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Happy 12th Birthday To Us!

Feministing is turning 12 today! We’re old in internet years, even older than Twitter. But hey we’re just starting middle school and haven’t even started our teens yet, we’ve got so much rabble rousing left to do.


A Round Up of the States Concerned with “Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs”

Well. It’s been an active few weeks in terms of rolling back LGBT rights and sanctioning discrimination. North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee — it seems like every day there’s a new state.

Well. It’s been an active few weeks in terms of rolling back LGBT rights and sanctioning discrimination. North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee — it seems like every day there’s a new state.


Missouri State Representative is an Embryo Vigilante

Surprise, surprise. Missouri’s state representatives are coming for our rights—again. This time, the threat comes in the form of an ultra-archaic resolution pushed forward by Republican Missouri Rep. Mike Moon. Because once again, as we all know, none-uterus-having humans are just so good at proposing laws and regulations regarding other people’s bodies.

Surprise, surprise. Missouri’s state representatives are coming for our rights—again. This time, the threat comes in the form of an ultra-archaic resolution pushed forward by Republican Missouri Rep. Mike Moon. Because once again, as we all know, none-uterus-having ...


Quick Hit: the Panama Papers are a feminist issue

The Panama Papers—millions of leaked confidential documents from a law firm in Panama—have exposed how some of the world’s most powerful people used offshore bank accounts and shell companies to hide their wealth or avoid taxes. Though financial secrecy and tax dodging may not be the typical rallying issues of feminist movements, as Chiara Capraro and Francesca Rhodes pointed out last week, they should be. 

The Panama Papers—millions of leaked confidential documents from a law firm in Panama—have exposed how some of the world’s most powerful people used offshore bank accounts and shell companies to hide their wealth or ...

A black woman Rosie the Riveter during WW2

It’s Equal Pay Day for cisgender white women

April 12 is officially Equal Pay Day, which we “celebrate” (all the scare quotes) women as a group finally catching up to what men as a group earned in the previous year (technically the precise date for 2016 is April 8).

April 12 is officially Equal Pay Day, which we “celebrate” (all the scare quotes) women as a group finally catching up to what men as a group earned in the previous year (technically the precise date for ...

period protest, sherbaz lehri

Pakistani Students Protest Period Stigma in This Public Art Installation

Earlier, we wrote about several super-cool American and Indian campaigns that helped make 2016 the “year of the period” — including Happy to Bleed and Pads Against Sexism, in which university students lined their campuses with pads. Well, wombs continue shedding their lining — and feminists continue urging society to shed its stigmas — in 2016. (DID YOU SEE THAT WORDPLAY??)

Earlier, we wrote about several super-cool American and Indian campaigns that helped make 2016 the “year of the period” — including Happy to Bleed and Pads Against Sexism, in which university students lined their campuses with ...

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