Open Letter from Larry Schwartz, President of Newstex

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I am very excited to announce that Newstex has rebranded as ACI Information Group (ACI for short). The new brand is more than just a commercial name change. It’s a response to the evolution of the content industry and a promise of amazing things to come! As a result of the name change, the Newstex website will no longer be available. Instead, visit us at

Don’t worry! We’re still led by the same team, and we’re still the leading global aggregator of editorially selected and curated social media and blog publications. However, we’ll also be leveraging our 10-year track record of success to revolutionize the way people conduct research by enabling them to find information that is unavailable in traditional media and journals—the content they’ve been missing. Our new tagline succinctly communicates this new strategic vision explaining, “ACI is Research, Revolutionized.”

In support of our expanded strategic vision, ACI will include the news and commentary content aggregation, curation, and distribution services from more than 10,000 sources that Newstex has offered for the past decade as well as the new ACI Scholarly Blog Index (

This new Index includes content published by scholarly authors that is curated and distributed at both university libraries and independent research centers in the form today’s scholarly researchers want it. Already, content in scholarly blogs from professors at leading research institutions like the University of Chicago, MIT, and the London School of Economics is available through the ACI Scholarly Blog Index. In fact, the Index currently includes more than 450,000 scholarly blog posts, and we’re on track to have over one million by the end of the year!

To our existing Authoritative Content publishers, the name change will be seamless and won’t affect how you do business with us. The content industry is constantly evolving, and our goal is to find new ways to ensure that publishers’ high quality content gets to the audiences who need it to do their jobs. We’ve identified groundbreaking ways to make that content available to broader audiences when and where they need it and much more is still to come! It’s this evolution that prompted us to rebrand with a name that better communicates our story.

To scholarly bloggers, ACI provides a way for you to reach new audiences and bolster real-time scholarly communications and post-publication discourse. If your scholarly content is already included in the ACI Scholarly Blog Index, you can contact ACI at any time to update and verify your profile or provide your full-text blog feed so you can earn royalties when your content is accessed through the Index. If you’re a scholarly blogger whose content is not yet in the Index, you can submit your blog to ACI for editorial review and inclusion at any time.

We hope you share our excitement about our expanded strategic vision and the new ACI name! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at our new ACI email address: You can also follow us on Twitter @aciblogindex, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

Larry Schwartz
ACI Information Group