
Cover photo
Greg Laden
Attended Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Lived in Albany, NY


Greg Laden

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Clinton will win the nomination: 
A fairly simple model based on patterns of ethnicity among Democratic Party voters by states did a good job of predicting the outcome of Super Tuesday. Now, with those primaries and caucuses finished, the model is further refined and accurately retrodicts the process so far. Clinton will probably c...

Greg Laden

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See what I did there? As you know, the UN WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer has listed Red Meat as Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) and processed meat at Group 1 (causes cancer). And everyone is upset. The most common reaction to these listings is to criticize WHO. The least common reaction…

Greg Laden

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A recent study that is getting a lot of press suggests that the massive ice sheets of Antarctica are on average growing rather than shrinking, and thus, not contributing to sea level rise. (The authors of the study warn that this will reverse in the near future with global warming.) However, there is reason to…

Greg Laden

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The current polling as shown on the Huffpo Pollster, using only “likely voters” and “non partisan polls” shows that Trump and Carson are neck and neck and have been close for a week. Most of the other candidates are so low it is impossible to imagine any of them rising to a level of significance.…

Greg Laden

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This just in: Biofuels produced from switchgrass and post-harvest corn waste could significantly reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change, according to an analysis by EWG and University of California biofuels experts. EWG’s analysis found that the life cycle carbon intensity of cellulosic ethanol from switchgrass was 47 percent lower than that of gasoline.…

Greg Laden

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Mark Hinterthuer's profile photoRandall Lee Reetz's profile photo
Ted Cruz said that PP engages in horrific activities every day. Says they have video. Someone should put together a cancer and heart surgery compilation movie to show the horrific-ness of standard non-reproductive lifesaving medicine.

Greg Laden

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I have an announcement to make. Somehow, and I have absolutely no idea how, every person in all of my circles has been deleted from my circles.  I have no one circled.  

This leaves me wondering what to do next on G+.  Any suggestions?
felch grogan's profile photoSimon Koch's profile photoKevin Jaffray's profile photo
I must have been in your circles and I received this through my e-mails. But I don't remember ever having chatted to you or being circled. But the fact I got an e-mail means that your friends may have one to. 
Have him in circles
33,363 people
Michael Kerfoot's profile photo
Patience Chie's profile photo
Steven Engravalle's profile photo
Eugenio Raimondi's profile photo
Zlatahy Andrew's profile photo
Qasim Zahid's profile photo
muhammad fahmi's profile photo
Jamie C.'s profile photo
Pizik Spaeth's profile photo


15 communities

Greg Laden

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A week or so ago, I got a couple of emails and tweets about a blog post on, an internet thing of which I had never heard. Apparently is a big giant blog that anybody can go and blog their big giant thoughts on: like tumblr, but more bloggy. Anyway, some dude by…

Greg Laden

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According to sources, like this one, President Obama is about to nix the Keystone XL deal. One of those “hastily called” press conference is set for just before noon Eastern. Sorry about your stock values and stuff, TransCanada. Thank you President Obama. Now, please pardon those arrested over #KeystoneXL in front of the White House.…

Greg Laden

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I’m not going to say anything about this research because I’ve not read the paper, but it looks important. If someone out there writes something up I’ll put a link here. Here’s the deal. Climate sensitivity is, very oversimplified, how much the surface of the planet heats up as we add CO2 and other greenhouse…

Greg Laden

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Bob Calder's profile photoJohn Swallow's profile photoManchester NH Lasik by BostonLaser's profile photosumi cue's profile photo

Greg Laden

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My R package 'cricketr' which can be used to analyze the performances of cricketers
Yet all experience is an arch wherethro’ Gleams that untravell’d world whose margin fades For ever and forever when I move. How dull it is to pause, to make an end, To rust unburnish’d, not to shin...
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Greg's Collections
Have him in circles
33,363 people
Michael Kerfoot's profile photo
Patience Chie's profile photo
Steven Engravalle's profile photo
Eugenio Raimondi's profile photo
Zlatahy Andrew's profile photo
Qasim Zahid's profile photo
muhammad fahmi's profile photo
Jamie C.'s profile photo
Pizik Spaeth's profile photo
15 communities
  • Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
    Biological Anthropology
Basic Information
Looking for
Scientist, science writer, pro-evolution and climate science activist
I write about evolution, other areas of biology, climate change, archaeology, and related topics.  I blog at Scienceblogs, 10,000 Birds, and a few other places.  I wrote a novella about the search for an elusive and strange primate in Africa, called Sungudogo (available on Amazon and elsewhere as an eBook).  

