
Mexican government employing torture in US-backed anti-immigrant drive

By Neil Hardt, 6 April 2016

Targeting migrant workers and children, the Pena Nieto administration’s crackdown is backed by billions in weapons and training aid from the Obama administration.

Mexican Nissan workers in two-day strike

By Shannon Jones, 5 April 2016

The walkout by more than 5,000 workers brought production to a halt at the Nissan plant in the industrial City of the Valley of Cuernavaca.

Mexican government obstructs investigation into disappearance of the Ayotzinapa 43

By Don Knowland, 4 April 2016

The Mexican government is threatening to shut down an investigation by independent experts of the disappearance of the student teachers and seeks to buy off their parents.

Mexican Congress lays legal foundation for martial law

By Neil Hardt, 1 April 2016

An amendment to the Mexican Constitution would grant the president dictatorial powers to establish a state of emergency and suspend democratic rights.

Mexican union leaders paid over $30 million for imposing cuts on oil workers

By Neil Hardt, 17 March 2016

A report from the daily La Jornada reveals that leaders of two major Mexican unions were given kickbacks in return for renegotiating the contract with Pemex.

Steel workers strike in Mexico

By Rafael Azul, 10 March 2016

Striking steel workers at ArcelorMittal in the port city of Lázaro Cárdenas are demanding the rehiring of laid-off workers.

Peña Nieto joins Mexican ex-presidents in denouncing Trump

By Bill Van Auken, 8 March 2016

The right-wing representatives of the Mexican bourgeoisie fear that Trump’s campaign will interfere with their collaboration with Washington.

The Pope visits Mexico

By Clodomiro Puentes, 20 February 2016

The papal tour was paid for by the government and wealthy Mexican businessmen, who clearly saw it as a means of defusing mounting popular anger.

Families of Americans killed by Mexican drug cartels sue banking giant HSBC

By Genevieve Leigh, 16 February 2016

The families charge HSBC with providing “material support” to the killers by laundering drug money.

Gang warfare continues to infest Mexican politics

By Don Knowland, 12 January 2016

The new mayor of Temixco in Morelos state, near Mexico City, was assassinated the day after being sworn in.

Strongest hurricane ever recorded makes landfall in Mexico

By Evan Blake, 24 October 2015

As of this writing, there have been no reported deaths or injuries from Hurricane Patricia, but many are predicted to perish in the days to come.

Global protests mark anniversary of Mexican massacre

By Rafael Azul, 2 October 2015

Around the world, students, workers and youth demanded justice for Mexico’s missing 43 normalistas.

São Paulo rally for Ayotzinapa: “The resistance has got to be shared... it has to be international.”

By our reporters, 2 October 2015

Demonstrators said that the same kind of repression seen in Mexico is being carried out in Brazil.

International probe exposes Mexican government in case of 43 missing students

By Rafael Azul, 10 September 2015

The disappearance of the students in Iguala almost one year ago stands exposed as an act of political terror by a government that has lost all legitimacy.

US, Mexican and Canadian autoworkers face common fight

By David Brown and Jerry White, 12 August 2015

As talks for a new labor contract continue, the US-based automakers are threatening to shift more production to Mexico and other lower wage countries.

Thousands protest torture-murder of Mexican photojournalist and four women

By Rafael Azul, 6 August 2015

Behind these savage killings is a campaign to silence critics of the regime and defenders of human rights.

Mexican elections held under conditions of police-military siege

By Rafael Azul, 9 June 2015

The government of President Peña Nieto mobilized military and police forces across Mexico to prevent protests by teachers and youth.

Lawmakers push to expand offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

By Matthew Taylor, 4 June 2015

Bills have recently been introduced in the US Senate that would expand oil drilling off the coast of Florida and Alabama.

Mexican elections overshadowed by political crisis

By Don Knowland, 2 June 2015

After a year that saw the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa students, polls show that eight out of ten voters do not trust the major political parties.

Mexican president deploys military in Jalisco state

By Kevin Kearney, 25 May 2015

The military operations of the Peña Nieto government are aimed at a far more dangerous internal enemy: Mexico’s increasingly restive working class.

