To take on the problems not accept them

The IWW, anarchism and Daniel DeLeon


Crime and Punishment

We're in here for you.  You're out there for us. 

Steve Jobs Ignored Poisoned Workers' Pleas for Help at Apple Factory

When Steve Jobs announced his retirement, the world praised him for his illustrious career. But when workers at a factory in China that made Apple touchscreens got sick, Steve Jobs ignored their pleas for help, according to an article on

Apple's Chinese workers treated 'inhumanely, like machines'

An investigation into the conditions of Chinese workers has revealed the shocking human cost of producing the must-have Apple iPhones and iPads that are now ubiquitous in the west.

NYC Transit Union Joins Occupy Wall Street

New York City labor unions are preparing to back the unwieldy grassroots band occupying a park in Lower Manhattan, in a move that could mark a significant shift in the tenor of the anti-corporate Occupy Wall Street protests and send thousands more people into the streets.

The Revolution Begins at Home: Join the Wall Street Occupation

What is occurring on Wall Street right now is truly remarkable. For over ten days, in the sanctum of the great cathedral of global capitalism, the dispossessed have liberated territory from the financial overlords and their police army.

BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: "The Collapse Is Coming...And Goldman Rules The World"

BBC News—Sept. 26, 2011—Just listen to this guy. Thanks to zerohedge for posting this story.

Riot police officers with fascist symbols on their helmets

From Greece: The group ‘red counter-reporters’ published today a series of photos showing officers of the riot police units who have fascist symbols, such as SS, along slogans and symbols of neo-nazi groups painted on their helmets.

Correcting the Abysmal New York Times Coverage of Occupy Wall Street

Over the weekend, my inbox exploded with angry messages from people who had just read this New York Times article (though it reads more like an op-ed) about the Occupy Wall Street protest. Ginia Bellafante gives a devastating account of the event’s attendees, depicting them as scatterbrained, sometimes borderline psychotic transients.

The Greek crisis: Europe on the brink of a precipice

Europe is standing on the edge of a precipice. This is the judgement, not just of the Marxists, but of the most serious strategists of Capital. Barely six weeks have passed since the latest Greek rescue package, and it is already unravelling. There is now a general crisis of confidence in the ranks of the bourgeoisie internationally. The panic, which is reflected in the wild gyrations of the stock exchanges, has spread rapidly from Europe to America. It is a kind of deadly contagion that has infected all the euro zone’s big countries.

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