Bragging rights
Yes, it is true, I am the author of Sungudogo. If you’ve not read it, click the link below to find out what you are missing!
Writer, Scientist, Blogger
  • Science Communicator, present
Map of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has lived
Albany, NY - Boston, MA - Milwaukee,WI - Beni, Zaire - Isiro, Zaire - Upington, South Africa - Minneapolis, MN
Greg Laden's +1's are the things they like, agree with, or want to recommend.
How Did Climate Change Cause The Great More’Easter of 2016?

Storms like last weekend’s blizzard and widespread snowfall can happen, in theory, any winter, but large snowfall storms in the US Northeast

Mark Steyn, The DC Appeals Court, and Congress

This is a long story that I’ll try to make short, because I’m trying to make a single, simple point. Years ago shock jock and right-wing pol

Roy Spencer Is The Worst Person In The World

Dr. Roy W. Spencer has a blog and a facebook page, is a famous climate science denier, and, it turns out, an unmitigated ass. Peter Sinclair

WHO tells us about red meat and processed meat cancer risk?

See what I did there? As you know, the UN WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer has listed Red Meat as Group 2A (probably carcinog

Climate Change is Real, and Important, David Siegel

A week or so ago, I got a couple of emails and tweets about a blog post on, an internet thing of which I had never heard. Apparen

NASA Study of Antarctic Ice Melt Misunderstood

A recent study that is getting a lot of press suggests that the massive ice sheets of Antarctica are on average growing rather than shrinkin

Keystone XL Will Become ExKeystone, ‘ell yeah.

According to sources, like this one, President Obama is about to nix the Keystone XL deal. One of those “hastily called” press conference is

2016 US Presidential Election: Trump/Carson/Somebody vs. Clinton (polls)

The current polling as shown on the Huffpo Pollster, using only “likely voters” and “non partisan polls” shows that Trump and Carson are nec

Evidence of high climate sensitivity

I’m not going to say anything about this research because I’ve not read the paper, but it looks important. If someone out there writes somet

Better Biofuels

This just in: Biofuels produced from switchgrass and post-harvest corn waste could significantly reduce the emissions that contribute to cli

Center For Inquiry Gets AP To Change Style Manual. But They Got It Wrong

By “they” I mean AP. But, really, CFI kinda messed this up too. Put this one on your list of examples of effective activism that backfired.

How To Evaluate Science Stories

I’m on my way to a taping of the Humanist Views with Host Scott Lohman. I do these now and then and have done so since I first moved to Minn


Gemini is what got me into space, science, all of it. Amy Shira Teitel can bring you up to speed. Gemini worked out almost everything that h

Does Cell Phone Use Cause Cancer? No.

Josh Harkinson at Mother Jones recently posted an item called “Scores of Scientists Raise Alarm About the Long-Term Health Effects of Cellph

Live Blogging Climate Denial 4: The Best Week So Far

… because it is Paleo! Paleo data, models, expectations, observations, about the past and to some extent the future. The Little Ice Age. The

Reflections On This Weekend’s Events

This Sunday last, I 'outed' a pseudonymous blogger known as Dr Isis. Given the consequences of that action, I should like to say a few thing

Strongest Jet Stream Ever Recorded To Bring Two Super Storms To United K...

( – A massive storm system is moving out of the United States today, which went through Canada yesterday … carries with

Imperfect Storms: A Controversy In Climate Science

I love it when controversy develops in climate science. It demonstrates that climate science is a science, not dogma. Also, it is interestin

Smithsonian Magazine

Recently named "most interesting" magazine

Holly Miranda live video at Littlefield on Baeblemusic

An air conditioning malfunction during our show with Holly Miranda (put on with Brooklyn Vegan and Littlefield) could be considered either a