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Watch: 500-Pound Shark Snatches Sailfish From Anglers’ Hook

A group of anglers and tourists went out off the Miami shore looking to make big catch.

The anglers made one, hooking a large sailfish.

It turns out, an even larger shark decided that it wanted the sailfish more. As the sailfish was being reeled in, a gigantic shark leapt from the ocean and mauled the sailfish.

“This 500-pound shark was all the way in the air with a 60-pound sailfish in his mouth, like a dog with a bone,” boat Capt. Bouncer Smith told WPTV.

Smith said he has been taking tourists out for 50 years, but he has never seen anything like that before.

“It was unbelievable,” he said.

The crew continued to reel in the sailfish, but all that was left was its mangled body.

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