WorldNetDaily's Credibility Crisis

Having destroyed any chance of being taken seriously as a news organization with its rampant birtherism, WND is finding that regaining credibility is very hard.

Related: Nobody Believes WNDWND Makes Up Stuff

Jesse Lee Peterson, White Supremacist?

The black right-wing WorldNetDaily columnist is laughably portrayed as a "civil rights leader," so why does he disparage blacks -- and defend white people's anger at blacks -- at every opportunity?

NewsBusted: The Gwinn File

NewsBusters blogger Dylan Gwinn not only writes about sports, he pushes homophobia and gets things spectacularly wrong.

The Semi-Birthers At The MRC

Media Research Center writers didn't exactly support Obama birtherism, but they didn't exactly denounce it either. Only when eligibility questions popped up around Ted Cruz did the MRC get passionate on the subject.

WorldNetDaily Bails on Birthers

WND editor Joseph Farah endorses Ted Cruz while ignoring his eligibility issues -- and to justify the endorsement, Farah abandons the signature issue of WND for the past eight years.

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