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Shadowproof is funded by readers like you. Our reporting amplifies the grassroots against the power of the corporate state, and our members play a critical role by giving around $15 each month to support our writers and provide a platform for their journalism.

GOAL: 100 members

Current total: 63 members


The Dissenter

Nevada Senator Harry Reid will meet with Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland TODAY, March 17, 2016 at 4 p.m. in room S.224 of the Capitol. Photo by Senate Democrats on Flickr.
17 Mar 2016

Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee Has Mixed Record on Civil Liberties

President Obama’s United States Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, has a mixed record when it comes to civil liberties and national security cases.

Screen shot from "UE/Wells"
16 Mar 2016

Kartemquin Films 50: ‘UE/Wells’

The more you put into fighting the bosses, the more you get. In this 15-minute film from Kartemquin, which was produced in the late 1970s, the United Electrical Workers Union engage in an organizing drive at the Wells Foundry in Chicago. African American, Hispanic, Arab, Polish, and Jewish workers form

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane Sanders, speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr.
16 Mar 2016

What Will Define The Next Phase Of The Sanders Campaign?

As of March 16, Clinton has 1,139 pledged delegates to Sanders’ 825. Did Clinton’s victories stunt the momentum of the Sanders campaign?

15 Mar 2016

Preview: Joseph Hickman On Burn Pits Poisoning Soldiers And Civilians In Iraq And Afghanistan

Shadowproof will host a discussion with author Joseph Hickman about his book, “The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers,” on March 17 at 8 pm ET.


Prison Protest

Signs for a bail bondsmen. (gigaboss on Flickr)
26 Feb 2016

Legislation To End Money Bail Introduced In Congress

Congressman Ted Lieu introduced the No Money Bail Act of 2016, which prohibits the payment of money as a condition of pretrial release.

A detailed aerial view of Rikers Island. (Wikimedia Commons / United States Geological Survey)
26 Feb 2016

Talk Of Jail Construction Creeping Into Debate Over Closing Rikers Island

Will plans to close the notorious Rikers Island jail complex simply lead to the construction of new, smaller jails throughout New York City?

Bernie Sanders (Creative Commons Photo by Benjamin Kerensa)
20 Feb 2016

Bernie Sanders Is Rarely Disloyal to Democrats

On a few recent occasions, Senator Sanders has been instrumental in securing important political victories for the White House at the public’s expense.

Photo from UUSC report, "No Safe Haven Here: Children and Families Face Trauma in the Hands of U.S. Immigration"
12 Feb 2016

Texas Lowers Childcare Standards To Keep Private Family Detention Centers Open

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission quietly lowered standards for licensing childcare facilities, allowing family detention centers to stay open.


The Bullpen

Donald Trump speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr.
16 Mar 2016

Trump Derangement Syndrome: National Review Condemns Poor Whites

The rise of Donald Trump has exposed some uncomfortable truths for the conservative movement.

Hillary Clinton Speaks at a Presidential Primary Rally in Raleigh, NC in 2008 (Keith Kissel on Flickr)
14 Mar 2016

Clinton Claims She Will Defeat Trump With Support Of Foreign Leaders

Last night, the 2016 Democratic Party presidential candidates participated in a town hall event held in Ohio and hosted by CNN. One of the subjects featured prominently was what either candidate would do to counter Donald Trump in a general election campaign. Senator Bernie Sanders first responded to claims by

11 Mar 2016

Wall Street Bonus Pool Is Double Combined Earnings Of Minimum Wage Workers

A new report calculates the Wall Street bonus pool doubles the combined annual earnings of all full-time minimum wage workers in America.

Screenshot of Politico press release announcing the hiring of Brad Dayspring.
10 Mar 2016

Journalism For Sale At Politico?

Sources tell Shadowproof that Politico Pro heavily relies on the powerful people and institutions it covers for its funding.


The Next Cold War

An image of CBU-105 cluster bomb. (YouTube)
17 Mar 2016

US Role In War Crimes In Yemen Getting Harder To Hide

The Obama Admin. continues facing criticism for supporting Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen and refusing to pull that support as evidence of war crimes emerges.

Russian President Putin with Foreign Minister Lavrov, Defence Minister Shoigu. March, 2016. (by Kremlin via CC 4.0)
16 Mar 2016

Russian Semi-Withdrawal, US and Allies Prepare New Anti-Assad Offensive

Next Cold War Roundup 3/16/16 Geneva talks are on. Russia does a surprise semi-withdrawal from Syria, leaving a well equipped Syrian coalition but increasing pressure on Assad to compromise. The US brings to the table a weakened position on the ground but a threat of a Turkish invasion and the

From A Very Heavy Agenda, Directed by Robbie Martin. (
15 Mar 2016

LISTEN: Filmmaker Robbie Martin Discusses Rise Of Neocon Movement After 9/11

On February 18, Daniel Wright talked with filmmaker Robbie Martin about his documentary series, “A Very Heavy Agenda” during a live Shadowproof Event.

Screen shot from MSNBC Hillary Clinton Town Hall
15 Mar 2016

Hillary Clinton Confronted On Support For Regime Change At Town Hall

Using Clinton’s record on the Iraq War and Libya, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asked why she was such a strong supporter of regime change.

