonesia
Hikaru No Go Movie -
Road to Hokuto Cup
Subtitle Indonesia
Hikaru mendapat panggilan telepon yang memintanya untuk ikut serta dalam kompetisi turnamen junior Jepang, Cina dan
Korea tapi dia tahu dia harus ikut dalam turnament awal untuk menjadi salah satu dari tiga kontestan Jepang.
Setelah mendiskusikan hal ini dengan
Akira, Ia mengetahui bahwa Akira telah dipilih untuk turnamen dan tidak ikut serta dalam penyisihan awal. Hikaru kemudian memutuskan untuk tidak mengikuti Rental Go Akira sampai ia mendapat tempatnya di Jepang dengan Akira dan dia mungkin memiliki penantang baru, dalam pemain yang menjajikan dari
Institute Go
Fansub :
It Not a
Copyright Infringement.
It's Only
Fair Use.
Copyright can go to their
Real Respective Owners!
- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 194107
【Hikaru】Stronger Than You Response - Undertale -
You were never in control.
Note ▼
No one touch me.
Genocide route ruined my life.
I fell in love with Ateotu's lyrics because
You were never in control.
Note ▼
No one touch me.
Genocide route ruined my life.
I fell in love with Ateotu's lyrics because they resonate so well with this route and I get chills every time I listen to his cover.
Please check it out! ➝ https://goo.gl/igT9nH
Special thanks to Keii for helping me figure out how to animate this pv, you're an angel!
▼ S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://goo.gl/O3MUYE
M P 3 D o w n l o a d ➝ https://goo.gl/svgwuv
▼ A c a p e l l a ➝ https://goo.gl/V3EgF9
Credits ▼
V o c a l s ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
L y r i c s ➝ Ateotu @ https://goo.gl/PvxE5w
A r t ➝
Pendulum @
M i x i n g ➝ Kanimey @ https://goo.gl/j7mID6
A n i m a t i o n ➝ Hikaru @ Right here!
P i a n o A r r a n g e ➝ youseeeberkeley @ https://goo.gl/Y0c4ds
wn.com/【Hikaru】Stronger Than You Response Undertale
You were never in control.
Note ▼
No one touch me.
Genocide route ruined my life.
I fell in love with Ateotu's lyrics because they resonate so well with this route and I get chills every time I listen to his cover.
Please check it out! ➝ https://goo.gl/igT9nH
Special thanks to Keii for helping me figure out how to animate this pv, you're an angel!
▼ S o u n d C l o u d ➝ https://goo.gl/O3MUYE
M P 3 D o w n l o a d ➝ https://goo.gl/svgwuv
▼ A c a p e l l a ➝ https://goo.gl/V3EgF9
Credits ▼
V o c a l s ➝
Hikaru @
Right here!
L y r i c s ➝ Ateotu @ https://goo.gl/PvxE5w
A r t ➝
Pendulum @
M i x i n g ➝ Kanimey @ https://goo.gl/j7mID6
A n i m a t i o n ➝ Hikaru @ Right here!
P i a n o A r r a n g e ➝ youseeeberkeley @ https://goo.gl/Y0c4ds
- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 10161
Hikaru No Go 01 VF
01 : un éternel rival
01 : un éternel rival
wn.com/Hikaru No Go 01 Vf
01 : un éternel rival
- published: 18 Feb 2014
- views: 133774
宇多田ヒカル - First Love
1999年4月28日発売 サードシングル(
TBS 系ドラマ「魔女の条件」主題歌)。大ヒットアルバム「
First Love」からのシングルカット。ハイスピードカメラを用いたシーンが印象的なビデオ。
Utada Hikaru - First Love
Hikki's 3rd single, released o
1999年4月28日発売 サードシングル(
TBS 系ドラマ「魔女の条件」主題歌)。大ヒットアルバム「
First Love」からのシングルカット。ハイスピードカメラを用いたシーンが印象的なビデオ。
Utada Hikaru - First Love
Hikki's 3rd single, released on Apr. 28,
1999. (also the theme song for the drama "
Majo no Joken" (TBS
Network)). The impressive imagery of this video was shot with a high speed camera.
wn.com/宇多田ヒカル First Love
1999年4月28日発売 サードシングル(
TBS 系ドラマ「魔女の条件」主題歌)。大ヒットアルバム「
First Love」からのシングルカット。ハイスピードカメラを用いたシーンが印象的なビデオ。
Utada Hikaru - First Love
Hikki's 3rd single, released on Apr. 28,
1999. (also the theme song for the drama "
Majo no Joken" (TBS
Network)). The impressive imagery of this video was shot with a high speed camera.
