Frequently Asked Questions

Why place AddToAny on my site?

AddToAny is the way millions of sites have enabled visitors to share & save content, resulting in increased traffic, larger audiences and much more. Launched in March 2006, AddToAny is the very first universal sharing platform, and the customizable platform that makes it easy for visitors to share your content using any service. AddToAny is built with extraordinary care for end-users, publishers, and developers across the globe.

Get the sharing buttons for your website, app, content management system or blog, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and many other platforms.

What features does AddToAny have?

AddToAny has many great features, yet remains lightweight and efficient. We carefully launch new features, and we retire obsolete features when it makes sense. Popular built-in features include:

  • Vector sharing icons in any size made for mobile, tablets, touchscreen devices, Retina and high-PPI displays
  • Traditional sharing icons in a standard size (16px)
  • Optimized performance and efficient loading via world-class CDNs
  • Universal sharing button and smart menu
  • Visitor personalization
  • Google Analytics integration
  • International support (i18n/localization)
  • Accessibility and graceful degradation
  • Cross-browser and backwards compatibility
  • Complete control for publishers & developers of all sizes

Does the code validate?

AddToAny generates fully W3C valid HTML5 and (X)HTML code. Official AddToAny plugins are also W3C compliant.

How often is the menu of services updated?

Constantly. Services frequently come and go, they change endpoints, and AddToAny always uses the current sharing endpoint for each service.

Where can I find the FAQ and changelog for the WordPress sharing plugin?

The WordPress sharing plugin documentation can be found on FAQ / Changelog

For Facebook sharing, how can I set the image and description Facebook uses?

Facebook does link sharing a little differently than most other services. Facebook expects the Title, Description, and Thumbnail of a shared page to be defined in the actual HTML code of a shared page. Unlike other services, Facebook does not accept the values you have set for your sharing widget. To change the title, description or image on Facebook, you will need to modify your pages. Try running Facebook's URL Debugger on your pages to see how Facebook is reading your site. For more technical information on setting your pages up for Facebook sharing, see the "Open Graph tags" section in Facebook's documentation.

The buttons are not displaying. What should I try first?

Something is likely preventing AddToAny's JavaScript from loading. We recommend searching the web for your specific issue and troubleshooting the issue first.

To troubleshoot, try another web browser, device, and/or Internet connection to see what is preventing you from loading AddToAny. The most common cause for this issue is having a browser add-on enabled that blocks ads and sometimes major social buttons such as AddToAny's. If the cause is an add-on, we recommend contacting the add-on's author about whitelisting AddToAny.

If you are experiencing an issue on your site only, try temporarily switching to a default theme (where applicable) and temporarily disabling all other components & plugins on your site. Site-specific issues commonly stem from another website component causing a conflict. Sometimes site-specific issues are caused by invalid website HTML code, so it's a good idea to validate your pages and resolve validation issues. Feel free to contact us with details about your issue — we'll try to help. Point us to your website, and let us know if you're using the general AddToAny code or one of AddToAny's plugins (such as AddToAny's WordPress plugin, Drupal module, or Blogger widget, etc.).

Why should I specify the page URL for the standard sharing button code?

For the standard sharing button code, it's an extra safeguard. Some people have JavaScript and/or HTTP referers disabled in their browsers. JavaScript is needed for the dropdown menu to appear, and the referring page is used if the page URL isn't supplied. By typing in the page URL, all visitors will still be able to share, save and bookmark your page regardless of their browser settings. If you do not specify a URL, the widget will automatically detect the current page using JavaScript and/or the refererring page, and your visitors will always be able to click the button to go to the landing page.

How do I load the share buttons from an AJAX response?

Check out this document which shows you how to best use multiple buttons on the same page. Call a2a.init('page'); to initiate new share buttons.

Does this service cost anything?

AddToAny is free.

How do I get usage statistics?

AddToAny automatically integrates with Google Analytics, and integrates with other analytics software. If you are using AddToAny on a page that uses Google Analytics, the statistics roll in on their own. See AddToAny & Google Analytics for details on how to access these stats within Google Analytics. Other analytics software can track sharing usage by hooking into AddToAny events.

To track clickthrus on shared links, AddToAny integrates with link shorteners and custom URLs and parameters (including Google Analytics parameters).

How do I customize AddToAny?

Start with the documentation for customizing AddToAny. For WordPress, check out the WordPress sharing docs and the sharing plugin's FAQ. For Drupal, check out the Drupal sharing docs. If you are using AddToAny's button code configurator for any website, click the "More Options" button and additionally see AddToAny's general customization docs.

Can we cache the script on our servers?

Yes, just be sure to update your local cache of AddToAny at least every 24 hours in an automated way.

Why do certain services appear at the top of the menu?

AddToAny automatically personalizes each menu by placing the services each user uses at the top of the menu.

How can I use AddToAny on HTTPS secure pages?

To use the secure version for your HTTPS pages, simply change your JavaScript and/or button requests from to

How do I make the menu appear over embedded objects (like Flash)?

AddToAny works around this issue in many browsers, but some browsers do not support a workaround. Two options are to either modify your embedded objects (preferred) or simply have the widget hide intersecting embedded objects when the menu is displayed.

Can I use the Subscribe button with FeedBurner?

Yes, you can use FeedBurner in conjunction with AddToAny by entering your FeedBurner feed url like in the Feed URL box.

How do I load the subscribe buttons from an AJAX response?

Call a2a.init('feed'); to initiate new subscribe buttons.

Where can I find the FAQ and changelog for the WordPress Subscribe plugin?

The WordPress subscribe plugin documentation can be found on FAQ / Changelog