Paddy on the Turnpike + Tommy's Tarbukas -- Fiddle
Here is
Paddy on the
Turnpike and
Tommy's Tarbukas! Tommy's Tarbukas was written by
Alasdair Fraser, and it is one of the hardest fiddle tunes
I've ever tried to play
... It's one of those tunes that will tie your left hand in a knot, and the extra-large string crossings do not help! I've learned that if I plant as many fingers down ahead of time as I can, it helps prevent lots of squeaking---particularly with
the B-part. Emphasizing the higher notes a bit also seemed to help. I hope that I still do the tune some justice! I love how Alasdair Fraser plays it so fluently on his CD, "
The Road North" -- he makes it sound so easy!
I actually got to meet him several years ago! It was amazing to see him play live. He is a very nice person, and taught a group of us fiddlers a tune that he called the "The
Celtic Society's Quickstep." I might make a video of that tune someday--it's really neat!
I learned Paddy on the Turnpike in
G minor, but everyone at a jam session had no idea what I was playing until we bumped it up a whole-step to
A minor.. oops. I had never heard it in A minor before! Is it much more common to play it in A minor? Well..when in G minor, I think it goes well with Tommy's Tarbukas, so here they are together -- I hope you like it! =)
Thank you for watching, and if you liked this video, please subscribe for more videos every Tuesday!
For those who may be wondering about software and equipment:
Software used (for Macintosh):
Garageband for attempted sound mixing
Final Cut Pro for video editing
Plugins for sound effects (I have A
LOT to learn in this department!):
East West plugins –
Best Service's
Forest Kingdom II for percussion
Canon 70D