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Now Sussex Plod are well known for being keen when it comes to booting down a squat door – (nearly as keen in fact as local MP Mike Weatherley, who drafted a whole law to get rid of the filthy blighters.)

Now it looks as if they should have been applying the brute force to their own tradesmen’s entrance all along. An 86-year-old man has been forced to resort to legal action against Sussex's Police Crime Commissioner after the force used 'adverse possession' – commonly known as 'squatters' rights' - to acquire the rights for his land.

The force occupied the land 30 years ago, using it as car parking for a manor house they used as a training centre in Haywards Heath. Mr Blyth, whose wife owns the land, realised and complained about the police squatters in 2011, but didn't take the matter further due to ill health.

The police then applied to the land registry for ownership - using the adverse possession argument that they had been using it without complaint for over twelve years. They're now trying to sell the property, including the parking, despite the ongoing legal dispute.

Stung by this even more blatant than usual official hypocrisy SchNEWS rang Weatherley’s office to seek answers: Does Mike support the use of squatters' rights by Sussex police force? After being kept on hold for several minutes, we were transferred to Weatherley's researcher who told us, “Adverse possession is not the same thing as squatters' rights”. Well clearly when you’re the filth it isn’t.

17th September 2014
and finally....

“Man vows to become King of the Squatters” well, so screamed the billboards for Brighton’s very own newspaper of record the Argus this morning anyway. According to an interview, presumably conducted through the letterbox, one Sebastian Stone, a resident of disused pub in Brighton’s city centre, told the Argus that he was taking part in an unofficial competition to be crowned Brighton and Hove’s squatting champion, adding the detail that the contest is like “X Factor for squatters”.

Warming to his theme Sebastian added “I’m trying to win King of the Squatters 2014. You need to get six squats. This is my fifth.”

Well here at SchNEWS we’re reluctant to hand out aristocratic titles on the basis of spurious claims to living in abandoned buildings but we reckon we know where the gong for “Gullible Journalist of the Year” might be headed.

To read the piece in full and maybe join in the fun in the ever enlightening comments section King of the Squatters

2nd September 2014
Crap (Non) Arrest of the Week

….for standing up to cultural Marxism and sharia law.

Britain First lead singer Paul Golding isn’t afraid to throw himself into the front line – whether it’s hassling the caretaker at a mosque on a Wednesday lunch-time, asking for your money to save a dog he’s never even seen or even ..gasp….getting arrested.

 In the words of our favourite native son "In this game... in this line of business.. quite frankly, I am going to get arrested and face danger, I accept that, I accept that burden and I'm quite proud that I'm doing what I'm doing, standing up for our country, fighting militant Islam in this country."

So is Paul under lock and key in Belmarsh as the pinko Marxist British police bend the law to protect their radical Muslim friends?…err, no. In fact he didn’t even get nicked and there wasn’t even a warrant out for him.

Not that that stopped him from getting online and saying “This latest outrage at the hands of the police should inspire every true patriot to join the ranks of the Britain First movement immediately!”

If you want to support Paul’s campaign for sensible raingear then please send all donations to

Britain First c/o  S Claus, The North Pole, Glasgow, BF1 FU2

16th July 2014
Crap Arrest of the Week

...For asking if it might be ok to reduce train fares.


Yorkshire transport authorities slashed concessionary fares for pensioners back in January. In response a group called the 'Freedom Riders' organised by the Barnsley Retirees Action Group (BRAG) have staged mass train bunks. The first ‘Freedom Ride’ took place on March 31, and saw more than 100 people board a train in Barnsley to travel to Meadowhall shopping centre, where they met others who had done the same from Sheffield and Doncaster.


As pensioners gathered for another go on June 23rd – British transport police enacting their own 'No Platform' policy swooped on the cheeky oldsters and nicked two men. In this video from the Sheffield Star we can see how it only took five of them to restrain one man.


Will justice prevail? – SchNEWS says direct action is just the ticket.

24th June 2014
Crap Arrest of the Week


....for failing to get away on yer toy scooter


One from Down Under this week.  A man from Kingscliff in New South Wales got busted after covering his local cop-shop in graffiti stating amongst other things that “Kingsy Boyz Rule” and “Dumb Cops”.  He also sprayed all the CCTV in the area to foil evidence gatherers. He then tried to make his escape on a toy scooter, getting nearly 300 yards before the boys in blue caught up with him. Not that he gave up without a fight – two of the cops were injured in the ensuing dust-up.  Inspector Brendon Cullen described his actions as “quite irrational, particularly with police being in the building at the time.” And the age of our delinquent hero?  Not a month under sixty one.

13th June 2014

For standing idly by...


Walking down the street, minding your own business and being stopped by the cops may come as no surprise to some...

Being asked to show your ID and asked whether or not you are a squatter, again is uncalled for but not that unlikely...

Asking the police what gave them the right to do this and them laughing and saying “Hah! We're the police” by way of explanation is pretty much your run of the mill response these days...

But then arresting the person standing next to you? Well that would really take the piss.

And that is exactly what Dutch police did as they took the piss all the way to the station when they arrested someone last Wednesday (16th) in a
south east neighbourhood of central Amsterdam and kept them banged up for a quite a few hours because “Hah! They are the police”.

