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Archive for the ‘Doublequotes’ Category

An irresistible use of DoubleQuotes

Saturday, April 16th, 2016

[ by Charles Cameron — and yes, they are a-changin’ — or not? ]

h/t @pmarca.


I’d probably have reversed the order here, so cause was followed by effect — but maybe I’m just being too “stick in the mud / stuck in the box” conventional.

Fine work.

Play: a study in contrasts

Friday, April 15th, 2016

[ by Charles Cameron — tree-climbing, and what to do in the utter absence of trees ]

Both these papers — which together make an amazing study in contrasts in terms both of play and risk, adult and child — come from the American Journal of Play, Volume 8, Number 2:

Tablet DQ play contrasts

Take care you don’t fall off that space station and scrape your knee..

A stunning reversal

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016

[ by Charles Cameron — Dabiq vs the Qur’an — again, it’s the formal precision of the reversal that inrerests me ]

SPEC DQ one vs all


It is not the fact that the Islamic State delights in killing infidels that surprises me, it’s the utter reversal of the Qur’an’s own emphasis on the value of a single life that catches my eye.

For the Qur’an, a single human life is worth the world, unless that life is subject to the death penalty for murder or mayhem; for IS, the lives of a world of infidels are worth less than a single Muslim life.

The one and the many, an individual and the whole world — how differently they are regarded in these two texts.

Correlation is not causation — but it may provide irony

Monday, April 11th, 2016

[ by Charles Cameron — two matters concerning naval intelligence ]

Here’s a chewable DoubleTweet:

Correlate that with:

— and you just might glimpse what Carl Jung termed an “acausal connecting principle” or “acausal parallelism”.


For dessert, how’s this for a serpent biting its own tail?

Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Today’s Children

Monday, April 11th, 2016

[ by Charles Cameron — further education & elucidation in matters scientific and legal are welcome ]

Tablet DQ generations


Full disclosure: Forbes‘ headline in its entirety reads Federal Court Rules On Climate Change In Favor Of Today’s Children — and that’s not a bad intro to the topic of this quite exceptional ruling.

Other reading:

  • Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, Victory In Landmark Climate Case
  • US District Court for the District Of Oregon, Kelsey Cascade Rose Juliana, et al v USA, et al
  • Scientific American, Exxon Knew about Climate Change almost 40 years ago

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