1. Summer Conference 2016

    #CIJSummer Conference

    Bookings Open
    14-16 July 2016
    Goldsmiths, University of London

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  2. Watch Online

    Watch Online

    Missed any of the talks or summer school training sessions? We've got a selection of recordings so you can catch up.

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  3. What We Do

    What We Do

    Find out about the work of the CIJ, our events, courses and the latest news.

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About CIJ

The Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) is a charity that champions critical, in-depth reporting and the defence of the public interest. It came into being in 2003 to address a deepening crisis in investigative reporting.

The primary mission of the CIJ is to provide a centre of excellence for the training of journalists; to raise the standard of investigative reporting to a high professional level.

CIJ on Twitter

Events & Courses

7 May 2016 - 10:00am - 5:00pm
Professor Stuart Hall Building, Goldsmiths College, University of London
This event will blend panel sessions with hands-on practical training in encryption skills. The morning panels will bring together some of those leading the fight agianst the overeach of government...
14 Jul 2016 - 16 Jul 2016
Goldsmiths, University of London
Data journalism will be the focus of this year's #CIJSummer Conference, but as always we will be teaching core investigative techniques, including how to conduct financial investigations, covert...


April 7, 2016
The death of Ray Fitzwalter has left a gaping hole in the culture of controversial, investigative reporting, that he did so much to encourage and defend. As Editor of World in Action he maintained...
February 29, 2016
We are proud to recommend a new book Hidden Cameras: Everything you Need to Know About Covert Recording, Undercover Cameras and Secret Filming by investigative journalist Joe Plomin. Secret filming...
March 1, 2016
We are looking for volunteers to help us run our annual Investigative Journalism Training Conference, which will take place on 14-16 July 2016 at Goldsmiths, University of London.Interest in...