Politics With Charles P. Pierce

Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Maybe the Arc of the Moral Universe Really Does Bend Toward Justice
Andrew Jackson, it seems, will get exactly what he had coming to him.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Elizabeth Warren Has Words (and a Mic Drop) for Ted Cruz
She is playing this primary process exactly right.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
When Will the People of Flint Get Real Resolution?
The culpability here goes far beyond three low-level employees.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
We Will Be Saying Two Names for the Rest of the Year
Get used to it.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
5 Pieces of Zen to Keep Us Sane Through the Rest of This Election
It's ugly out there. It's only going to get worse.​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Climate Change Is Killing People in Houston. Meanwhile, Texas Is Full of Climate Skeptics.
From Greg Abbott on down.​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Scott Walker Has Destroyed What It Means to Be a Wisconsinite
Because Wisconsinites let him.​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
When Is 'The New York Times' Going to Step Up and Admit This Is Crazy?
The paper of record will not look back fondly on this particular record.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
There's Only One Question Worth Asking About Afghanistan
What the hell is our dog in the fight?​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Is Bernie Sanders Really Finished?
Better question: Are the lessons of his campaign already lost?
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Texas Sued the United States While Nobody Was Looking
And the worst part is, the case poses an interesting constitutional question.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
We Deserve the Truth About the Saudis' Role in 9/11
I'm fed up. Release those 28 pages.​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Imagine Actually Believing Ted Cruz Is a Reasonable Politician
And more highlights from The Sunday Shows.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Happy Friday. Dan Rather Deserves a Second Chance.
And other thoughts to wrap up this exhausting week.​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
How Are You Really Supposed to Handle Abortion Extremists?
Hillary Clinton is right to ask why Democrats are not discussing it.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
If You Try to Ruin Schools for Profit, You Will Eventually Get Caught
Sweet justice in California.
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
We Saw Bernie Sanders' Greatest Weakness Last Night
At least, that's what the Clinton camp is hoping you'll believe this morning.​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Why the Russians Decided to Harass That U.S. Navy Destroyer This Week
​It comes down to paranoia. ​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
John Kasich Should Learn What's Kosher
Before campaigning in New York.​
Politics With Charles P. Pierce
Of Course Trump's Campaign Manager Is Getting Off the Hook
Screw this guy.
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