Mexico farm workers’ struggle winds down as negotiations continue

By Clodomiro Puentes, 29 April 2015

By isolating the strike to the San Quintin region, the union leaderships have allowed the growers to take advantage of the precarious social position of the farm workers.

Family members of disappeared Mexican students appeal for support in US

By Seraphine Collins, 22 April 2015

”The US holds a lot of responsibility for what’s happening in Mexico,” the mother of one of the disappeared students told the World Socialist Web Site.

Mexican police confront immigrant protest caravan

By Rafael Azul, 20 April 2015

This year’s protest attacked President Peña Nieto’s Southern Border Program, designed to block the movement of immigrants toward the US.

Drownings in Rio Grande increase after US Border Patrol expansion

By Kevin Martinez, 14 April 2015

Drowning deaths along the US-Mexico border have spiked since last fall as the Border Patrol increased its surveillance.

At least four killed in PEMEX explosion in Gulf of Mexico

By Jake Dean, 2 April 2015

The oil rig disaster has unfolded in the midst of Mexico’s accelerating privatization of its state-owned oil firm, PEMEX.

Six months since the disappearance of the 43 Mexican students

By Rafael Azul, 2 April 2015

Thousands marched and rallied in Mexico City demanding justice for the disappeared rural student teachers.

FICUNAM 2015: Part 3

Pedro Costa’s Horse Money, Jean-Marie Straub’s “leftism” and other problems

By David Walsh, 25 March 2015

The recent FICUNAM festival in Mexico City screened a number of films which, while not belonging to a single school by any means, provide the opportunity for something of a generalized overview.

Mexican migrant workers strike over wages and working conditions

By Rafael Azul, 23 March 2015

On Wednesday, March 17, thousands of agricultural workers went on strike in the Mexican state of Baja California.

FICUNAM 2015: Part 2

The rule and the exceptions—three good films: Court, National Gallery and The Gold Bug

By David Walsh, 20 March 2015

There are filmmakers who devote themselves seriously and conscientiously to representing life, not life in the abstract, not “life as a river,” but concrete life, the life of social classes and relationships.


An interview with Alejo Moguillansky, co-director of The Gold Bug

By David Walsh, 20 March 2015

David Walsh spoke to Alejo Moguillansky, the co-director of The Gold Bug, in Mexico City during the FICUNAM film festival.

FICUNAM 2015: Part 1

A remarkable film festival in Mexico City

By David Walsh, 18 March 2015

David Walsh and Joanne Laurier recently attended the film festival associated with the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City.

Mexican government announces budget cuts in response to economic turmoil

By Don Knowland, 6 February 2015

The Mexican government is imposing deep budget cuts in response to a drop in oil prices and the global economic downturn.

At least two dead after gas explosion in Mexico City maternity hospital

By Kevin Martinez, 30 January 2015

A truck was supplying gas to the hospital when a hose apparently broke, causing a leak that resulted in the blast, which injured dozens.

Mexican government rushes to close case of disappeared students

By Bill Van Auken, 29 January 2015

Peña Nieto told Mexicans to get over the fate of the 43 students so he can move ahead with a “reform” agenda backed by Washington.

Mexico’s state oil company sacks thousands of workers

By Don Knowland, 20 January 2015

Amidst falling oil prices, attempts by Pemex to cut production costs while courting foreign energy investors will fall most heavily on workers.

Violence intensifies in Mexico as authorities unearth 10 headless bodies

By Jake Dean, 13 January 2015

Mexican police have yet to identify the victims, whose bodies were found in the state of Guerrero, where the disappearance of 43 students last September sparked nationwide protests.

Obama backs beleaguered Mexican president

By Bill Van Auken, 7 January 2015

Facing mounting calls for his resignation over the massacre of Mexican students, Peña Nieto discussed security, economic integration and immigration in a trip to Washington yesterday.

Forced labor on Mexican farms

By Norisa Diaz, 3 January 2015

Despite a wide array of anti-slavery laws and NGOs, there are currently 20.9 million people in forced labor worldwide.

