


Oh, police state, our own repressive land G D G - D
True corporate love in all our cops command G A7 D - A7 D
With growing arsenals of weaponry D - G -
We see them fight for thee. C Em D
And stand on guard for governments D - G -
No matter how cor - rupt they may be. A7 - D D7
Oh, police state, stop harassing me. G D G C A7 D
Oh, police state G B7 C
you won’t make folks more free. C G D G
Oh, police state you’re a coward’s fantasy. G C GDG +G7

New words: © Smokey Dymny, June 22, 2002
Originally: “O Canada” by Adolphe B. Routhier, 1839-1920.
Music: C. Lavalee, 1842-91. English words by Stanley Weir.

Canada exports blue murder + James hardie killer corp exposed book by Matt peacock

AMWU seeks Canadian Consul ban on further exports of asbestos to impoverished nations. Jul 01, 2009

Paul Bastian, State Secretary of the AMWU, which was at the forefront of the campaign against James Hardie, has written to the Canadian Consul General, calling for a ban on any further exports of asbestos, particularly to impoverished developing nations. Paul Bastian said that the Canadian asbestos industry had demonstrated the worst excesses of corporate greed by targeting countries such as Thailand and its neighbours, which are still struggling to house hundreds of thousands of tragic victims of the Christmas Tsunami.

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