22nd April 2014
and finally...


Ok – so across Europe the far-right are on a bit of an upswing – that's nothing to laugh about. But the fate of the the second in command of Germany's largest ultra-right party, the NPD will perhaps raise a smile.

Peter Marx (presumably no relation) had to throw in the towel after getting caught out attending a social gathering where the piece-de-resistance was a penis shaped cake. The icing on the phallic sponge was that accompanying Peter for the evening was porn star Kitty Blair (nee Ina Groll).

Kitty had been enthuisiasticaly pursued by the men with stiff right arms as political viagra. Facebook likes went through the roof, bolstered by saucy poses outside polling booths and online rants gainst all parasitic non-Germans-living-in-Germany. Her slogan? “nationalism can be sexy too”.

Unfortunatley for the happy couple – footage of one Kitty's previous starring roles began circulating that showed that she wasn't quite as discriminating against non-Aryans as the party's mass base might like.

Peter's resignation followed shortly.

10th April 2014

The resistance to fracking just keeps growing....

Locals and friends have occupied the site where Dart Energy intend to drill a test fracking well near Upton in Cheshire. The camp is halfway along Dutton's Lane, off the A41. Postcode CH2 2PE. There's a map on the Frack Free Upton facebook.

Get down there and lend a hand. Take what you hope to find. Local support for the camp seems to be strong, and it's established before any of the fracking equipment arrives. Frack Free Upton say "OUR OPPOSITION IS NON-VIOLENT, BUT IT IS ALSO NON-NEGOTIONABLE"

Barton Moss Camp is still going, although IGas have finished drilling, because protesters are making it slow and expensive to move the drilling rig to the next site. There's now over 115 local groups fighting fracking in their areas.

6th April 2014

There's a new anti fracking camp! A rig for exploratory drilling has gone to the Daneshill site and a camp has started. People have been blockading the site.

They said “The ‪#‎Daneshill‬ Community Protection Camp needs more tents .. more boots on the ground .. more hands in the sink - actually, it probably needs a sink - and more hearts in the woods.
Can you get there with any of those?”

The camp has an event on this Saturday 29th with a Robin Hood theme and black and yellow colour scheme. Bring what you hope to find. The camp is near the Daneshill Road, west of Lound, north of Retford. This is not a million miles east of the A1(M) junction 34. Postcode is DN22 8RB. See the map on their website. Get in touch if you have better directions!

27th March 2014
And Finally... Coppers Come A-Cropper

An alleged 'booby trap' in an alleged squat causes alleged injury to a couple of over-eager officers...

Not one, but two officers fell down a hole concealed beneath a rug in a raid on a Brighton squat earlier this month. Three men arrested after the raid were interviewed about the 'possibility' that their choice of rug placement over an exposed trap door constituted the offence of grievous bodily harm. The other possibility being that in their zealous pursuit of the squatters, the humming of a completely unnecessary police chopper ringing in their ears, the cops didn't look where they were going.

Given that the alleged booby trap was a 'one time' sort of deal – the alleged rug, presumably, was displaced by the first copper – one wonders how the second made the same error. Surely the second count of GBH will be thrown out of court as fast as a pig falls down a hole.

We hope there's video evidence in court.

20th March 2014
And finally...

They've been referred to as the Toytown EDL before now, but the Casuals United have really taken the identity on board with their latest whizzo scheme.


They're planning a trip to Legoland and unfortunately it'll be no fun day out. Why, what's up? Have the little yellow fellows decided to build a plastic mega-mosque near Windsor?


 Well, not quite ... on 9th March the park's been hired by the Muslim Research and Development Foundation for a family day. The organisation is headed by academic Haitam Al-haddad who depending on who you listen to may or may not be an 'extremist' preacher. Certainly his views on wife-beating and homosexuality won't find him any friends here.


Quite how he's going to put those views into practice while playing 'Laser Raiders' or earning his 'Legoland driving licence' is something the fash are unclear on. However our blockheaded friends at Casuals United News Team* are bricking it that the whole trip is cover for a fund-raising beano for the Taliban.


They're planning on a static demo at the park's entrance on the day along with friends from the EDL. Their keyboard warrior division has sprung into action with some vigour and even got Legoland's Facebook page taken down while Thames Valley Police scrutinise the racist scrawlings.


SchNEWS looks forward to a three way exchange of colourful half bricks.



*Their joke – not ours!

13th February 2014

For drinking tea in charge of a camcorder..


It 's back to Barton Moss this week as Greater Manchester Cops increasingly clutch at straws in their efforts to break the protests. One cop clearly getting fed up with legal observer Dr Steven Peers' persistent but polite questions regarding a colleagues arrest, suddenly had a brainwave – perhaps the good doctor had been drinking? And if he'd been drinking, perhaps he'd been driving?


With an admirable disregard for any kind of proof the cop proceeded to summon two colleagues and tell them that Steven had just confessed to 'having two drinks'. Check out this video as a clearly nonplussed Steve tells the officer that not only has he only refreshed himself with tea but the whole conversation is on film.


Steve is then nicked for refusing to take a breathlyser test on the entirely reasonable grounds that he's nowhere near a car – let alone driving one. Well Steve, when you get yer compensation – make ours a pint!

6th February 2014