Thai Protesters Occupy Government House: Thailand on the Brink (Dispatch 2)
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Thailand's political crisis deepens, as the anti-government
PDRC takes advantage of the political chaos following the ousting of Thailand's former caretaker
Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and nine of her ministers last Wednesday.
The PDRC protesters were quick to announce that they'll keep fighting until
Yingluck's entire cabinet steps down, despite the fact that the vast majority of
Thais voted for the government they are trying to oust. The PDRC is short for the
People's Democratic Reform Committee and has always, as the name implies, wanted to install a non-elected people's committee to take over the power in Thailand, in order to rid the country of what they refer to as the influence of the corrupt former Prime Minister
Thaksin Shinawatra - Yingluck's brother.
VICE News follows the PDRC protesters as they relocate their HQ to the official
Government House, which shows just how much support they have within the political halls of power. This has enraged the tens of thousands of pro-government red shirts camped in the outskirts of
Bangkok. The local press warns of an impending Thai-tanic.
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