Monday, February 15, 2016

Ancient Chinese Penis - Envy Demo

Ancient Chinese Penis - Envy Demo. I caught these guys in Norman, OK several times in the early 90s.  Their band t-shits were tie-dyed.

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Drunk And Armed - Baby Boom Bullshit

The 4th track of Dirt. It's not about all baby boomers, just the ones who go on and on and on and on...

Let's start the new year off wrong.

SRL - Music,Vox
Mr. B. Ligerent - Vox

Mixed and Engineered by SRL

320 kbps MP3
Wave File
Ogg Vorbis

Friday, January 01, 2016

Art Dump

Listen to tracks from Artstravaganza by Chicks On Speed.

There's lots of shiny junk at the art dump.  Great stuff.

See more about Chicks on Speed Here.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Drunk And Armed - Apathy is Free

The 3rd track of Dirt. This song, which features another lovely duet, is about hostile apathy. Sometimes you just need to beat a point home.

SRL - Music, Vox
Mr. B. Ligerent - Vox
Mixed and Engineered by SRL

320 kbps MP3
Wave File
Ogg Vorbis

Friday, November 13, 2015

Drunk And Armed - (Not) So Cool

The second track of Dirt.

SRL - Vocals, Git Perc, Keyboards

Engineered and Mixed by SRL

Wave File
320 kps MP3
Ogg Vorbis

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Drunk And Armed - (Politics is) Dirty

This is the first track of Dirt.

Mr. B. Ligerant - Vocals, Git
SRL - Vocals, Bass, Perc, Keyboards

Engineered and Mixed by SRL

Wave File
320 kps MP3
Ogg Vorbis

I feel so dirty
I voted today
I acquiesced
I was counted
For what?
I wasted a stamp


Anyone that makes it
That is a contender anyway
Is a crook
Or a nut

Voting makes me feel dirty
If there's one thing dirtier
It's politicians
Politics is dirty
It's really dirty

Let's not forget graft

What can I scam off a decaying nation?
Consultant contracts
Let's send everything overseas
Give it to the Chinese

Oh you're dirty
Real dirty
You'd sell your own mother
If you could make a buck
I'd feel sorry for the old bag
If she wasn't in on it too

Oh help us
You're so dirty
You have no loyalty to anything
But yourself
And your money

Self centered
Oh you're so dirty
So dirty
Unbelievably dirty

You're dirty
Now, Drunk And Armed is going to get dirty...

[And so it goes...]

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Songs for Snakes - I Bring You Obscurity

This is a really great song.  I'm sorry I got to it so late.  I have a backlog due to tendinitis earlier this year (which made typing no fun).  You can hear and download it Here.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Drunk And Armed - (Barack Obama Is Really Good At) Killing People

This song was "inspired" by Barack Obama's claim that he is "really good at killing people". It is the last track for The Second Term E.P,  and also the swan song for B.H.O. who has parted ways due to technical difficulties (although he may show up in a future sample or two and may still bang a drum or two).  So what began with Obama Likes Pie and includes You Deserve It! (which was played on the radio on Radio Panik in Brussels) is coming to an end.

For this who wondered why Drunk And Armed didn't do anything of the sort for George Bush, the answer is simple: I hated him too much for satire and also also did not have a voice synth that did stupid.  Liberals and conservatives can both go fuck themselves.  The difference is the same as between stepping in dog shit or horse shit.  It's still shit.  So, in short, if you are trying to place Drunk And Armed in either camp you can fuck right off.  I think the next project will make that clear.

320 kps MP3
Wave File
Ogg Vorbis

BHO - Vox & Perc
SRL - Git, Bass, Supporting Vocals, Engineering
Written by SRL

I hear you have a great golf swing

I'm really good at killing people
Killing people
Killing people
Killing people

No redneck
Blank check
Fly Spec
Train wreck

Enemy of the state
Isolate isolate
Power Tower
Tower Power

I'm really good at killing people

Burn Burn
I got the power

Killing Killing Killing Killing
Eat Hot Lead

Damn I missed

Fear the power
The power of fear
Dumb as a rock
Chicken hawk
You are about to die
And if things don't work out as planned
You can always order an air strike on command
Gratify your ego
Blood on the sand
Blood on your hands
Blood on command
I own your ass now
At least I'm not George Bush
I got Osama

Because fear
Military cheer

Are you doing well?
My lies
I got one shot left

Stupid tool
Ugly American

Liberals you believe your own bullshit
On the right its ignorance
One the left it's naivet矇
They make it easy for someone like me who cares about nothing but power
I'm really good at killing people
I'm really good
Killing people

Blah blah blah blah blah

Friday, May 01, 2015

Drunk And Armed - Dance With Honk E.P.

In honor of May Day 2015, Drunk And Armed is releasing a new (complete) 3 song E.P. will have you shuffling your feet, waving your arms around like you are Drunk And Armed, and stomping around just like Honk E.!  (Remember to retract your switchblades and put your guns on "safe".)

You might note these tracks don't have any guitars.  I have been recently suffering from tendinitis in my right hand, so keyboards are it here (although I did play my bass last night and am only a little sore).

1. The Honky Dance (Alternative Extended Dance Re-Mix)

My family complained they couldn't understand the words of the original album version, which used multiple layered vocals.  They still can't!  ("My daddy is so weird!")  But here's an extended dance re-mix for your auditory enjoyment (or not).