Mexico intensifies persecution of Central American immigrants

By Adam Mclean, 24 December 2014

The Peña Nieto government’s crackdown on immigrants is being carried out in direct collaboration with the Obama administration.

Mexican federal police attack students and teachers in Guerrero

By Rafael Azul, 16 December 2014

An independent investigation has uncovered evidence of federal government and military involvement in the massacre and disappearance of the 43 normalistas in September.

DNA tests confirm charred remains belong to disappeared Mexican student

By Eric London, 9 December 2014

Amid the grim confirmation of the murder of normalista Alexander Mora Venancio, government threats are mounting against protests.

One hundred years since Zapata and Villa took Mexico City—Part 3

The historical significance of the Mexican Revolution

By Eric London, 6 December 2014

Despite the passage of a century, the impact of the Mexican Revolution still dominates all aspects of Mexican political and cultural life. This is the final part of a three-part series.

The Obama administration and disappeared Mexican students

By Marc Wells, 5 December 2014

The disappearance of 43 students in Mexico is the product not only of policies pursued by the Peña Nieto government, but those of Washington as well.

One hundred years since Zapata and Villa took Mexico City—Part 2

The historical significance of the Mexican Revolution

By Eric London, 5 December 2014

Despite the passage of a century, the impact of the Mexican Revolution still dominates all aspects of Mexican political and cultural life. This is the second of a three-part series.

One hundred years since Zapata and Villa took Mexico City—Part 1

The historical significance of the Mexican Revolution

By Eric London, 4 December 2014

Despite the passage of a century, the impact of the Mexican Revolution still dominates all aspects of Mexican political and cultural life. This is the first of a three-part series.

Thousands of Mexican workers and youth demand Peña Nieto’s resignation

By Rafael Azul, 3 December 2014

Protests over the disappearance of 43 students pose the question of who will rule Mexico.

Mexican President Peña Nieto announces police-state plan as more bodies are discovered

By Rafael Azul, 29 November 2014

The discovery of eleven decapitated youth adds to the long list of bodies that have been exhumed in Guerrero, both before and since the disappearance of 43 students.

Mexican military threatens intervention against mass protests

By Eric London, 22 November 2014

The entire political establishment in Mexico, backed by the United States, is implicated in the disappearance and likely massacre of the 43 student teachers.

Los Angeles: One thousand protest Mexican student massacre and disappearances

By Rafael Azul, 22 November 2014

Workers and students spoke about the massacre and abduction of teaching school students in Iguala, 43 or whom are still missing.

The disappeared students and Mexico’s deepening political crisis

By Don Knowland, 14 November 2014

The disappearance of 43 rural teaching students has contributed to a growing popular rejection of the major political parties in Mexico.

Angry protests sweep Mexico after government says 43 students are dead

By Don Knowland, 11 November 2014

The attorney general’s presentation of gang confessions claiming that the 43 missing students were killed and burned has further incited an outraged Mexican public.

Peña Nieto implicated in rail contract scandal

By Our reporter, 11 November 2014

The Mexican president’s private mansion has been linked toa multibillion-dollar contract awarded to a corporatesupporter.

More than 100,000 march in Mexico City over disappeared students

By Rafael Azul, 7 November 2014

Marchers demanded the resignation of President Peña Nieto over the government’s handling of the September 26 massacre and mass kidnapping.

Relatives of disappeared students confront Mexico’s president

By Rafael Azul, 31 October 2014

At a meeting with Peña Nieto, relatives of kidnapped students voiced anger over federal government inaction.

Political crisis deepens in Mexico as army is called on to testify on Iguala massacre

By Rafael Azul, 29 October 2014

A Congressional panel is calling on the defense secretary to testify on the role of the Army in the disappearance of students.

Mass protests in Mexico over Iguala Massacre

By Rafael Azul, 24 October 2014

Students are demanding that the investigation into the killing and abduction of their classmates be taken out of the hands of the government.

Mexico’s disappeared students

By Bill Van Auken, 22 October 2014

The disappearance of the 43 students in the southern state of Guerrero is bound up with the rising inequality and savage violence that go hand in hand with Mexico’s free market “reforms.”

