November 16, 2008

Abdicating the "A" Word, Frantically Fighting for the Familiar

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

Negative experiences can lead to joy and understanding. Life is untidy. When we reject this messiness - and in so doing reject life - we risk perceiving the world through the lens of our economics or our sciences. But if we celebrate life with all its contradictions, embrace it, experience it, and ultimately live with it, there is a chance for a spiritual life filled not only with pain and untidiness, but also with joy, community, and creativity. ~Derrick Jensen

It's Friday again, and as I write, I notice that the term "Black Friday" has become all too familiar. Some apply it to the day after Thanksgiving, but more recently, it has become synonymous with other Fridays in history when the U.S. stock market suffered breathtaking losses. One week ago today, November 7, was a particularly bloody day for the Dow as unemployment data in the United States, fudged as it may be, was released, and it became clear that, as one subsequent headline stated, "Having A Job Is Soooo 2007."

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September 7, 2008

From "Dominion" to Domination: The Duplicity and Complicity of Matthew Scully

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

By Dr. Steve Best, Ph.D.


Mathew Scully (pictured here between two of his fellow enthusiastic enablers of war crimes, Michael Gerson [left] and David Frum), is not just a hypocrite or opportunist. He is a menace to all life, beings, species, and nature.

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September 4, 2008

Yes, we're matricidal: Murdering Mother Earth one forest, one species and one atom at a time

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Jason

By Jason Miller of Thomas Paine's Corner

I am the earth. You are the earth. The Earth is dying. You and I are murderers. -Ymber Delecto

What a sorry lot we humans are, particularly those of us immersed in the "American Way of Life." Killing is indeed our business. And business has never been better.

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August 3, 2008

Oil Price Falls! Peak Oil a Non-Problem!

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

By Richard Heinberg. Originally published at Post Carbon Institute

Two weeks ago, oil was soaring toward $150 a barrel; now it's nosediving to $120 and may even see $100 again. Peak Oil? Humbug! Problem solved. The market works after all.

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June 30, 2008

The Day of the Bullies

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

By David Irving. Originally published at Thomas Paine's Corner

Conservatively speaking, approximately 100 million vertebrates in the world are experimented upon annually by the animal research industry of which approximately 22 million animals belong to the United States. Most of the animals are killed after research. While the animal research industry has managed successfully to brain wash the public into thinking animal research consists primarily of medical research, that is not the case. A large portion of animal research takes place in the cosmetics industry, the military, the EPA, the FDA, private research laboratories for industrial use, animal food companies, and others.

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Terrorism's New Face: NGO's and People of Conscience

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

By Dr. Martin Balluch, Association Against Animal Factories, From prison hospital in Vienna , Austria. Originally published at Thomas Paine's Corner

On Wednesday 21st May, my life was to change drastically. We had prepared a new campaign on a constitutional change for animals, which would have gone for a vote in Parliament at the beginning of July. The campaign was to be launched the very next day. For this campaign we had managed to unify just about the whole movement in Austria to pull on the same string. As many of you, who know me, will have expected, this is one of my primary aims, to unify the movement for double strength.

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June 19, 2008

Disaster Capitalism on a Grand Scale

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Environmental Justice

As the cost of food and fuel spirals out of control, and the mortgage and credit crises all strike at a global level, one has to ask if this is a "perfect storm" or a manufactured opportunity - or both. In her book, Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein documents the planned manipulation and creation of disasters as opportunities to advance a corporatized free market environment. While generally operating at a national level, the process has also been utilized at a regional level. For example, the deliberate attack during the Asian market collapse. As I have watched the unraveling of the global economy, I have wondered if the scheme has not moved to a global level.

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June 14, 2008

World rice shortage

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

By Marina Johnson

"They're taking no chances with this year's harvest on the farms in Supamburri. Alongside the heavy machinery, there's a new feature: shotguns. The message is clear: Hand off my rice." ITV News Correspondent, Inigo Gilmore ("Rising Food Prices"). This is the heart of Thailand's rice-growing region, and there's great anticipation around this season's harvest. With many countries facing shortages, rice has never been more prized, so prized, in fact, that for the first time this area has seen significant and organized thefts of the crop. For this reason local farmers are keeping a close watch on this harvest.

