

Interiors, Bond Interiors

for those of you who feel the crack about super villains and scandinavian furniture in the middleman episode “the obsolescent cryogenic meltdown” was mere hyperbole…

welcome back kimmy


SNOTGIRL #1 WHO IS LOTTIE PERSON? Is she a gorgeous, fun-loving social media star with a perfect life? Or is she a gross, allergy-ridden mess who can’t get her act together? THIS ISSUE: Lottie makes a cool new friend, but can it last? Enter a world of snot, blood, and tears in this new ongoing series from New York Times Best Seller BRYAN LEE O’MALLEY (Scott Pilgrim) and dazzling newcomer LESLIE HUNG! I wrote this text… just one of many jobs that I have to do now that I’m creating a monthly comic book with my friend Leslie…

Release date: July 20, 2016! Ask your local comic shop to order SNOTGIRL!!!

Bá inking a page while I periscope it. #casanovaacedia


Bá inking a page while I periscope it. #casanovaacedia

let’s agree there’s no worse job in hollywood right now than Jared Leto’s personal assistant.


Shooting for I Am Legend (2007) (dir. Francis Lawrence, Cinematography: Andrew Lesnie, Photo by: Barry Wetcher)Source


Shooting for I Am Legend (2007) (dir. Francis Lawrence, Cinematography: Andrew Lesnie, Photo by: Barry Wetcher)


B.R.U.H.: Black Renditions of Universal Heroes (2016)

“The following pages lend insight and inspiration into this philosophy, as these illustrations break down exactly what BRUH means: Black Renditions of Universal Heroes. 

You’ll probably notice that all of them are women. I could’ve said heroine and you may ask why I don’t use this word, but then I’d have some questions for you.”

By Markus Prime

Get it  now here and leave a review if you can.

Markus Prime challenges the norm of illustrations often seen, by filling the disparity of black characters. His characters are constructed in a hyper reality setting and utilizes present day narratives from black culture. Born in Warren, Ohio and the son of military parents, Prime moved regularly to different areas within the United States and overseas. During each stay he would connect with those through his love for art and music. 

Social media provided Markus a localized medium to visually communicate and remain connected with those he met on and offline. His expert use with markers and infectious personality has made his social handles a meeting place for art and culture lovers. 

[ Follow SuperheroesInColor on facebook / instagram / twitter / tumblr ]

(via runonsentencesaboutemotions)


For Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday, a stunning illustrated homage by the great Ralph Steadman.


For Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday, a stunning illustrated homage by the great Ralph Steadman.


“Name: Sergio Leone. Nationality: Cinema.” h/t Peter Birro


“Name: Sergio Leone. Nationality: Cinema.”

h/t Peter Birro


Not funny, you guys
Detective Comics #156, Feb 1950. Joe Samachson, Dick Sprang, Charles Paris.


Not funny, you guys
Detective Comics #156, Feb 1950. Joe Samachson, Dick Sprang, Charles Paris.


“Reagan Is Killing Me,” Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day, San Francisco, California, June 28, 1987. Photo by Saul Bromberger & Sandra Hoover. The first cases of AIDS in the United States were reported in 1981; President Ronald Reagan gave his first address on the subject on May 31, 1987, weeks before Pride celebrations took place across the country. By the end of 1987, over 40,000 people in the United States were dead from HIV/AIDS-related illness. #knowyourhistory (at Market Street San Fancisco)


“Reagan Is Killing Me,” Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day, San Francisco, California, June 28, 1987. Photo by Saul Bromberger & Sandra Hoover. The first cases of AIDS in the United States were reported in 1981; President Ronald Reagan gave his first address on the subject on May 31, 1987, weeks before Pride celebrations took place across the country. By the end of 1987, over 40,000 people in the United States were dead from HIV/AIDS-related illness. #knowyourhistory (at Market Street San Fancisco)

(via theremina)

the secret of our success is that we’re livin 25 hours a day

the secret of our success is that we’re livin 25 hours a day

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