

We use this page to promote the excellent community projects happening around Greater Manchester. In 2014/2015 we have been working with these organisations to deliver employability training, community projects, community consultations and to review their services:

We have also delivered joint work to support people who are unemployed with:

If you want us to promote your project, survey or event or you know of a great community project, just contact Lynn at

Click here to donate to our community fund so we can fund small community projects ourselves

Who Are We?


We are a Community Interest Company that supports community and voluntary organisations, charities and other social enterprises to deliver community projects and to explore and implement opportunities to become more financially, environmentally and organisationally sustainable.

We work with organisations of all sizes across the full range of the third sector.

We work across the ten local authorities areas that make up the Greater Manchester region.

We focus on providing practical help to individual organisations and we work at a higher level to deliver projects and programmes with a wider social benefit



We help organisations find funding for their projects and we help them deliver their community projects. We work with existing staff, volunteers and service users, passing on our skills as the project progresses.

Alternatively, we will deliver the project ourselves while everyone else gets on with their core business.

We also work with local authorities, housing trusts and third sector infrastructure agencies to develop and implement projects that have a wider social benefit including; research, consultation, pilot projects or new services to meet changing needs.

Some of our projects include: a volunteer recruitment project, a project training young people in event management, joint skills support for people who are unemployed, support for a community asset transfer and three community consultations.

Click here to donate so we can provide free project management to small or new organisations.

Sustainable Support


We help organisations develop Sustainability Plans and Income Diversification Plans that focus on harnessing talents, assets and resources, thinking creatively and broadening the organisation’s funding strategy. Our aim is to help organisations become less reliant on grant funding and more financially and organisationally robust.

We help them develop fundraising programmes and implement projects that link them to valuable partners who they can build relationships with now and on into the future.

We encourage the organisations we work with to build sustainability support into their funding bids so we can do the legwork to explore the potential sustainability of the project and to identify the right partners to make it sustainable. Aim 2 Inspire have found this very useful for developing their All Inclusive After School Club.

Click here to donate so we can provide free support to small groups to help them develop a Sustainability Plan and/or an Income Diversification Plan.

Higher Ground


We work with public agencies such as local authorities, third sector infrastructure organisations and housing trusts and associations to create, develop and implement programmes that provide a wide social impact.

Two recent examples are:

  • Facilitation work in January 2014 which took us out talking to people who use mental health services to find out what they thought about proposed changes to how mental health services will be organised and delivered in the future.
  • Our work with City South Manchester Housing Trust to offer drop in mentoring sessions for people who have little or no computer skills who have to look for work online using the Universal Job Match portal.

We act as a communication channel between frontline organisations and policymakers and provide consultancy services to statutory, private and third sector agencies


Creating Sustainable Organisations CIC
C/o Ladybarn Community Association
Royle Street
M14 6RN



David Carey

Lynn Leggat

Linda McCarthy