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June 2, 2008

Location, Location, Re-location

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Alternatives

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

For approximately ten days last month I traveled across the United States from my former home in New Mexico to my new home in Vermont. My journey has been the culmination of years of researching and soul searching in response to the odyssey of my species and the earth community which has now entered an irreversible trajectory of collapse.

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May 27, 2008

API: Greenwashing Again or Pure Propaganda?

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Peak Oil

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is unleashing a new advertising campaign to soothe the American public. I am sure it has nothing to do with Oil execs grilled on fuel prices by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

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May 23, 2008

Rapid Unveiling and the Demise of Adolescent America

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Impacts

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

Well here it is folks-the great unraveling so many of us have been forecasting during the past five years as we've read the tea leaves and researched the unprecedented convergence of myriad natural, political, economic, and environmental realities. As most of you know, I'm traveling, yes on the road, across this country. I was going to wait until arriving at my final destination before writing about my experience, but with oil rapidly heading for $200 a barrel, it feels important to do so sooner rather than later because our lives have just changed more dramatically than we can imagine, and we will only be able to comprehend to what extent as the repercussions of the end of the age of oil reverberate through what is left of industrial civilization.

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May 18, 2008

Evolve or die: Can we shed our moral primitivism before it’s too late?

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Impacts

I would like to recommend to you an excellent interview Evolve or die: Can we shed our moral primitivism before it’s too late? posted at Thomas Paine's Corner. This interview of Steven Best by Jason Miller is an excellent discussion of the intersections (and magnifying effects) of capitalism and specieism. While in some ways an emotionally distressing article, it addresses head on the trail over the cliff of cruelty and profit.

May 11, 2008

Gravediggers of the world unite! Capitalism Must Die….

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Jason

By Jason Miller of Thomas Paine's corner

“What this means is that corporations and those who run them cannot stop exploiting resources and amassing wealth until they have… .I cannot finish this sentence, because the truth is that can never stop; like cancer, they can only continue to expand until they kill the host.” –Derrick Jensen

Yes. It’s another anti-capitalist rant by Jason Miller. Big surprise! I’m the associate editor for Cyrano’s Journal Online, the anti-capitalist tool. We’re not big fans of free market ideology and its tacit socioeconomic license to rape, pillage and plunder.

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May 9, 2008

12 Stepping Our Way to Armageddnon

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Impacts

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

The end of everything we call life is close at hand and cannot be evaded. H.G. Wells, 1946

I recently received an email from a
reader, frustrated with my insistence on holding a vision of what is
possible alongside the dismal, inevitable current realities of
civilization's collapse. Admonishing me to bear in mind America's Oprah
and NASCAR world view and therefore abdicate any sense of optimism I
might have, this reader accused me of suggesting that we should 12 Step
our way through Armageddon. Rather than being offended, however, I was
overcome with gratitude for this reader's image, frustrated with me as
he may be, because in spite of the regular "wordsmithing" that I do as
a writer, I always feel a sense of relief and validation when someone
else gives words that I may not yet have for what I've been thinking,
feeling, or doing.

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May 4, 2008

We Can Survive, but Can We Communicate?

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Implications

By Carolyn Baker and Sally Erickson of Speaking Truth To Power

[As promised in my last article "Peak Civilization And The Winter Of Our Disconnect", my colleague and friend, Sally Erickson and I are offering what we believe are vitally important tools for enhancing communication with our peers as we navigate collapse.-CB]

When we think of preparing our minds, bodies, hearts, and living situations for collapse, the focus is often on our individual or household living situations. Equally important is our need to develop a circle of trusting, mutually interdependent relationships. The culture we live in is based on hierarchies of control and influence. Work relationships, kept in place largely by paychecks and ordered by project managers and bosses, are the most common experience most of us have of being part of an organized group. We have little experience outside of those hierarchies. Even more rare in our hyper-independent culture is to depend on others for mutual aid, support and comfort. So, for most people, it likely feels overwhelming to consider how to build a wider circle of people based on mutuality, as part of preparation for the ongoing collapse of basic life support systems.