Words: Kareem with SRL (Honking)
Music: SRL aka "Honk E."
Performed by Honk E.

320 kbps MP3
Ogg Vorbis

2. Boring (But Not Dull)
"I might be boring, but at least I'm not dull."

Words & Music: SRL aka. "Honk E."
Performed by Honk E.

320 kbps MP3
Ogg Vorbis

3. XRAY!
An instrumental!

Music: SRL aka. "Honk E."
Performed by Honk E.

320 kbps MP3
Ogg Vorbis

All Tracks Torrent

Here the tracks (not in album order, sadly).

Friday, March 13, 2015

Drunk And Armed - "The Honky Dance"

15 years in the making.  The Honky Dance is now a reality!  It might look easy but it's not.   Although "inspired" by the Humpty Dance by the Digital Underground, I did not want a cover song, which would not have worked with all the honking, which is my favorite part. In 2002, I met a cat named Kareem, who I asked to pen a rap.  The result is a "song written by a black man sung by a white dude."  The papers (see photos below) sat around with a bunch of my stuff for years.  Occasionally, I would try to "honkify" it, but it was not until recently that I could figure out what to do with it.  I was suffering from tendinitis in my right hand, so I only played the keyboard with one hand.  The result was something I thought I could use, and I next supplied the lovely vocals.  I like it.  It sounds pretty good.  It makes me chuckle, and makes my feet feeling like stomping along.  Maybe it will for you too?

Drunk And Armed - "The Honky Dance"
Track 6 of "The Second Term E.P."
Written by Kareem (concept by SRL)
Music by SRL
Vox, Keyboard/Synth, Engineered by SRL
Intro by BHO


(Click to Enlarge)

(Click to Enlarge)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Songs for Snakes - Year of the Snake

Here's a good, solid new album that you can either download or buy in neat colored vinyl.  Although it has it's own sound, I think it compares favorably with Husker Du.  Check it out.

Keep up the good work, guys.


Friday, May 30, 2014

Drunk And Armed - "Self Indulgent Shadow" & "Wallowing Casualty Vampires"

Drunk And Armed is proud (not really) to release not just one, but two songs!  These songs are the 4th and 5th tracks of The Second Term E.P.  Now the legion of Drunk And Armed fans* can cease their annoying candle light vigil and get the fuck off my front lawn.**

"Self Indulgent Shadow" & "Wallowing Casualty Vampires"

Anyway, before getting to the music and downloads, I would actually (for once) like to write a little bit about how Drunk And Armed songs come to be.  Basically, I just start with a rhythm and/or a beat and let my no-skill fingers do the rest.  (I have talent, but I'll be dammed if I'll use it for something only I will listen to more than once.)  I basically create the framework for something I might like to listen to.  (I have very bad taste.)  Nothing illegal is consumed.  I let the words fit the music.  I then play and sing (if you can call it that) every other part in character (except B.H.O.).  I record it on an Android Tablet four track (lately) and mix it on a P.C. using Nero.  Cheap.  I have never made money.  I can do what I want.  My art is-

The Keyboard is a Roland D20.  I sometimes run it through the guitar pedal.  It's far left key no longer makes sound. I think I wore through the contact points.  I am sad.

One thing about my music inspires me: my children and my parents hate it!  Most people do. I would be disappointed otherwise.  Perhaps, No Trend listeners might like it?  I also like The Fall.

"Self Indulgent Shadow"
I think the inspiration for this song is apparent after the above screed.

Written & Engineered by SRL
BHO - Vocals, Percussion
Geezer Boy - Keyboard
Mr. B. Ligerent - Guitar
SRL - Bass

320 kbps MP3
Wave File
Ogg Vorbis

"Wallowing Casualty Vampires"
It's time to wallow!

Written & Engineered by SRL
BHO - Intro/Outro, Percussion
Geezer Boy - Keyboard, Vox
Mr. B. Ligerent - Guitar, Vox
SRL - Bass, Vox


320 kbps MP3 
Wave File
ogg vorbis

* There is no legion, but heck it has the potential to grow a million-fold.  After all, any number multiplied by zero is still zero...

** Also, there is no one on my front lawn, but you probably figured that out already.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Drunk And Armed - Monster Death Machine

This song, which is the 3rd track of The Second Term E.P., is about drones.

Happy 4.20

Written by SRL
BHO - Vocals & Percussion
Mr. B. Ligerant - Guitar
SRL - Bass

I'm a monster
I kill from the sky
I kill
Death Machine

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee

320 kbps MP3
Ogg Vorbis

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bad Religion – S/T E.P. 7″

Bad Religion – S/T E.P. 7″  It's bad and it's religion.  What else do you need to know?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Drunk And Armed - There Will Be War

There Will Be War
The 2nd track of The Second Term E.P.

Although inspired by recent events (9/2013), the threat implied in the song is nothing new and will be heard again. Even though we don't want it, we will hear "There Will Be War".

BHO: Vox (unpopuli), Keyboard, Percussion
Mr. B. Ligerant: Vox, Gituar
SRL: Vox, Bass
Written by SRL


320 kps MP3
Wav File
Ogg Vorbis (Coming Soon)
Flac File(Coming Soon)

Need A Distraction
It's The Fall
Economic Crisis
War is a Distraction
There Will Be War
War is a Gas
Distract the Masses
No War

They Need to be Bombed
No War

Does anything anyone believes really matter?
There Will Be War