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Saturday Apr 2
6PM Ghost Town To Havana (2015) screening
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Familias Unidas por la Justicia (FUJ) has embarked on an historic 28-day tour of the West Coast to organize a major offensive on the world’s largest berry distributor, Driscoll’s Berries. The local independent farmworker union, based in Burlington, WA, is touring the coast at a crucial moment in their campaign for a union contract at Driscoll's supplier Sakuma Brothers Farms. Driscoll’s and Sakuma are feeling pressure from a growing amount of boycott activity. On Thursday, March 31, there will be a major action at Driscoll’s headquarters in Watsonville.
On January 2, a couple dozen people kicked off 2016 with a protest in Watsonville, where Driscoll's, the world's largest distributor of fresh berries, is both headquartered and first began producing strawberries in 1904. The demonstrators are amplifying a campaign initiated by farmworkers in Washington State and Baja California to boycott Driscoll's strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries.
Con una ceremonia sagrada, las autoridades del Consejo Supremo Indígena de Xochicuautla iniciaron una marcha desde la Estela de Luz hasta la Secretaría de Gobernación en el Distrito Federal el martes 28 de julio. Ahí los manifestantes exigieron la derogación de un decreto expropiatorio de las tierras ancestrales de las comunidades otomí-ñathó de Xochicuautla en el Estado de México y un alto a la guerra contra la comunidad nahua de Santa María Ostula en Michoacán.
Marcha Solidaria con Xochicuautla y Ostula / Xochicuautla and Ostula Solidarity March A sacred ceremony performed by the authorities of the Supreme Indigenous Council of Xochicuautla set the tone for a march to the Ministry of the Interior in Mexico City on Tuesday, July 28. There, speakers demanded the repeal of an order for the expropriation of the ancestral lands of the Otomí-Ñatho communities of Xochicuautla in Mexico State and an end to the war against the Nahua indigenous community of Santa María Ostula in Michoacán.

Demonstrators also demanded freedom for Cemeí Verdía ––the Commander of the Ostula Community Police and Coordinator of the Self-Defense Groups of Aquila, Coahuayana and Chiniquila, Michoacán–– and punishment for those responsible for the murder of 12-year-old Hidelberto Reyes in Ostula territory.

photo En Español: Marcha Solidaria con Xochicuautla y Ostula | photo English: Xochicuautla and Ostula Solidarity March
Suppliers of Driscoll’s, which may be the U.S.’s most recognizable brand name on strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and blackberry cartons, are coming under fire for allegedly abusing workers, in the U.S. and Mexico. One Driscoll’s grower has spent weeks embroiled in a major farmworker protest, while a nearly two-year boycott against another grower recently intensified. Workers in both disputes have called for a boycott against the company.
Fasting for the Children San Francisco youth are holding a fast for 5 days to call our attention to the crisis of the children trapped at the U.S. Mexico border. Youth from ages 16 to 20 held a press conference at City Hall on August 12 and announced their plan to set up a tent across from City Hall Tuesday and Wednesday for donations. They will then return to ICE headquarters Friday at noon to end their five-day fast. Youth are taking this action to get the word out about the inhumane treatment of children languishing at the border. They asked us, “Put yourself in the kids shoes; they are just children!” One youth spoke of being inspired after learning that Cesar Chavez often fasted for causes for the farm workers. Another youth’s inspiration came from students in LA holding similar actions.

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May Day in Havana Jonathan Nack reports from Havana: Hundreds of thousands of Cubans demonstrated unmistakeable enthusiasm while marching in the Cuban capitol on May Day – International Workers Day. Marchers chanted, danced, sang songs, and blew horns throughout the festive march. It was a clear statement of support for the Cuban government. CBS News reported an estimated 600,000 participated. Trade unionists, community groups, members of cooperatives, and even unions of small businesses demonstrated their support for the Cuban Revolution.

The main slogan for this year's May Day mobilization was, “the unity of the workers is the guarantee of the revolution.” Another prominent slogan urged the building of a more efficient and prosperous socialism. The march was organized by the government, but had a largely informal character. Most of the signs, banners, and numerous giant puppets appeared to be homemade. The march began in the early morning, no doubt to avoid the midday heat. It was basically completed by noon. Cuban President Raul Castro presided over the event, waiving to the marchers from the reviewing stand.

International supporters of the revolution who came from many countries were quite visible. Latin American international contingents were the most prominent, particularly from Colombia, Venezuela and Honduras. Images of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and, of course, that of Ché Guevara, were emblazoned on the t-shirts of many of the marchers.

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French bank Societe Generale funding new #coal in Dominican Republic john Englart (Takver)
Thursday Apr 7th 11:45 PM
Puerto Rico Congressional Negotiations Intensify Greg
Wednesday Apr 6th 3:17 PM
Boycott Driscoll’s West Coast Tour at Driscoll’s HQ in Watsonville Bradley Allen (1 comment)
Thursday Mar 31st 9:55 PM
National Stolen Lives Cultural Education Tour - Cuba Anita Wills
Thursday Mar 31st 9:26 PM
Lawsuit Challenges FDA's Approval of Genetically Engineered Salmon Center for Biological Diversity
Thursday Mar 31st 5:21 PM
An Open Letter to Santa Cruz from the Gardeners Beach Flats Community Garden (1 comment)
Tuesday Mar 29th 9:53 AM
Watsonville Driscoll's Boycott Action
Friday Mar 25th 3:53 PM
FUJ Action at Driscoll's HQ Watsonville
Friday Mar 25th 3:30 PM
La población más grande de la mariposa monarca podría desaparecer en 20 años Center for Biological Diversity
Thursday Mar 24th 6:09 PM
Supreme Court Hears Puerto Rico Bankruptcy Case Greg
Tuesday Mar 22nd 7:35 AM
Respect farmworkers: Boycott Driscoll's
Monday Mar 21st 7:59 PM
Ghost Town To Havana (2015) screening beth jerde
Friday Mar 11th 11:49 AM
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