In Media Res

Digital marketing strategy, and execution for business owners who want results.

Spending money on a website, social media, or other online marketing without a plan is like racing down the highway blindfolded. It’s a bad idea.

Through research, analysis, and strategic planning we give business owners the knowledge, insight, and metrics to make sure their digital marketing pays off. We work together to execute those plans, from training to web development, to see bottom-line impact in your business.

Does this sound familiar?

  • The company needs a website, and people urge you to get on social media but you’re afraid of getting burned.
  • Lots of time and money have been spent on your website, but it hasn’t lived up to expectations.
  • You’ve lost hours of your time, or cash, or both on “social media” and “SEO”.
  • You have a website, social media accounts, maybe even some ads here and there… but have no idea if they’re paying off.

Many business owners find themselves in situations like this, and simply assume uncertainty and unreliable designer-types come with the territory. But they’re wrong.

A smarter, better way

A budget-busting redesign from scratch probably isn’t what you need. Paying a hefty hourly retainer for a few tweets each month won’t change your world. The internet has changed a lot and digital marketing is fast-evolving; with the right plan, and getting the basics right, your business can take advantage of it. Without a plan you’ll probably just spend a lot money without much change in the results. You can be sure that you’re not wasting money, but instead getting a return on your investment.

Because success is measurable, we don’t accept web development, online advertising, or other projects unless we’re confident we can have a positive impact on the client’s bottom line. We want our clients to be thrilled. That means taking the time to research your competition, analyze your existing efforts in the light of experience, fix what’s holding you back, and really hammer out a plan for how your investment will help grow your business.

Helping Jason Grow His Business

Greg - you’re a joy to work with. You and your whole IMR team are online lifesavers! I cannot count the number of occasions that our success has resulted from direct advice, recommendation or work we’ve received from IMR. Whether the engagement involved time-sensitive assignments while in China or Russia, or mission-critical live corporate broadcasts throughout the U.S. for our Fortune 50 clients, your work ethic and agility is unequaled. As the world beats a path to your door please continue to save a place for us. Thank you! Jason Jones
Founder, Monumental Media

If you’re just looking for a fresh coat of paint on your website, or someone to write a few tweets for you, you’ve come to the wrong place. We want to work with people who are serious about real impact on their business. If that’s you, let’s talk.

How We Can Get Started

Just figuring out where to start can be daunting. To make it easier, we’ve got standard options for a first step in helping you see a return on your investment and success in digital marketing. Unless you already have a plan that you can share with us, this is where we start with everyone.

Option 1: Checkup & Strategic Plan From $1250

We analyze your existing website, and surrounding marketing (such as social media, email newsletters, auto-responders etc.) for the essentials of modern web marketing to see what’s holding you back, and create a strategic plan for reaching your goals. This report is delivered to you digitally, and we schedule a call to discuss it personally with you.

You get a concrete plan for how to turn your website into a real tool for reaching bottom-line business goals, and how to most effectively leverage other digital tools for your business.

Option 2: Foundational Fixes & Strategic Plan $2450+

The best option for most businesses. This includes everything in Option 1 and builds on it by not just informing you of the issues holding you back, but implementing all the suggested changes. Usually this is a slew of changes, from typographic adjustments, to speed performance optimization, design tweaks, and even rewriting key areas and proofreading. For a fraction of the cost of a full redesign, these changes can often deliver even more results.

In addition to the report in Option 1, which focuses on your website and media, we also incorporate research of your competitors and/or market to give additional insight – not to imitate – but to get you out ahead of them.

Option 3: Comprehensive Fixes & Strategic Plan $3000+

A more comprehensive option, including the previous two, but extending the fixes and changes to social media, your email campaigns and even other sites. We’ll also work with you to get information directly from your customers through surveys and targeted interviews. This offers even deeper insight and is a more comprehensive approach, usually better for those with storefronts, large ecommerce sites, or who already manage several active marketing channels apart from their website.

For New Projects: The Roadmap Session Learn more →

Designed to be the best beginning if you are starting a new project and do not have significant existing material which can be reviewed and analyzed. The Roadmap Session is our opportunity to create a plan for success before investing significant time or money into a project.

Email Greg to Get Started Click above to start an email, or schedule a callback if you prefer.

Quick, Personal Service & Guarantee

I will personally get back to you to discuss any questions you have, learn more about your business and make sure we’re a good fit. We’ll work to identify the main goals of your website, and work with you until we achieve a measurable improvement. – Greg Colker