- published: 08 Nov 2010
- views: 30113485
光るなら/Goose house
期間限定版 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00NLLNGKG
Twitter @GoosehouseJP
Facebook Goosehouse.jp
official site http://goosehouse.jp
official store http://goosehouse.shop-pro.jp
10月のUSTREAM LIVEでお届けした楽曲を
次回のUSTREAM LIVEは11/15日20時頃から。
wn.com/光るなら/Goose House
期間限定版 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00NLLNGKG
Twitter @GoosehouseJP
Facebook Goosehouse.jp
official site http://goosehouse.jp
official store http://goosehouse.shop-pro.jp
10月のUSTREAM LIVEでお届けした楽曲を
次回のUSTREAM LIVEは11/15日20時頃から。
- published: 02 Nov 2014
- views: 15760394
i do not own any of the audio but i do own this video so please do not steal or copy!
i do not own any of the audio but i do own this video so please do not steal or copy!
wn.com/Your Lie In April Japanese Lyrics (Hikaru Nara Goose House)
i do not own any of the audio but i do own this video so please do not steal or copy!
- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 223874
Hikaru No Go - Episodes 1-4 (Japanese Dubbed With English Subtitles)
Hikaru Shindou Is Just A
Normal Twelve Year
Old Japanese Boy. But,
One Day, As He's
Going Through His Grandfather's
Old Things To See What He Can Sell, He Comes Across An Old Go
Board. A
Ghost Type Figure Comes Out Of The Board And Tells
Hikaru His Sad
Story. His
Name Is
Fujiwara No Sai (Or Sai Of
The Fujiwara), A Man Who Was
The Go Instructor,
A Thousand Years Ago, To
The Emperor Of
Japan. However, Sai Was Falsely
Accused Of
Cheating, And Was
Exiled From
The City. With
No Reason To Live, Sai
Committed Suicide By
Drowning Himself. Now, He
Haunts A Go Board And Wants To Achieve The
Perfect Go
Game, A
Move Called
The "Hand Of God." He Hopes
Do This Through Hikaru. Thus This Story Of
Learning, And Excitement Begins
wn.com/Hikaru No Go Episodes 1 4 (Japanese Dubbed With English Subtitles)
Hikaru Shindou Is Just A
Normal Twelve Year
Old Japanese Boy. But,
One Day, As He's
Going Through His Grandfather's
Old Things To See What He Can Sell, He Comes Across An Old Go
Board. A
Ghost Type Figure Comes Out Of The Board And Tells
Hikaru His Sad
Story. His
Name Is
Fujiwara No Sai (Or Sai Of
The Fujiwara), A Man Who Was
The Go Instructor,
A Thousand Years Ago, To
The Emperor Of
Japan. However, Sai Was Falsely
Accused Of
Cheating, And Was
Exiled From
The City. With
No Reason To Live, Sai
Committed Suicide By
Drowning Himself. Now, He
Haunts A Go Board And Wants To Achieve The
Perfect Go
Game, A
Move Called
The "Hand Of God." He Hopes
Do This Through Hikaru. Thus This Story Of
Learning, And Excitement Begins
- published: 12 Sep 2014
- views: 31678
Kingdom Hearts-Sanctuary (Utada Hikaru English Version)
Video di kingdom hearts con la canzone di
Utada Hikaru-Sanctuary. Immagini con i trii e le coppie + belle di kingdom hearts. Buona visione spero che vi piaccia
Video di kingdom hearts con la canzone di
Utada Hikaru-Sanctuary. Immagini con i trii e le coppie + belle di kingdom hearts. Buona visione spero che vi piaccia =)
Song: UtadaHikaru -
wn.com/Kingdom Hearts Sanctuary (Utada Hikaru English Version)
Video di kingdom hearts con la canzone di
Utada Hikaru-Sanctuary. Immagini con i trii e le coppie + belle di kingdom hearts. Buona visione spero che vi piaccia =)
Song: UtadaHikaru -
- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 598152