Frequently Asked Questions
about Juries and Jury Nullification

Recent News and Updates

11885253_10207362557652489_2180797410969448249_nFelony Charge Dropped, Misdemeanor Still in Play
SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor Favors Jury Nullification
Supreme Court Ruling in Hurst v. Florida Preserves Jury Rights
Juror Rights Educators Triumph AGAIN in Denver
Religion Baiting Prosecutor Terrified of Jurors with Consciences

Jury Health Project Logo


FIJA works to:
• Inform potential jurors of their traditional, legal authority to refuse to enforce unjust laws
• Inform potential jurors that they cannot be required to check their consciences at the courthouse door
• Inform potential jurors that they cannot be punished for their verdicts
• Inform everyone that juror veto—jury nullification—is a peaceful way to protect human rights against corrupt politicians and government tyranny

That is FIJA’s message.

Juror’s Guide

  1. On the Grand Jury

  2. Juror’s Handbook

  3. Current State Constitutional Authority for Jury Veto

  4. If You Are Called For Jury Duty

  5. If You Are Facing Charges