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April 24, 2008

Peak Civilization and the Winter of Our Disconnect

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Implications

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring. ~George Santayana~

The appearance of springtime in North America may be more welcome this year than at anytime in recent history. The winter has been long, cold, and dreary-particularly in the Rust Belt where the devastations of housing foreclosures, unemployment, and the resultant blight have left a trail of human misery and degradation not seen since the Great Depression. Ten percent of the population of Ohio now relies on food stamps while hordes of domestic animals abandoned in foreclosed homes endure long and grotesque deaths from starvation.

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April 23, 2008

Recipe for Catastrophe: Climate, Fuel, and Food

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Environment

Food riots turn deadly in Haiti. Food riots fear after rice price hits a high. And so it starts. Globally there has been roughly a 25% increase in food prices. In some areas - such as Haiti - food prices have increased almost 50% in the last year. The poor of the planet who always live on the razor's edge of survival, are getting hit by multiple blows aimed directly at the food supply.

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April 22, 2008

Negotiable or not, the American Way of Life must be extinguished...

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Environment

By Jason Miller of Thomas Paine's Corner

(As inspired by a conversation with Derrick Jensen)

"There's got to be just more to it than this; Or tell me why do we exist?" -Iron Maiden

We in the Western "developed" nations, particularly in the United States, are an utter disgrace to our species. Our myopic, self-centered, jejune, hubristic, and benighted ways of examining and interacting with the rest of the world, including other human animals, non-human animals, and Mother Earth herself, are reprehensible to the point of nausea and beyond.

Is the Western consumerist culture that we inflict upon the rest of the world truly the pinnacle of our evolution? If it is, I resign my membership in the human race. Though I don't fear that I'll be compelled to tender my resignation any time soon because our so-called "non-negotiable American Way of Life" is a piece of shit, for myriad reasons.

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March 29, 2008

Give an Hour for the Earth

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Activists

You can participate in the Climate Hour (an hour of power-less). Participating is simple - just turn off your lights and unnecessary electrical appliances from 8-9 pm.

Sign up at Earth Hour US for more tips for saving the planet.

March 26, 2008

World Made By Hand: Not Just Another Book Review

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Implications

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

A review of the 2008 novel by James Howard Kunstler (Atlantic Monthly Press)

"The world has become such a wicked place," she said quietly, just a statement of fact

"There's goodness here too."

"Where is it?"

"In all the abiding virtues. Love, bravery, patience, honesty, justice, generosity, kindness. Beauty too. Mostly love."

"I'm afraid sometimes that we drove those things out of existence."

"No, we carry them in our hearts. They're always with us."

"I don't know what's in my heart anymore. It's too dark to see."

"Light follows darkness."

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March 20, 2008

A 98 Year-Old Teaches Me About "The Great Work"

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Activists

By: Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

I am part of the rainforest protecting myself. I am that part of the rainforest recently emerged into thinking. ~ John Seed

Recently while visiting Vermont, one of my friends there suggested that I meet Marion Leonard, a 98 year-old environmental activist living in Rochester. While I had no doubt that my friend's effusive praise of Marion was valid, I had to meet Marion for myself to appreciate what a phenomenal soul she really is.

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March 13, 2008

How Does Tomorrow Dream?

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Environmental Justice

As the global struggle for power and resources continues, and as we mark the fifth anniversary of the United States' war of choice, this message from John Trudell rings true in one's heart. Thanks to Kelly for finding and sharing this.

You Tube:

March 6, 2008

Personal Survival in a World Gone Mad

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Implications

Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power Reviews "Path Through Infinity's Rainbow: Your Guide To Personal Survival and Spiritual Transformation In A World Gone Mad" by Mike Byron.