Thousands protest disappearance of Mexican teaching students

By Don Knowland, 18 October 2014

Outrage remains widespread as the Mexican government has failed to reveal what happened to the missing students.

Protests across Mexico over disappearance of students

By Rafael Azul, 16 October 2014

At least 29 universities joined the protest walkout, and in Guerrero, 87 percent of schools were on strike.

Street battles erupt in Guerrero over disappeared Mexican students

By Rafael Azul, 15 October 2014

Students, education workers and families mobilized in Guerrero demanding the resignation of the governor and the return of the disappeared students.

Tens of thousands protest massacre of Mexican student teachers

By Rafael Azul, 10 October 2014

The killings have triggered a tidal wave of national anger that threatens the stability of the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto.

Burned bodies of 28 Mexican teaching students pulled from mass graves

By Don Knowland, 8 October 2014

Guerrero state authorities confirmed that a local gang tied to the Iguala mayor killed the students.

Mass grave found near disappearance of student protesters in Mexico

By Don Knowland, 6 October 2014

After a protest over school resources and jobs a week ago, teaching students in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero were shot at by local police and then rounded up and turned over to gang members.

Mexican government imposes education “reform” over teacher protests

By Don Knowland, 1 October 2014

Mexican President Peña Nieto signed into law a national system implementing standardized evaluations of public school teachers.

Peña Nieto pushes oil privatization in Mexico

By Eric London, 15 September 2014

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto used his September 2 State of the Union address to promote his agenda of turning over Mexico’s energy resources to foreign corporations.

Toxic wastewater from copper mine spills into river in northern Mexico

By Matthew Brennan, 20 August 2014

The disaster has cut off water supplies for over 20,000 people in Sonora.

Fourth major party formed as Mexican Congress passes oil legislation

By Don Knowland, 11 August 2014

The politics of López Obrador’s MORENA party serves sections of Mexican capital, not the working class.

Cargo train derails in Mexico, stranding 1,300 migrants

By Kevin Martinez, 12 July 2014

Wednesday's accident was at least the third derailment of trains carrying migrants across Mexico since last month.

Unrest grows as Mexico’s economy goes into slump

By Don Knowland, 12 June 2014

President Peña Nieto’s plan to modernize the Mexican economy has led to slower growth and widespread disaffection with government policies.

Mexico captures drug cartel head

By Don Knowland, 3 April 2014

The Mexican military has captured the number one narcotics trafficker in Mexico, Joaquín Guzmán of the Sinaloa cartel.

Battles between drug cartels and vigilante groups destabilize Mexico

By Don Knowland, 29 March 2014

The highest level of instability in Mexico in over 80 years has resulted from armed clashes between drug cartels and rural self-defense groups and the intervention of federal troops.

Violence in sports: Two more boxers die from head injuries

By Matthew Brennan, 12 February 2014

On February 3, Mexican featherweight boxer Oscar Gonzalez died from brain injuries sustained during a match with Jesus Galicia in Mexico City.

Mexican Congress approves oil privatization

By Don Knowland, 16 December 2013

Political and economic tensions dominate Mexico as the ruling parties push legislation through Congress opening up Mexican oil to international conglomerates.

Privatization draws foreign capital to Mexico

By Don Knowland, 16 December 2013

The investment flood surges despite the tepid pace of Mexican economic growth and the debacle for those who purchased bonds issued by the three largest Mexican housing developers.

Mexican government accelerates drive to privatize state oil industry

By Bill Van Auken, 5 December 2013

Encircled by riot police and metal security fences, Mexico’s congress is expected to soon enact constitutional amendments allowing the partial privatization of the state energy firm, PEMEX.

Cholera spreads beyond Haiti as Mexico suffers devastating floods

By John Marion, 9 November 2013

More than 176 cases have been reported in Mexico, with the cholera strain matched to the one causing Haiti’s epidemic

Intense storms cause death, destruction in Mexico

By Rafael Azul, 21 September 2013

Twin storms have had a widespread impact across Mexico, causing floods and destruction.

