Watch Footage
Deadly Tornado Caught on Camera
Watch Footage Deadly Tornado Caught on Camera
Watch Footage Deadly Tornado Caught on Camera
Man took inside of an April 9,
2015 #tornado that ripped through
Fairdale, Illinois, has gone #viral Watch Footage Deadly #Tornado Caught on Camera Video
Clarence "
Clem" Schultz, an 85-year-old Fairdale resident, caught video of the tornado from his bedroom after the forecast appeared to show the twister missing his house,
WLS reports.
"I was totally convinced it was going to go to the west," he told the news station. "It was going to miss us. So I figured I'm safe up here on this second floor taking a video of it.It changed its mind, I guess, and came right at me. I don't know. I wasn't scared. I think survival set in."
The tornado wound up taking a different path and going straight for him.
As the video rolled, Schultz collapsed into a falling chimney and became buried underneath the rubble of his destroyed house. Schultz woke up under a pile of debris and was able to crawl towards a first responder.
Don't look down," the first responder said, according to Schultz.
"Why?" Schultz replied.
"Because your wife is under that beam, and she's dead," the responder said.
Schultz's wife of 25 years,
Geri, was killed in the tornado after being crushed by a beam.
Schultz is now planning to attend a memorial dedication for victims of the twister on April 9 in Fairdale, despite having moved to
Genoa, Illinois, in 2015,
The Daily Herald reports.
The video he shot was remarkably salvaged in the tornado, and he ultimately decided to share it with others after some convincing. It even took Schultz himself several days to work up the courage to view it.
"I did not know if I wanted to see that video," he told The Daily Herald.
The video has since been used by tornado researchers as a reference for studies.
"The guy upstairs says, 'You got to [
...] share that,' Schultz told WLS. "I figure that's that the reason I'm alive."
The shocking video is set to be shown at an atmospheric science convention in
California, and it has gone viral since being released publicly.
"I'm proud of it," Schultz told The Daily Herald. "My video is saving lives."
- published: 05 Apr 2016
- views: 542