Friday, April 15, 2016

'Tis The Season

The deficit hysterics emerge at appropriate times to bully new administrations, especially Democratic ones, into embracing the idea that there's no way we can afford nice things. Except tax cuts. For some reason they solve the deficit problem!

America's Worst Humans

Linda Katehi.

Village in the Sky

Aside from the parking I have fewer problems with this development (the criticisms are valid, just not necessarily that important), but urban retail relies on foot traffic. There is no foot traffic on the roof.

Solid Logic

In the US it's liberals who are the Real Racists, in the UK it's liberals (Labour) who are the Real Tax Dodgers.
Having published his tax returns, it also emerged Corbyn was fined for sending in his accounts late, which David Cameron tried to make a joke about. This was reassuring because it suggests he’s got over the deep trauma he suffered last week. And you can understand his point: as any businessman knows, it’s far better to be paid nothing on time rather than the right amount a week late.

It also turns out Corbyn paid too much tax, having stated he earned more than he did. We could quibble about the too much/too little detail – but he paid the wrong amount. This seems to be the Conservative argument about tax avoidance: we’re all up to it in our own way, so if you give your son three quid for mowing the lawn without paying VAT, you’re no different to an investment banker squirreling £10bn in the Virgin Isles so he can keep the lot and buy a Rembrandt to use as a dishcloth.

Morning Thread

Phew, no debates here.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Debate Thread


Anyone Remember Policy?

The coverage of the primary has mostly been about which campaign can get the press to cover the outrage of the day.

One of these people will be president.

The Worst Blogging Day

In addition to needing to rest due to illness, Kabletown was out for much of the day.

More Afternoon Thready Goodness

Afternoon Thread

Need some recovery time.

America's Worst Humans

Charles Lane

Department Of Really Bad Ideas

Phones glow. They're distracting.
One of the largest cinema chains in the US is considering letting customers use their mobile phones during films.

AMC chief executive Adam Aron said he wanted to encourage so-called millennials to visit the cinema.

He told Variety magazine: "You can't tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone. That's not how they live their life."

Also, too, 2015 had record (in nominal terms) US box office receipts. Think people are still going to the movies.


I think I haz it.

It's Morning


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday Evening


Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit

Not that this is actually news.
“The community’s lack of trust in CPD is justified,” the task force wrote. “There is substantial evidence that people of color — particularly African-Americans — have had disproportionately negative experiences with the police over an extended period of time.”

The report gives validation to complaints made for years by African-American residents here who have said they were unfairly targeted by officers without justification on a regular basis. It raises the pressure on Mr. Emanuel and other Chicago leaders to make significant changes at a pivotal time for the nation’s second largest municipal police force, which has been under intense fire from residents and under scrutiny from the federal authorities. It includes more than 100 recommendations for change.

Though that a "task force" concluded this so definitively is news. The important thing is what they do about it.

Afternoon Thread

Too funny. Many Republicans, including Kelly Ayotte and Jeb Bush, have said they will not be attending the Republican Convention being held in Cleveland
I wouldn't either.

link fixed

It's On The Corner

That's why it's called a corner store.
"This is Philadelphia. People drive to the corner store. This is what we do.”

It isn't, actually. Plenty of people arguably need cars for their commute, but most people don't drive to the corner store. Usually that would be pretty crazy. Why live in the city if you just want to drive everywhere?