Brutal police attack on Mexican teachers

By Rafael Azul, 17 September 2013

Protesting public school teachers were savagely expelled from Mexico City’s central square by security forces under orders from the Peña Nieto government.

Tens of thousands protest privatization of energy industry in Mexico

By Rafael Azul, 10 September 2013

The protest against the privatization of PEMEX drew workers, high school and university students, retirees and sections of the middle class.

US spied on presidents of Brazil, Mexico, documents from Snowden reveal

By Tom Eley, 3 September 2013

Documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal that the NSA specifically targeted for surveillance leaders of the two largest Latin American countries.

Mexican government introduces bill to open up oil industry to foreign companies

By Don Knowland, 15 August 2013

Mexico’s ruling party proposal will partner the national oil company with giant oil companies.

Twenty-four dead in Mexican truck explosion

By Rafael Azul, 14 May 2013

A tanker truck carrying pressurized LP gas careened off a highway near Mexico City killing 24 people.

Obama visits Mexico and Central America to push for economic integration

By Don Knowland, 6 May 2013

With trade between the two countries totaling nearly half a trillion dollars last year, Mexico is Washington’s second-largest trading partner.

Mexico faces political and economic turmoil on the eve of Obama visit

By Don Knowland, 1 May 2013

Obama is arriving in Mexico in the wake of a political scandal over election tampering and amid changes in US-Mexico security arrangements.

Teachers’ struggles escalate across Mexico

By Rafael Azul, 30 April 2013

Tens of thousands of Mexican teachers are mobilizing against education reforms that attack job security and subordinate public education to corporate interests.

Teachers struggle erupts in Mexican state of Guerrero

By Rafael Azul, 26 April 2013

Guerrero teachers have repudiated state and federal education reforms.

Head of Mexican teachers union arrested

By Rafael Azul, 1 March 2013

Mexican teachers union leader Elba Esther Gordillo was arrested on charges of embezzling and money laundering .

Mexican government prepares a dirty war

By Rafael Azul, 25 February 2013

Mexico is heading increasingly toward a dirty war, as the US collaborates in the militarization of its society.

Explosion at Mexico City PEMEX headquarters kills 33

By Rafael Azul, 2 February 2013

Thirty-three are dead and 121 wounded from a mysterious explosion at the headquarters of the state-owned oil company.

Twenty-four dead in Mexican prison riot

By Rafael Azul, 22 December 2012

The death of 24 people in the course of an escape attempt at a Mexican prison shines a light on the deterioration of Mexican society during the drug war.

Peña Nieto moves toward privatization of Mexican oil

By Rafael Azul, 18 December 2012

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has announced plans to partially privatize state-owned Pemex Oil Company.

Sweetheart settlement for HSBC bank on drug money laundering charges

By Barry Grey, 13 December 2012

The financial mafia that bestrides the American economy and controls the political system is, in practice, above the law.

Thousands protest as new Mexican president takes office

By Rafael Azul, 3 December 2012

Across Mexico, workers and youth greeted the transfer of power to President Enrique Peña Nieto of the PRI with protests.

Amid mass protests, Mexican deputies approve labor counter-reform

By Rafael Azul, 3 October 2012

The Mexican Chamber of Deputies approved a labor reform law that attacks living standards and working conditions for the working class.

Mexican gas plant explosion kills some 30 workers

By Bill Van Auken, 20 September 2012

An explosion that ripped through a Patrollers Mexicanos (PEMEX) gas facility in northeastern Mexico near the US border has left as many as 34 workers dead and dozens more injured.

Police shootings raise questions over CIA role in Mexico

By Rafael Azul, 5 September 2012

On August 24, Mexican police shot and wounded two American CIA agents.

Mexican officials to recount votes in last week’s election

By Rafael Azul, 7 July 2012

The controversy over the vote count coming out of Sunday’s elections in Mexico reflects a crisis of leadership in the Mexican ruling class.

Mexico: Enrique Peña Nieto wins presidential race

By Rafael Azul, 3 July 2012

Preliminary results indicate that the candidate of the PRI, the former longtime ruling party, has won the presidential contest in Mexico.