Bernie Sanders Heated Exchange With Heckler - Protester At Apollo Theater.
Bernie Sanders Heated Exchange With
Heckler At
Apollo Theater. ernie Sanders wrapped up another primary win, a rally in
Harlem turned ugly when a man in the audience took the microphone and ranted about “Zionist
Jews” controlling
Wall Street and the banks.
According to
The Hill, the man used his chance to ask the
Vermont senator a question from the floor and it quickly turned ugly.
Prefacing his question, the man cited Sanders’
Jewish ancestry and the fact that he spent a year in
Israel, before continuing, “As you know, the Zionist Jews – and I don’t mean to offend anybody – they run the
Federal Reserve, they run Wall Street, they run every campaign.”
Sanders immediately began wagging his finger at the man and shaking is head no, while repeating, “
Brother, brother, brother.”
As the crowd began booing, the man shouted, “
What is your affiliation to your
Jewish community? That’s all I’m asking.”
No, no, no,” Sanders retorted. That’s not what you’re asking.”
As the crowd grew rambunctious, Sanders tried to defuse the situation.
“I am proud to be
Jewish, ” he asserted to applause. “But you’re not going to find any candidate running for president, for example, talking about
Zionism and the
Middle East.”
He stated that he supports Israel before adding, “I also believe that we have got to pay attention to the needs of the
As the crowd cheered wildly, Sanders continued, “There are good people on any side of an issue, and there are bad people on any side of an issue. But if we are going to bring
peace, hopefully,
God willing, in the Middle East, we’re going to have to treat both sides with respect and equality, alright?”
Watch the video below via YouTube:Bernie Sanders made a big push to win over minority voters in a panel event at the Apollo Theater in
New York Saturday. The event was moderated by filmmaker
Spike Lee and also featured singer and civil rights activist
Harry Belafonte, former
Ohio state Sen.
Nina Turner and
Erica Garner, daughter of
Eric Garner. Sanders addressed incarceration rates, black unemployment, education, police brutality and infrastructure in inner cities. Sanders, who rarely addresses his religion, referred to his Jewish heritage when talking about tackling racism. He said that growing up knowing that many people in his father’s family were killed during the
Holocaust shapeoups.