Gravatar Hey, don't forget Boykin

That's a link to his boss talking about his role at the Pentagon.

Short version: his job is to connect intelligence gatherer by the OGAs to Special Forces in the field, a liason, if you will.

One wonders if he was applying some pressure to get results, and it got out of hand..

Gravatar Another question that I haven't yet seen asked is how many detainees received this extracurricular treatment? How many were released and how many are still in custody?

The soldiers dealt out the beatings deserve punishment but so do the people who created the climate that allowed for torture to be used.

Even King Henry II publicly paid penance over the death of Thomas Beckett when his crime was saying, “Who will rid of this mettlesome priest?"

Gravatar I've posted an extended commentary regarding the actual military laws and regulations that cover the treatment of detainees at my blog here: w...geneva_con.html

Most commentators have been focusing on the Geneva Conventions, but there are actually DoD regulations that are more pertinent, that every enlistee or reservist is supposed to have read, and that also define the responsibility up the chain. Read 'em and weep.

Gravatar Did you notice Eric Schmitt's piece in the NYT yesterday, following up on Friday's testimony in which Stephen Cambone claimed responsibility for dispatching Gen. Miller to Iraq last summer to consult on interrogation policy? Cambone is a hard-core neocon, a PNACer and Rumsfeld protege. His involvement in this is practically a guarantee that the decision to sic Miller on the Iraqi detainees, and thus the abuse policy, emanates with full knowledge and direction from Rumsfeld himself. I posted about it at Reading A1, the NY Times front page project




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