Funding a big help to Cooma Little Theatre

Member for Monaro John Barilaro with Tony Nassar (front right), and behind,left to right, Caroline Fox, Sue McPhie and Scott Goudy.

Member for Monaro John Barilaro with Tony Nassar (front right), and behind,left to right, Caroline Fox, Sue McPhie and Scott Goudy.

The NSW Government will provide just under $11,000 in funding to help Cooma Little Theatre purchase new stage curtains and tracking.

Member for Monaro John Barilaro and Minister for Regional Development said he was pleased to support the region's only live theatre company, which has been running continuously for 61 years.

"Cooma Little Theatre was founded in 1955 and has been active in the Monaro region ever since," he said.

"As well as providing a fantastic local platform for amateur theatre, it enjoys a wide audience from larger towns and small communities.

"Each year, Cooma Little Theatre stages at least four of its own high quality productions in a wide variety of genres including comedy, drama, variety show and even pantomime."

Mr Barilaro thanked his parliamentary colleague, Bronnie Taylor MLC, for requesting the funding on behalf of Cooma Little Theatre.

Mr Barilaro said Cooma Little Theatre was run by passionate volunteers who gave generously of their time and talent to stage quality performances for locals.

"Regional NSW has a diverse and thriving arts and cultural scene, and the Government is proud to support regional artists who are making valuable creative contributions to their local communities," he said.

"Our support for the Cooma Little Theatre is part of our commitment to ensure people can experience a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences, no matter where they live."

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