• Voting RIghts Evenwel

    US Supreme Court rejects attempt to marginalize Latino communities in Texas under the guise of “voter equality”

    Last week, in Evenwel v. Abbott, the US Supreme Court rejected the latest attempt at political gerrymandering aimed at disenfranchising Latino communities in Texas. This attempt has been attributed as the brainchild of the “Project on Fair Representation,” a right-wing group that succeeded in dismantling a key protection against racial discrimination in the Voting Rights […]

Knowledge is Power

Know Your Rights Training Videos from CLDC

Now people can access Civil Liberties Defense Center training videos online! This week CLDC launched two, one hour Know-Your-Rights training videos. The first is our most well-known, offering basic legal information for activists so they might be informed when interacting with law enforcement officials during protests. The second explains basic rights for immigrant communities and […]

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Montana-abortion office

Former abortion provider sues anti-abortion extremists

In this country, women have a constitutional right to abortion. This month, Susan Cahill, a Montana physician’s assistant who protected that constitutional right by providing abortions in one of four abortion clinics in Montana, filed a civil lawsuit in state court against anti-abortion extremists. Anti-abortion extremist Zachary Klundt broke into her medical clinic and completely […]

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Judge orders Apple to help the FBI

On February 16, federal magistrate Sheri Pym ordered Apple to assist the FBI in gaining access to information on an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters. Apple, however, is opposing the order. The company claims that the actions the order would require threaten the security of its customers. In an open letter […]

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Police in Massachusetts and New York held accountable for civil rights violations in court

Last week, victims of civil rights abuses by police scored two victories in Massachusetts and New York. In Massachusetts, in Stamps v. Framingham, the federal First Circuit Court of Appeals held that a police officer who holds a loaded gun at the head of a non-threatening, compliant individual, with the gun’s safety off, cannot avoid […]

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