We must leave the old left/right, liberal/conservative paradigm behind us. Smaller government under local control-as will be the case in the Renewal communities-could actually be considered a "conservative" idea....We are creating a new tomorrow from what will soon become antiquity; we are not rehashing petty divisions or reaffirming old prejudices. ~Mike Byron~
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February 28, 2008

Eugene Oregon: Community and Personal Collapse Preparation. Part 2

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Implications

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

CB: Thank you Dan for that fascinating and comprehensive analysis. Now bringing all of this closer to home, what kinds of preparations have you personally been making in recent years for Peak Oil, climate change, and economic chaos?

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February 22, 2008

Eugene Oregon: Community and Personal Collapse Preparation. Part 1

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Alternatives

By Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

This is the first part of Carolyn Baker's exclusive interview with Dan Armstrong, writer, activist, and owner of MUD CITY PRESS.

CB: I'm going to ask you about your book "Prairie Fire", but first I'd like to find out a little bit about your background. Tell us about your roots, how you came to settle in the Eugene area, and your passion for writing.

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February 21, 2008

Review: The Final Empire - Part 2

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

Part 2 of the review of the new book by William Kotke by Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

We are proposing to create no less than a completely new human culture that relates to the earth in a completely different way....those who choose to respond in a positive way need gather the seeds of Natural cultures and the truly beneficial things created by civilization and carry them through the apocalypse. ~William Kotke~
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February 7, 2008

Review: The Final Empire - Part 1

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

A review of the new book by William Kotke by Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

My intention in reviewing this stunning book is to share how it has illumined my understanding that collapse and vision are not separate, but that in fact, they travel together and need each other. That is to say that collapse makes vision possible, and vision makes collapse the most desirable option of all as we confront the earth community's current dilemma.

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February 3, 2008

Who Wins, Oil or Arctic?

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Activists

Whether to open the Chukchi Sea to exploratory oil drilling now rests in the hands Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne. He plans on opening 20 million acres of the Chukchi Sea for leasing on February 6, 2008. The Chukchi and Beaufort seas are the home of almost one-fifth of the global polar bear population. Of course the polar bear is not the only creature at stake, but it has become the iconic image of the global warming endangered arctic. I urge you to take action on three fronts - Kempthorne, Bush, and your Representative. Each of these links takes you to the appropriate email response form.

Contact Dirk Kempthorne (World Wildlife Fund)

Contact President Bush (Defenders of Wildlife)

Contact Your Congressperson (National Resource Defense Council)

January 30, 2008

Population and Intensive Crop Culture Are Unsustainable

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Guest

By Peter Salonius. Originally published on The Relocalization Network

A growing number of media commentators, such as Allen Greer in The Australian, John Gray in the Guardian's Observer and Alan Weisman in his book 'The World Without Us', have begun to suggest that a world with fewer people would be far better placed to deal with climate change and the exhaustion of the dirty fuels of the industrial past. Many of them appear to think that high technologies such as nuclear energy and Genetically Modified crops in combination with curbs on population would begin dampen the environmental disruption that is becoming increasingly obvious.

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January 21, 2008

The Shell Game: The End of Oil, The Next 9/11, and The End Of Civilization

BY: Rowan Wolf <> Category: Social Implications

A review of the new book by Steve Alten by Carolyn Baker of Speaking Truth to Power

With a doctorate in Sports Administration from Temple University, unhappy in his job, and struggling to support a family, Steve Alten wanted to write, but his rigorous schedule left no discretionary time for doing so. Nevertheless, he began writing every night from 10PM to 3 AM and on weekends, delivering in eight months a novel which would evolve into a novel/movie series about a pre-historic great white shark. After a long chain of science fiction thrillers, Alten has taken a decidedly political turn, and tomorrow, January 22, 2008, will release his new futuristic page-turner, The Shell Game (Sweetwater Books), subtitled: The End of Oil, The Next 9/11, and The End Of Civilization.

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